What does it feel like to fly at Mach 3?

First you will feel silence.

No sound can catch up with your speed, and no movement from outside can reach your ears.

When the outside world fades away, you gradually begin to hear the sounds of your body, first the beating of your blood, then your breathing, and then gradually, you seem to be able to feel the peristalsis of your internal organs and the contraction of your muscles.

Secondly, you will completely lose the perception of distance.

You are soaring high in the sky, with an unobstructed view of the vast land. There is no distance reference around you. Only the clouds that keep passing by show how fast you are flying.

Third, you'll want to scream with excitement.

The ultimate speed always makes people's blood pumping.

But Murphy didn't scream. He was now a raven, and his beak was encased in a titanium alloy shell, so he couldn't open it at all. He could only choose to look at the scenery to relieve his excitement.

Behind the small goggles, his eyes casually scanned the ground. His ultra-long-distance vision allowed him to see people on the ground clearly even though he was thousands of meters above the ground.

But soon, the joy of this observation was gone, because he had flown out of San Francisco, and the land below turned into a jungle and farmland.

Then he saw another city, but half a minute later, it was also left behind. He saw another small lake, then a city, a mountain forest, a city, a mountain forest. After several cycles, he saw canyon.

A thousand kilometers away, it took him only ten minutes to reach his destination.

Just as he was about to slow down, a storm cloud appeared in front of him.

He dived in before he could turn around during the ultra-high-speed flight. Several bright electric lights flashed in front of his eyes. He seemed to see a huge silhouette, and then with a bang, he felt a momentary obstruction, like a penetration. Something hit, and then it rushed out of the storm cloud.

What the hell?

He immediately slowed down and finally braked to below the speed of sound, when he heard a piercing bird call coming from the storm cloud behind him.

Perhaps because they were both birds, he actually heard pain and anger in the voice.

Then, with a whoosh, the storm cloud suddenly opened a gap, and a big bird with a golden body and as beautiful as the sun rushed out from it.

It was an extremely beautiful bird, with a head like an eagle and a body as big as a truck. It had three pairs of wings, and the wingspan of the largest pair was estimated to be over ten meters.

But at this moment, there was a big hole in the second wing on its right side. The wing was almost divided into two halves by the hole, and it was completely broken, leaving only a little bit of skin hanging down, and blood that was shining with electric light was constantly flowing down.


That was obviously what he had just created.

At the speed of Mach 3, in his raven form, he was like a cannonball. Coupled with the titanium alloy helmet he was wearing, it was directly upgraded to an armor-piercing projectile. No flesh and blood body could withstand such an impact.

The thunderbird can stir up wind and thunder. Apparently, it was unfortunate that it was just in front of its flight path.

Suddenly the thunderbird roared, and its golden eyes stared at him. Murphy understood the expression, "You are the one who hurt me! I want to shark you!"

Brother, if I say I really didn’t mean it, would you believe it?

The thunderbird flapped its largest pair of wings and rushed over with a roar, but its movements were obviously a little uncoordinated. It was obviously because the small wings were broken, making it lose its balance.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Murphy started to speed up and prepared to escape, but the thunderbird roared again, wind and thunder gathered, and a storm cloud appeared out of thin air in front of Murphy, and then a bolt of lightning struck Murphy, making him stunned. Black, fell directly from the sky.

After falling hundreds of meters in an instant, Murphy suddenly woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a big mouth opening, ready to swallow him.

In the flash of lightning, he immediately accelerated and rushed forward to avoid the Thunderbird's attack. However, his body was blown off balance by the huge wind pressure when the latter rushed towards him. The titanium alloy bird helmet was also blown away. Murphy The world was spinning, and he subconsciously opened his mouth to bite the thing that was passing in front of him. It seemed to be the edge of a small wing.

After a sting, Murphy heard another cry of pain, and suddenly found that he had bitten the already injured wing, and tore off the remaining wing with a little flesh and blood while the latter was writhing in pain. .

A rain of light golden blood immediately covered Murphy's body, and the crackling electric light made his whole body numb.

The thunderbird went completely crazy now. It screamed with great anger. Countless lightning bolts like fences spread out from around it, and the air was immediately filled with the smell of ozone.

It's over, now I've completely pissed people off.

Murphy did not dare to stay any longer, so he immediately turned into a human being, took out his wand, and Apparated and disappeared in place, jumped behind a heavily weathered rock, and then Apparated again. After using Apparition several times in a row, he finally saw The poor ptarmigan was gone, but the angry chirping still came from the distance, sadly and endlessly.

I'm sorry, brother, I really didn't mean it.

After confirming that the Thunderbird could not see him, Murphy once again transformed into a raven and flew into the sky, but this time he did not dare to fly so fast. He only cruised in the air at subsonic speed, looking for the basilisk. traces.

However, after searching for more than two hours, his eyes were almost exhausted, and he still could not find the location of the basilisk.

He landed and stopped on a bare tree, wondering if the explorer was bragging. Maybe he hadn't seen any basilisks at all.

At this time, suddenly a crow stopped next to him.

It was a North American crow, but it was smaller than the raven Murphy transformed into at the moment. Its feathers showed a blue-purple metallic luster in Murphy's four-color vision at this moment, which was very... beautiful .

"Quack-quack-" the crow suddenly called him twice.

Inexplicably, Murphy understood, something along the lines of: "You're strong."

Murphy: "Gah."

It means: "Oh."

"Gu-gu-" (Can you dance for me?)

Murphy: "Quack? Quack!"

I'll dance for you wherever I go.

The crow moved to the side, but after a while it came close to it again, "Cro-coo-coo-" (My family is very big, do you want to come to Kangkang?)

Murphy: "!!"


This bird wants to fuck me!

He finally figured out that this female crow was courting him!

It's spring now, a season when everything comes alive. It's normal for birds to be in heat, but... I'm a wizard! Did you make a mistake?

Oh well, now I am indeed a bird.

Murphy was about to take off quickly and kill this forbidden love, but suddenly his mind changed and he stopped again.


"Do you know there is a big reptile somewhere nearby that can turn animals into immovable stones?"

The Grand Canyon is so big, and he is unfamiliar with the place. Where to find it, he might as well ask these old Americans.

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