A few days later, during lunch, Harry Potter received a Nimbus 2000, which almost made the other first-year students jealous.

As a result, Gryffindor has the smallest Seeker in a century.

Due to the pressure of Quidditch training, he and Ron had fewer opportunities to get close to Hagrid. When Ron was free, he also joined Murphy's research team in order to get a new wand.

However, Ron's math level is far behind Hermione and Tom, and he can basically only do the simplest job: being a tester.

Ron was quite happy with it. After all, the testers only had to follow orders and do whatever they were told. It was better than Hermione and Tom having to chew a Muggle math book on mathematical statistics all day long until they were dizzy. .

Moreover, Murphy also promised him that when the research is completed, he will give him a new wand for free.

The next month was very fulfilling for the foursome.

Not only did Harry have Quidditch training in addition to his schoolwork, Ron also had to come to Murphy as a tester every day after school or on Saturdays and Sundays. He had to use spells countless times a day, and his level of spells was also very low. Slowly rising, he became the fastest improving student in the Charms class besides Hermione and Tom.

Not to mention Hermione and Tom, who not only have to take care of their studies, but also take care of the wand test, study mathematics, and complete the study tasks of group projects-about ghosts and Legilimency. In addition, Secretly they are still concerned about the secret behind the trap door.

And Tom even has to investigate his own life experience.

Sometimes when Murphy saw it, he felt tired for them.

When I was in school, I had never worked so hard.

The burden on this class of students is really too heavy.

But Murphy had no intention of reducing their burden.

Who makes you a genius?

If you are a genius, you have to work harder than others. Otherwise, wouldn't such a good talent be wasted?

By mid-October, Murphy had almost completed constructing the wand principle.

He held the ninth group meeting.

"In the past month, we have clarified a lot of things through various experiments."

"First, we verified that the wand is a magic amplifier through magic testing with or without the wand. But at this time we don't know the mechanism of this amplifier."

"Second, by testing the magic power around the wizard, we discovered the fluidity of the magic power. That is, in a static state, the magic power will naturally overflow, but when necessary, the magic power will be concentrated according to the wizard's will."

"When a spell is cast, magic is concentrated from all parts of the wizard's body to his arms, where it is emitted through the wand."

"Third, along the line of magic fluidity, we found the first mechanism of action of the wand as an amplifier: we verified the magic tip conjecture."

"Miss Granger proposed through the observation of magical animals that the part where most magical animals release magic is at a certain tip. For example, creatures with horns usually use their horns to release magic, and the magic tip helps to release magic. Concentrate the magic power, increase the concentration and intensity of the external magic power, make it break through the original boundaries, and strengthen the effect of the magic power."

"A wand is just an artificial magic tip."

"It can concentrate the wizard's magic power, making it several times or even dozens of times stronger than normal. At the same time, this concentration effect will allow the magic power to be emitted more in the form of beams and jets, making it less likely that the magic power will overflow. It disperses, greatly increasing the range of magic power."

"This feature also makes the spells cast with the wand mostly single-target spells."

"But the magic tip conjecture cannot explain non-directional spells, such as apparation, flying spells, manifestation spells, and various summoning spells. After all, in some cases, apparation may need to span a distance of tens of kilometers. And it’s impossible for a wizard’s magic to extend so far.”

"So, we proposed the magic antenna conjecture. This is the second mechanism of action of the magic wand amplifier."

"For non-directive spells, we suspect that the way they occur is directive. That is: the wizard gives a command and the magic of the world is responsible for carrying it out."

"The command signal that is sent to the world's magic power - we call it the magic network for short - is through the wand. It is equivalent to a signal amplifier at the moment."

"So now we have two parts of the wand conjecture: the magic tip conjecture for directional spells, and the magic antenna conjecture for non-directional spells."

"Based on these two conjectures, we can make an inference about the performance of the wand."

"According to the magic tip conjecture, the function of the wand is to restrain and concentrate the wizard's magic power, making it more concentrated, stronger, with a longer range and more accurate."

"At this point, we can think of the wand as a water pipe or a gun barrel, and the magic is the water flow or bullets sprayed through the wand."

"Theoretically, the thicker the water pipe, the more dispersed the water flow, and the thinner the water pipe, the more concentrated the water flow and the greater the pressure."

"But at the same time, if the pressure from the wizard's body to the wand is suddenly increased, it will also cause greater pressure on the wall of the tube. If it exceeds a certain limit, the wand may be broken by the impact of magic."

"So a wand usually needs a tapered structure, with the handle being thicker and the tip being thinner, gradually concentrating the magic."

