Harry was very fortunate that his father's invisibility cloak seemed to be big enough to fit three little wizards in it without any problem.

After a while, they came to the abandoned classroom again, lifted up the invisibility cloak, and Ron pointed at the huge mirror in the middle and said, "That's it. Look, this is a magic mirror."

"Magic mirror?" Tom looked at the luxurious mirror, a little confused, "What can it be used for?"

"Well, I don't know, but I saw my parents in there." Harry said, "You know, they both died when I was very young."

Tom understood instantly.

Does Harry want me to meet my parents here?

He knew that I had never seen them either.

"However, I only saw that I became the student union president and won the Quidditch Cup. I think this mirror might allow people to see the future." Ron said.

"Go ahead and try it, Tom, and see what you can see."

Tom approached the mirror, expecting that like Harry, he would see parents he had never met.

But he only saw a boy in the mirror.

He was chained and stood face to face with him. He was almost as tall as him, and even his movements were exactly the same, but his face didn't look like his own.

In an instant, he recognized the other person.

Tom Riddle.

"Why...why are you here?" he asked in shock.

The boy opened his mouth, but no sound came out, but Tom somehow understood what he meant.

[This is a mirror, Tom. People always see themselves in the mirror. 】

Tom shook his head, "No, this is impossible, you have already...the time is wrong...and the way you look..."

[Appearances can be tampered with, time can be traced back, and even death may not be the end...Don't you know all of this? 】

"No, it's impossible, that notebook..."

[It is a liar. 】

"How do I know you won't lie to me?"

【Ask your heart. Tom. 】

【What are you afraid of? 】

"If I were you, what would I be? Who would be me?"

[Only you know this answer, Tom. 】

[Give me freedom, and then give you freedom. 】

Tom saw the boy in the mirror suddenly tearing apart the chains on his body, and suddenly turned into a plume of black smoke rising into the sky.

"Tom, what did you see?" Harry asked curiously, "Did you see your parents?"

"No." Tom's frown gradually relaxed, "I see freedom."

"Nicolas Flamel is Dumbledore's good friend and a master of alchemy. His greatest achievement is the Sorcerer's Stone."

The next day, at breakfast, Tom said to Harry and Ron, "I have looked him up in the "Alchemical Directory of Ancient and Modern Times."

"You found him?!" Harry was pleasantly surprised. "We should write and tell Hermione, she will be surprised."

"Philosopher's Stone, what is that?" Ron asked, "Sounds pretty common?"

Magic stone, it feels similar to Gobstone.

"On the contrary, it is extremely precious." Tom said, picking up the mashed potatoes in front of him with a fork, but he still had no appetite.

"The Philosopher's Stone, also called the Philosopher's Stone, is an alchemical creation."

"Legend has it that it can turn stone into gold and can also create the elixir of life. Nico Flamel used it to create the elixir of life and lived for more than 600 years."

"Can make gold! Immortality! God..." Ron shouted, "Everyone will go crazy for it."

"Not only that, but what makes it precious is that because it is extremely difficult to refine, there is only one magic stone left in the world."

"And I think it should be right now..."

"In school!" Harry's eyes lit up, "Behind the trap door! That's it. With such a treasure, no wonder Snape wants to get it..."

But when he saw Tom's face, he felt something was wrong, "Tom, what's wrong with you? Is your matter related to this matter?"

Tom frowned and hesitated for a long time.

Suddenly, he thought, [This seems like an opportunity. 】

"Do you want to stop Snape?" he asked.

"What? Of course."

"Then how are you going to stop him?" Tom asked, "We know about the Philosopher's Stone, but you also heard what Hagrid said. No one will believe us, they won't listen to us."

Harry thought for a long time, "That's because we have no evidence. If we can find evidence that Snape is plotting the Philosopher's Stone, the professors will definitely listen."

"Okay," Tom nodded, "How to find evidence?"

"...I don't know." Harry lowered his head in frustration, "Snape definitely can't tell this everywhere."

Tom looked at him for a while and said, "There is a way to definitely stop him."

"any solution?"

"Get the Philosopher's Stone before Snape."

Tom's crazy proposal was temporarily rejected. After all, sneaking into a very dangerous place to steal an extremely valuable thing is not a good thing.

"We might be captured in Azkaban." Ron said, his face turned pale.

And Harry didn't want to do this. To stop a thief and become a thief himself... was too weird.

"Okay." Tom convinced them without thinking, and, [The Philosopher's Stone alone is of no use, I also need the formula for the elixir of life. 】

Harry went to the abandoned classroom again that night, wanting to see his parents in the mirror again, and met the long-awaited Dumbledore.

Dumbledore reveals to Harry the truth about the Mirror of Erised, "which allows us to see our deepest, most intense desires."

"You've never seen your family, so you see them standing around you. Ron Weasley had always been dwarfed by his brothers, so he saw himself standing alone, the oldest of them all. Excellent."

"As for Lucas..." Dumbledore's blue eyes revealed a look of thought, "What he saw was freedom..."

"In any case, Harry, this mirror can neither teach us nor tell us the truth."

"The mirror will be moved to a new place tomorrow. Harry, I ask you not to look for it again. If you happen to see it one day, you must be mentally prepared. Indulge in illusory dreams and forget about reality. Life is useless, remember it."

School started, and Hermione returned to school. She was very happy to hear that they had found Nicolas Flamel, and then heard about the magic mirror. Finally, she heard Tom's proposal to get the Sorcerer's Stone in front of Snape. They were all stunned.

Only then did she realize that this guy who didn't talk much on weekdays was the one who flouted the rules the most among them.

"Oh my God, this is so ridiculous, we might go to jail for this!"

"No." Tom said, "As long as we take out the Philosopher's Stone and hand it over to a trustworthy professor, it will be fine."

"Give it to who? They will expel us!"

"Not with a professor."

Hermione also reacted immediately, "You mean...Professor Murphy?"

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