He had a lot of things about systems in his memory. After all, it was related to his major. He had to learn books like Windows system programming, and he had also read some books on network architecture. But at that time, he basically ran away from class and learned what he could. I didn’t understand it back then, and I’ve basically forgotten it now.

And if you can recall some, it should be helpful to Bob and the others.

However, the effect of the intelligence enhancer is getting worse, and it takes longer to recover every time you use Total Recall. It's best not to dig too deep this time...

While thinking about this kind of thing, Murphy returned to the medical monitoring room of the Potion Research Institute.

Since his last incident, Murphy had been advised to do so every time he used a potentially dangerous spell on himself.

After the medical staff turned on the various monitoring instruments, Murphy used Total Recall on himself again.

This time he successfully dug out some content about network protocols.

A week later, he was back to his old tricks, using Total Recall again.

This time he unearthed several technologies related to system architecture.

The results were given to Bob Henderson, who evaluated them and said that it would save them about a month.

A month?

Murphy was a little disappointed. He worked so hard to dig up valuable information that could only be found every other week, but in the end it could only save you a month?

No, we have to dig deeper.

But before using Total Recall again, Funes stopped him.

"Director, we once again studied the changes in your brain during this period and found that you may have suffered from myelin degeneration... which is also called nerve demyelination, or leukoaraiosis..."

"Have you had any symptoms such as forgetfulness, slow reaction time, or difficulty concentrating recently?"

"You mean Alzheimer's disease? I have dementia?"

Murphy was a little stunned. He had indeed often suffered from insomnia and forgetfulness recently. Although he could clearly recall things he remembered through comprehensive recall, his memory for other things seemed to have indeed decreased.

He thought it was just that his brain was too tired and he didn't pay too much attention.

"Even the use of intelligence-enhancing agents cannot completely repair this phenomenon." Funes said.

"The power of total recall is too powerful, and our brain power is not enough to support such an intensity of information perfusion in a short period of time. Excessive use of super power on the brain nerves will lead to degenerative diseases..."

"The more you use global recall, the faster the neurodegeneration occurs."

"Unless you want your mind to become as fuzzy as a septuagenarian or eighty-year-old, you have to stop using total recall."


All right.

He made the chip to become stronger.

Make yourself stupid first and then become stronger.

However, without your own help, the desktop system will not be able to come out in a short time.

And if there is no adaptable system and application environment, his chip will be a piece of cake, no matter how advanced it is, no one will buy it.

Perhaps, relying on the advanced manufacturing process, he can turn the chip manufacturing plant into an foundry, manufacturing for Intel or other chip manufacturers, and survive.

But in this case, his previous investment in instruction sets, IP cores, desktop systems, etc. will be in vain, and his advanced process technology can only be used as wedding clothes for others.

Survival or idealism, now has come a time when you have to make a multiple-choice question.

"What do you think I should do?"

Murphy and Patrick sat by the lake and watched an eagle-like water bird suddenly rush into the lake, pick up a fish and fly into the forest again.

"I don't want to make a wedding dress for others, but if I continue, I may lose the entire umbrella. Maybe it is smarter to stop the loss in time."

"It was too hasty to enter this industry, and the market was too big at the beginning. I wanted to solve all the problems at once..."

Murphy reflected, "In fact, just being a chip foundry is already pretty good. I should start with chip foundry with advanced processes from the beginning, and then advance the chip design and software system step by step..."

"If we extend this process for another two years, everything will be very simple..."

"But I'm too impatient, I don't have the patience..."

Patrick was silent for a while, and then asked the question again, "So, why are you so anxious?"

"Umbrella has only just taken its first steps. The road ahead is still very far. You are also very young and have enough time to do whatever you want to do."

"But you look as if the world is going to end next year."


Murphy lay back on the chair, his eyes passing over the lake, mountains, forests, clear sky and clouds in the distance, and he looked directly at the sun.

After a while, he closed his eyes.

Because... he couldn't wait any longer.

So why can't you wait?

Murphy frowned and thought carefully about the source of this inexplicable pressure.

Suddenly, Rashim's face popped up again and he said: "Magic is power!"

Yes, magic is power...

The reason why he is so anxious is just because he is too weak...

Omniscient and omnipotent is a dream that is too far away, so far away that he sometimes doubts whether it can really be achieved.

Therefore, he needs something certain, some coordinates to allow him to continue dreaming.

And those powerful wizards in his mind have these coordinates.

Dumbledore, Voldemort, Grindelwald, Snape, etc.

However, he knew that there was still a huge gap between him and those truly powerful wizards. Even Quirrell's various numerical values ​​were much higher than his own!

Therefore, even if his magic power increased to the same level as most Aurors, and even if he could easily defeat an Auror captain, he would not be too happy.

That was no longer his goal, and he no longer looked down upon this little improvement.

They are meaningless compared to the coordinates they have established in their hearts.

This sense of loss made him feel that he had been on the journey for a long time, but he still had not left the novice village.

So he feels anxious.

"It seems you already understand." Patrick said.

Murphy nodded.

"So, have you figured out what to do?"

Murphy thought for a moment and said, "Yes."

"Actually, I didn't have much choice."

That dream was too far and too long, and he was not a very patient person.

ten thousand years is too long, fight for now.

Risking everything, going his own way, and never giving up until he achieves his goal is his style.

“Think it through and just do it.”

Murphy was a little surprised, "Why didn't you persuade me this time?"

"I have long seen that you are a lunatic who wants to change the world."

Patrick snorted, "No one can persuade a madman."

"And such a madman has only two endings, either to be completely defeated by reality and self-destruct. Or to defeat the world and become a god."

Murphy glanced at Patrick and found that the other person was also looking at him, but his gaze seemed to be looking beyond him to something further away.

"Have you thought about it? Your wealth is all on me? Don't you really want to leave some coffin books for yourself?"

"Ha," Patrick laughed, "so you'd better get out before I regret it."

"Hmph, it's too late to regret now. Let little Ares exercise so that he can move bricks later." Murphy was not to be outdone.

"Don't take advantage of my son!"

The two joked a few words with each other, and Murphy suddenly asked, "You don't even want to ask me what I want to do? Aren't you curious?"

"I'm just a mortal. I can neither self-destruct nor become a god. I can't understand a madman." Patrick looked away.

"But you will still help me." Murphy looked at Patrick, "Why?"

"People probably have some self-destructive tendencies. Mortals like us are always attracted to those crazy people, just like moths flying towards the fire. Although we can't do it ourselves, we still hope that someone can achieve some miracles for us. "

Patrick said, stood up and patted Murphy on the shoulder, "So, go create your world and become a god, boy."

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