Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 59 Flood (1)

"Wow! Oppa, did you see the mosquito in the bathroom?! It's huge!"

"Ah, that..."

"It must be the mountain, so mosquitoes are very big. They didn't die even after spraying a lot of mosquito repellent, so I dropped the encyclopedia to catch them.


"Maybe that was the cause of the murder of the owner of this house!"

Hyunmoo could not even say that it belonged to his family, and expressed his condolences to the poor mosquito.

Of course, there is no room for mosquitoes in heaven.

The reason I released the mosquito was not to surprise Yu-min, but to see how much I could control the family without being consciously aware of it.

He tried to move like a stuttering blind man even when he was out of sight, and he seemed to have gone to the bathroom.

Hyunmoo and Yu-min were in a high-rise hotel suite.

The shelter was now under renovation and repair work day and night, and could not stay there.

When it was purchased from the Sejong Institute, it seemed that modernization had already been completed, but the interior needed improvement.

"What was your brother doing?"

"Ah, stock."

"Eh? What kind of stock. Oppa, can you do such a thing? It's not that you don't have enough money, are you prepared for your old age?"

"Are you trying to be similar? If you know anything, can you help me? Korean financial sites are very complicated because you have to install and verify everything and make a fuss."

"I have my account, so can you help me? Well, is there anything you want to buy?"

"Oh, I've already bought what I need. Well, you know what a futures deal is?"

Yumin opened her eyes and looked at Hyunmoo.

"You're trying to take your first step as gambling. It's not like you don't know what it is. Well, have you heard of it? You know that insider information is illegal, right?"

"Now that I'm here, I'm going to ask about illegality... but don't worry, it's not inside information."

Hyunmoo said as he glanced at the scrapbook he had brought from hell. Information from the future is not necessarily inside information.

"Then what are you going to sell?"

As Hyunmoo said some company names, Yumin's eyes widened.

Most of them were companies that made big money from the mana industry or dungeon accessories, including Taeseong, and most of the leading companies in Korea.

Companies that will not go bankrupt unless the country goes bankrupt. Hyunmoo placed a bet that the stock prices of those companies would plummet in a few days and put the stocks he had just bought on the market.

“Did you even buy a bomb shelter in Seoul?”

“If I had known that, I would have left the country.”

Yu-min was dubious, but imitated what Hyunmoo was doing. As Yu-min said, Hyunmoo was aware of the tumultuous incident, if not to the extent of ruining the country.

He was precisely inducing the incident. And he was going to use it to buy stock.

He wasn't there to make money.

For money, it was enough to sell and sell crystal moss.

Hyunmoo's purpose was to buy stock and secure a stake in it.

'Of course, there is still not enough cash to secure a meaningful stake.'

The upcoming event will give him a huge advantage. And then, even the next plan is ready.

Every time Hyunmoo proceeded with the plan, the market was excited, and he was planning to use it to gradually increase his stock. In the name of the company Hyunmoo had, not of course Hyunmoo.

'I have to create a background that is as big as Taeseong.'

In the process, countless victims may arise. However, from the beginning, the occurrence of victims was not something Hyunmoo could prevent.

Hyunmoo just had to adjust the timing with information about what was going to happen. There was nothing that could have been prevented.

Although it may be possible to reduce the damage.

Hyunmoo picked up his cell phone and checked the text from Hwi-So Park.

"Delivery Success"

It was short and concise. That was enough.

It's been 3 days since I received the text message, so I thought it would be good to prepare soon.

Hyunmoo stroked the scrapbooks Baek Gol left behind. There is an outline of what will happen in the future, but the details are unknown.

Hyunmoo wondered if he would have enough control over the flow. Now this was the first step.

"Oppa, come to think of it, what is that? A photo album?"

Yumin looked at Hyunmoo's scrapbook and asked.

Hyunmoo answered briefly.

"A Record of Destruction."

Yumin stared at Hyunmoo for a moment.

“Oppa, are you still in middle school?”

