Chapter 167 Harry Potter

"Hello, Remus."

In the ward, Murphy saw the man who had just woken up.

Remus Lupin was seriously injured. The virus in Greyback's saliva entered his brain, causing him severe brain inflammation. He was in a coma for a long time and only recently woke up.

Remus looked extremely haggard. Since he had been relying on injections and liquid food to supplement his nutrition, he was thin and out of shape. He was even paler and sicker than before, with almost no trace of blood on his face.

"Are you Murphy Darkholm?"

Murphy nodded.

"Those werewolves..."

He woke up a few times, but quickly went to rest again. He had never left the ward and was not aware of the situation outside.

"Oh, twelve of them died. The rest were rescued." Murphy said, "Those friends of yours are lucky, they are all still alive."

Most of the dead werewolves were the ones who had the most fun dancing with Greyback. Murphy's crow had been following them for a while, and who should be killed would survive. In fact, before Radwan Perry and the others took action, Already have a good idea.

"Twelve..." Lu Ping was a little shocked, but didn't say much.

Some of his compatriots did not regret their death.

"Thank you for letting them go," Lu Ping said.

He was referring to the werewolves he had become friends with. Most of them had relatively weak characters. They followed Greyback basically because they had no choice. They didn't have much blood debt on their hands. They were shunned by Greyback and his die-hard militants. A despised group.

Lupine knew that with the dozen werewolves who could transform at any time and remain sane, it was possible to kill everyone. If they could survive, there should be Murphy's intervention factor.

"No need to thank me, they are still useful." Murphy said.

"What are you going to do with them?" Lupine asked.

"For a period of time, they will be my prisoners." Murphy said, "I will provide some education and ideological transformation to them, so that they become ordinary people who are not harmful to society, and depends on their own If you want to stay and work for me, you can join my team. If you want to go back and be an ordinary person, I won't force you to stay."

Lu Ping looked at him for a while and said, "You are different from what they said."

Murphy smiled and said, "Don't pay too much attention to what others say. If you feel annoyed, just beat him back. Mr. Remus, what about you, what are your plans for your future?"

"I...don't know yet." Lu Ping said in confusion.

He was almost ready to die when he decided to stand up for his fellow citizens.

He himself didn't quite understand how the motive was formed at that time. After so many years of confusion and wandering, he just lived numbly, but the moment he heard the news that Sirius was innocent, he was filled with surprise and seemed to It stung deeply.

My friends have been fighting.

James died for this.

Sirius suffered ten years in prison.

But they never bowed to fate.

What have I been doing all these years in comparison?

How is this me different from that timid mouse, and how can I be their true friend?

Perhaps it was because of this anger towards himself that he chose to challenge Greyback without any intention.

"If you don't have any plans yet, I have a suggestion here." Murphy seemed to see his confusion and said: "I want you to teach those werewolves."

"Your compatriots are very hostile to wizards and Muggles. It is difficult for my people to really get close to them. Only you can win their trust."

"Of course, you don't have to decide this matter right away. Take good care of yourself first, and then think about it."

"When you get better, I'll take you to see someone."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing, I need to ask your opinion." Murphy said and took out an iron cage.

I saw a big gray mouse in the cage with one finger missing, hiding in the corner, with its head buried in its chest, looking listless, and it was unclear whether it was dead or alive.

"Pettigrew?!" Lupine recognized it at first sight.

"Wasn't he kidnapped? Why is he here with you?"

Murphy shrugged, "Because I was the one who robbed it."

Lupine was very puzzled, "Why should we save him? Letting him rot and stink in Azkaban is the ending he deserves."

"Sirius can escape from Azkaban even if he turns into a big dog, let alone a mouse who is better at escaping?"

"Azkaban may not be able to imprison him. Instead of letting him escape on his own, I might as well capture him first."

"Now, I am taking him out just to ask your opinion." Murphy said, "If you want to kill him, you can do it now. If you don't want to, I will take him away. He still has some feelings for me." Of course, I can guarantee that his ending will not be easier than death."

"Does Sirius know?"

"I told him from the beginning, but he said that he already got what he wanted and didn't care about Pettigrew's life or death, so he let you decide."

Lupine thought for a while, "Can you guarantee that he will not continue to do evil?"

Murphy nodded.

"Take it away and do with it whatever you want. This is the punishment he deserves."

In mid-June, Remus Lupine's injury had basically recovered. Murphy took him to Stoat Mountain and knocked on a door halfway up the mountain.

"Sir, there is a knock on the door." A boy's voice came from the room.

"Oh, maybe it's Arthur again. Tell him if he apologizes again, I won't open the door for him."

But as he spoke, the door suddenly opened.

A handsome man wearing a lilac shirt with long curly hair stood in the door, with a slight smile on his face, but when he saw the two of them, his expression froze.

"Blake," Murphy raised the two bottles of wine he was carrying, "Royal Blancola, let's celebrate your move into a new home."

"Ah, thank you." Sirius Black glanced at Murphy, but soon turned his eyes to Lupine next to him again.

"You seem to be doing well, Sirius." To Murphy's surprise, Lupine said.

"Well, you don't look much better, my friend. Another scar?"

There was no apology, no crying, the two just teased each other, as if the more than ten years of separation did not exist, and the last time they met was just yesterday.

The two men smiled, stretched out their arms, and hugged each other.


Such friendship.

Murphy was actually a little envious.

"Come on, please come in." Blake opened the door and invited Murphy and Lupine to enter the cabin.

Unexpectedly, the room was very clean and tidy, and in the living room, stood a thin boy, wearing a pair of round glasses, looking curiously at his godfather's friend.

"Sirius, this is..."

"Yes," Sirius said with a look that could be called loving, "James and Lily's child, Harry."

"Harry Potter."

Death is literally like going to bed after a long day, and, for those with a clear mind, death is just another great adventure.

Good luck on your journey.

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