Dumbledore stayed for a while and then finally said: "Oh, that must be Jiminy. He is an idiot, but he doesn't like to admit it. He will reply to every wizard who submits a letter to insult them..."

"Unless the paper is written by a famous wizard - or at least recommended by a famous wizard..."

"Ha." Murphy sneered, this is really in line with wizard tradition.

"Don't worry, I will write you a letter of recommendation." Dumbledore said, "Such wisdom should not be buried."

"Thank you, Professor." Murphy said.

The two walked for a while and came to a rock beside the outer wall of the castle.

Murphy was thinking about how to ask Dumbledore to borrow the Philosopher's Stone. Suddenly, Dumbledore stopped.

Murphy saw his eyes staring at a cliff near the castle, seeming to be lost in thought, "Professor? What's wrong?"

"I remember there was a crying face tree here, but it's gone." Dumbledore said.

"Crying face tree?"

"That's an apple tree, growing in the crevices of this cliff. There are a few strange knots on its trunk. It looks like an old man crying in mourning. And it is said that it has been enchanted. Among the fruits that grow every year, there is always a green one, which is highly poisonous.”

"A guy once put a green apple on my plate to prevent me from taking a test. Unfortunately, it was just an ordinary unripe fruit. I still remember the taste of that apple, very sour. , It’s really strange, when did it disappear?”

Murphy was stunned, "You're talking about something that happened when you were in school, right? How long has it been since you've been here?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, then suddenly sighed.

"It's very strange to say that when I was in school, I was full of curiosity about this castle, but there were many places I was not allowed to explore. But when I became a professor, I had the power to explore any area, but I no longer had the power to explore any area. Such excitement. Maybe I haven’t been here for decades.”

"In fact, walking and thinking by this lake used to be what I did most when I was young, but in the past ten years or so, you may be the only person who invited me to come here for a walk."

"They may think you are too busy." Murphy said.

"Maybe I just feel that I am old and my legs and feet are not flexible, and I am afraid that I will trip over stones and fall."

The old man also made a joke to himself.

"Murphy, do you know what the best magic in the world is?"

"The best?" Murphy didn't know why, "Patronus?"

"Ah, Patron Saint, of course, it's not bad to chew on those happy memories over and over again... But for memories, the better way to deal with them is to forget them."

"The scariest thing about being an old man is that you can always clearly recall every memory in your life."

"Every regret, every miss, every irreversibility is always like a sharp thorn hiding there, ready to jump out and prick you at any time."

"Even those beautiful things, those happy and happy memories, are still bitter. Because you know clearly that those are things in the past and will never happen again."

"You are already at the end of your life. Every day that passes, you are further and further away from that golden age."

"Time is a burden." The old man said, "When you reach my age, maybe you will understand these words."

Dumbledore seemed to have a lot of emotions, but Murphy really couldn't understand what he said.

He frowned, "So, you don't yearn for immortality?"

"Immortality..." Dumbledore seemed to be in a trance again and did not realize his purpose. After a while, he said: "The strange thing is that I was fascinated by this when I was young."

"But then I gradually understood that immortality is suitable for those extremely lucky people - they have only received happiness and gifts in a long time without regrets. Or, it is suitable for extremely cold and strong people - —In their lives, neither other people nor the world matter, so they can endure endless loneliness.”

"You are referring to Nicoléme and Voldemort." Murphy said.

Dumbledore glanced at him and said, "Yes, Nico is very lucky. And Tom..."

He paused and ultimately did not comment on his former student.

"Actually, I also yearn for immortality." Murphy suddenly said, "I even want to borrow the magic stone to study it."

Dumbledore fell silent, seemingly shocked by Murphy's frankness.

"Professor, I've always found it very strange."

"The Philosopher's Stone, capable of making gold and elixirs of life."

"There's no one who doesn't like gold, there's no one... well, maybe except you, there's no one who doesn't like immortality."

"Your friend M. Flamel must have liked it too, otherwise why would he have made it?"

"You said that immortality is suitable for at least two kinds of people, but doesn't anyone think that they might be as lucky as Flamel? Doesn't anyone think that they might be as rich and carefree as Flamel? Live six hundred years?”

"However, this magic stone is placed in the school, and more than ten professors know its existence, but no one wants to use it to study it?"

"Is everyone so stoic?"

"To be honest, I always feel that there is something wrong with our professors' psychology."

"Maybe I am too greedy, but I have always felt that I am a normal person, which makes me seem incompatible with everyone."

After a long time, Dumbledore said: "The Philosopher's Stone is a treasure, but it belongs to Nico. None of us have the right to deal with it."

"What if I want the refining method of the Philosopher's Stone and the formula for the elixir of life?" Murphy continued, "Can you ask Mr. Flamel for me?"

After another long silence, Dumbledore said with difficulty: "That is very dangerous knowledge... Whether it is the Philosopher's Stone or the Elixir of Life, they have too much power to destroy many things on which we depend for our existence."

"Few people can resist their temptation, and most people will only become distorted because of it..."

Murphy looked at the old man and said, "So you don't trust me."

Dumbledore was startled.

"No, Murphy, I just said that we can't take such a risk. Imagine that if the power of making gold is abused, the gold coins in the hands of wizards will be worthless. If the elixir of life becomes rampant... who wants to control it? Future generations are responsible? Our society will collapse because of this..."

"However, power is too tempting, and no one can resist that temptation..."

"But your friend Nicolas Flamel?" Murphy questioned.

"Nico...Nico is special. He is a hermit. All he wants is a peaceful life. He doesn't have much ambition. He will not abuse it..."

"So, you don't trust me." Murphy said, "Just like you didn't trust Tom Riddle back then."

Dumbledore looked at him in astonishment, "Do you know him?"

Murphy looked at him with a strange look, "So many people are fighting for you, but most of them don't even know who they are fighting against. You have to keep even the secrets of your enemies secret. To be honest, I I really don’t understand, Professor.”

Dumbledore was silent for a while again, "Trust is a luxury, Murphy."

Murphy nodded, "I can accept it."

"You don't even trust yourself. How about everyone else?"

"But, do you remember your views on the basic principles of magic?"

"As long as you believe in it, sincerely and without reservation, it will always give you miracles."

"Isn't it?"

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