"In terms of accuracy, the longer the barrel, the more accurate the bullet's trajectory will be, but a barrel that is too long will lead to more spillage and waste of energy."

"There's a balance there."

"On the other hand, according to the magic antenna conjecture, the function of the wand is to transmit and receive signals, and is a signal amplifier. And the magic signal - no matter what form it is in, whether it is ether or element, it is A wave.”

"Everything in the world is rippled. Magic is hardly an exception."

"We demonstrated this through interference experiments."

"As long as it is a wave, it can be described by four physical quantities: wavelength, frequency, amplitude, and wave speed."

"The wave speed of the magic signal is very fast. Our tests have not reached its upper limit, but there is a high probability that it is also the speed of light."

"The frequency and wavelength depend on the intensity of the magic. The stronger the intensity, the shorter the wavelength and the higher the frequency. This is similar to electromagnetic waves. The amplitude depends on the amount of magic. The higher the energy of the magic, the greater the amplitude."

"Understanding the similarities between magical signals and electromagnetic waves, we can design wands based on antennas from the Muggle world."

"The signal is best when the antenna length is one-quarter of the wavelength."

"After our tests, based on the magic power of wizards, the signal waves emitted are often close to medium and short waves. The more powerful the wizard, the stronger the magic power and the shorter the wavelength. The wavelength of the magic power of the young wizard is close to the medium wave. For an ordinary adult wizard, the signal wave is between shortwave and medium wave, which is a wavelength of about 100m."

"If calculated according to this, the wand should be close to 25 meters long."

"But obviously a wand can't be that long, so in terms of signal strength, the longer the wand should be, the better."

"In fact, ancient wands were really long."

"As long as you check a few "History of the Development of Magic Wands" in the library, you will find that the early magic wand was basically a cane about two meters high."

"It uses magic metal as a wire inside, and various precious gems as magic nodes on the head or core to enhance the power of the wand."

"The wands at that time were not only extremely expensive, but they could actually be wielded as a club."

"Later, after countless wand-making masters' research, the main material of the wand core was gradually replaced from magical metals to lighter magical animals and plants, and the wand became lighter."

"But a question arises here. How can our current wands, which are so short, have signal capabilities that are not inferior to those of ancient wands?"

"Muggles' antennas actually don't look long. This is because many antennas use induction technology, that is, adding induction coils at some positions of the antenna to shorten the physical length of the antenna. Sometimes helical coils are even used directly. antenna."

"And after our dissection, we found that the core of the wand actually has a similar structure!"

"The core of the wand is the wire of the antenna. The length of the wand core before processing, such as dragon heartstrings, phoenix tail feathers, unicorn hair, etc., is usually no more than fifteen centimeters, but after being fused with the wand body through the fusion potion , its whole body grows like roots, and grows together with the body of the staff, greatly increasing its overall length."

"The knots and loops formed between the roots are the magic induction coils, and the countless roots connected in parallel form an antenna array, which greatly enhances the wand's signal."

"These structural changes have allowed today's wands to shrink to about a dozen inches."

"We don't know if those staff-making masters understood the magic antenna theory, but they did complete this technological progress through countless generations of exploration."

"However, we can build on their achievements and rely on the wisdom of Muggle technology to raise the strength of the wand to a new level."

"For example, a magic wand can be regarded as a rod-shaped omnidirectional antenna. The signal spreads out quickly and the propagation range is not too far. But what if we change it into a directional antenna? Can we achieve cross-continental apparation? , a flying curse with a range of several kilometers?"

"For another example, although the natural growth of the core of the wand will form an antenna array, due to undesigned reasons, the antenna array pattern formed is very chaotic, the signals interfere with each other, and the gain and cancellation effects coexist, which greatly weakens the antenna array pattern. Signal strength.”

"If we could control the growth of the wand's core to form a regular array of antennas, the signal strength of the wand would be greatly improved."

"Next, our study was conducted in two parts."

"Tom and Hermione, you have completed the design of the wand body through the modeling knowledge you have recently learned, based on the magic tip conjecture and analogy to fluid mechanics. Of course, if you have spare capacity, you can also use some simple antenna design ideas. Consider things like helical coil antennas and the like.”

"And I am responsible for the structural design of the directional fusion potion and the core of the staff."

One of these two pieces involves extremely advanced potion knowledge, and the other requires powerful modeling and computing capabilities. It is impossible for the two little ones to participate at their current level.

"Professor, what about me?" Ron asked.

"You..." Murphy thought for a while, but he really didn't expect the work that Ron could do, "Go and make me a cup of tea."

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