Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 212 Riddle is Tom’s grandfather?

The door suddenly opened.

"How do you know this name?" Hagrid looked at the boy in front of him in shock.

"Can we go in and talk?" Tom asked. "I think this might be a long conversation."

Hagrid finally let Tom into his hut again. He poured himself a cup of tea, but forgot to give it to Tom. He was shocked by the name, which reminded him of the tragic experience fifty years ago.

"Why did you ask Riddle?" Hagrid asked again.

"I saw it in the school's prize display room, and he won the special contribution award to the school." Tom said, "Later I learned that this award was because he prevented a vicious incident, and in that incident, Tao Jin Mother was killed and I talked to Myrtle and she mentioned you.”

"Myrtle." Hagrid took a sip of tea from his cup, "Yes, yes, that's that girl's name. I will never forget it."

"They said it was me and Aragog killed her." Hagrid looked like he was about to cry. Even though fifty years had passed, he still felt very aggrieved when he thought of the scene at that time.

"Aragog?" Tom asked.

"Aragog is an Acromantula. I kept it in a box at the time. It was so small at the time, and it was very obedient. It is not dangerous at all. It will not hurt anyone..."

"Acromantula?" Tom was stunned for a moment.

He had seen in the book that they were giant spiders that could grow bigger than a truck. They were also intelligent, carnivorous, and had extremely poisonous venom.

Such a creature is not dangerous at all?

Recalling that Hagrid also raised Fluffy, the three-headed hell dog, Tom had a new understanding of the "small" and "not dangerous" in Hagrid's mind.

But the eyes of the Acromantula are all black. What are the two big yellow eyes that Myrtle mentioned?

"Did Tom Riddle find out you were raising acromantulas?" Tom asked.

"Yes." Hagrid said sadly, "He mistakenly thought it was the monster that killed the girl. But no, Aragog would never hurt anyone!"

"What kind of person is Tom Riddle?" Tom couldn't help it and asked directly.

In fact, he didn't particularly care about what happened fifty years ago. He just maintained a basic curiosity about how Myrtle died. The real reason that drove him to pursue this matter was Tom Riddle. And the inexplicable familiarity he felt towards this name.

Hagrid was stunned, as if he didn't quite understand why Tom would ask this question.

"Tell me, Hagrid, this is important to me."

"You... why do you care about things fifty years ago? Why do you ask Tom Riddle? Tom..." Suddenly, Hagrid's eyes widened, "Your name is also Tom... are you related to Riddle?" ?"

"I don't know." Tom sighed.

"I grew up in an orphanage. They said my parents were ordinary people, maybe Muggles."

"But, this name... I don't know why, it always feels very familiar to me. Maybe... I think maybe..."

Hagrid understood.

Tom is just a kid who wants to know where he comes from.

He had seen this kind of emotion in Harry, and he had experienced it himself. Perhaps it was because of this that he had a particularly favorable impression of Harry.

"Riddle..." Hagrid thought for a moment, "He is very smart."

"He's a Slytherin just like you." Hagrid said, glancing at Tom, "But you guys look different."

"Oh! By the way, Riddle seems to have grown up in an orphanage, just like you. He has good grades and is very polite. He is very popular in Slytherin and everyone likes him." As he said that, Hagrid sighed, "But he wrongly blamed Aragog."

"Aragog was so scared of the thing in the secret room that he didn't even dare to mention its name. I asked him many times...it was the monster who killed that girl..."

"But no one believed me."

"They said I opened the Chamber of Secrets... but I don't even know who the heir of Slytherin is... I am Gryffindor, how could I open the Chamber of Secrets..."

"The secret room?" Tom looked at him doubtfully, "What is that?"

"Legend has it that Salazar Slytherin left a secret chamber in the castle that only his heirs could open..."

"There... forget it, it has nothing to do with Riddle, let's just talk about him."

"In short, Tom Riddle is a good student with both good character and academic performance. He seemed to go traveling after graduation...I don't know what happened after that...He was in Slytherin at that time, and we were not very familiar with him."

"Your middle name is Tom... If you are really related, judging from the time, maybe he is your grandfather..."

Fifty years is exactly the time of two generations...

Tom thought, yes, it is really possible.

No wonder I feel something about this name. Maybe Tom Riddle is really my grandfather? But later his descendants chose to stay in the Muggle world, perhaps not knowing their origins.

Riddle is also a Slytherin, and he also grew up in an orphanage. With so many similarities, it may not be a coincidence.

More importantly, I feel familiar with this name for no reason.

Perhaps, this is the influence of his magic power that has been passed down?

At lunch the next day, the three little ones noticed that Tom seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Is the matter resolved?" Hermione asked.

"So we have solved some problems." Tom said, "By the way, have you found any clues about who Nico Flamel was that Hagrid mentioned?"

"No." Hermione was a little disappointed, "I always feel like I've seen this name somewhere, but I can't remember it."

"Maybe we can tell the professor about this," Tom said. "Hagrid is right. We are meddling in things that have nothing to do with us."

"No professor will believe us," Ron said. "Not even Hagrid believes that Snape is a bad person."

Tom thought for a while and asked Harry: "Do you really want to get involved in this?"

"Snape wants to kill me! He's doing something bad and I have to stop him!"

Tom nodded, "Well, if we must do it, it's not impossible. The professors don't believe us because they think we are still children and there is no evidence. If we get the evidence, they can't ignore it. ”

"Evidence?" Harry became interested, "How to do it?"

Tom took out his goblin gold coin and said, "Put this in Snape's office. Maybe we can hear his plan."

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