“…No, that’s…”

"It's okay. It is said that among talented people, it is common to experience it again after awakening. They just call their skills with spells or skill names. Some people believe that they will become stronger.

Hyunmoo became a little embarrassed.

That's true.


late afternoon.

As evening approached, the area around the dungeon was crowded with people exercising along the promenade.

Even if it is a dungeon with a strong security force, if you face it on a daily basis, your fear will decrease.

Even if a monster leak occurred, it was usually resolved within the wall, so it was just one of the places where I felt uncomfortable.

The notoriety of the truncation dungeon is high, but to the general public, it was just an ordinary scene.

But even in the midst of it, there were those who prepared for the future.


A government official took a picture on the wall where the entrance to the dungeon was visible.

His photo album contained records spanning hundreds of days. The official slowly flipped through the photo album on his cell phone and checked the differences from the other photos he had taken before. However, the arrangement of the stonework was sometimes different, but I did not notice any significant difference.

"Hey, what are you filming?"

The public official turned around in surprise at the sudden voice. Unbeknownst to him, the man he had met for the first time was approaching him right next to him.

"What? The general public is prohibited from entering."

"I said Hunter, so they just let me in, right?"

The man took out his hunter registration card and showed it.

Kang Hyunmoo. It was the first name I saw. However, the appearance was not very Hunter-like.

He didn't see any weapons or equipment, and he looked too young. However, the soldiers tried to keep as many hunters by their side as possible even if they were suspicious.

It's because hunters are better at dealing with monsters.

"This is Haecheol Kang. The photography is because of my personal research."


"Is it possible to predict the possibility of monster appearance in advance in the form of a floating dungeon entrance... something like that?"

"A floating dungeon? Oh, I've heard of it. The state of the dungeon changes frequently?"

Kang Hae-cheol looked at Hyunmoo patheticly. How could such a simple bastard be a hunter? Do you just give it to me if I get the ability level?

Hae-cheol Kang felt unreasonable, but decided to think that Hyunmoo was just a newcomer.

"You seem to be understanding too simplistically. It's not that simple to say that the state is fluid. Every time you go to attack, you're exploring a new dungeon. Maps are useless, and monster information is useless. Numbers and strength. It changes every time. So it takes a long time to attack. The biggest problem is that the entrance of the dungeon is unstable, so it is easy for monsters to come out."

"Are you a monster?"

Hyunmoo sticks his head out and peers into the truncation dungeon.

On the sheer cliff, black stone structures of Hyunmoo Rock were sprouting up like parasitism. It was similar to Cheonggye Dungeon in that it was a bizarre environment unsuitable for the location, but the boundaries were incomparably tighter, including a barrier surrounded by wire mesh, armed patrolling soldiers and resident hunters waiting.

"Don't worry. So there are hunters resident like this to stop that monster. Some monsters can't penetrate here. The only thing to worry about is the flood phenomenon."


“You may have heard that the Baekdu dungeon caused a flood near Pyongyang eight years ago. And the flood only happens in floating dungeons.”

Baekdu Dungeon was the only place in the world where a flood occurred in a 5-star dungeon.The world, which did not even know the existence of dungeons due to North Korea's closed tendency, realized that fact only after monsters covered Pyongyang due to the flood phenomenon.

A quiet civil war broke out within North Korea, and there were also reports of eyewitnesses of mushroom clouds and radioactive detection. The result was a victory for the monster.

Neighboring countries briefly suffered chaos due to refugees. However, there was not enough time or budget to eliminate the overflowing 5-star monsters. No one made the decision to force the hunter, the most valuable power, to his limbs.

"That's why we're fighting monsters pouring in from the north instead of the North Korean army."

"Lee Ji-tae also attacked the 5-star Taebaek dungeon, wouldn't he be able to do the Baekdu dungeon soon?"

Hae-cheol Kang snorted at Hyunmoo's words.

“Ha, the fixed dungeon Taebaek dungeon is fluid, and it’s the same as the flooded Baekdu dungeon? Hunters want to die even with the fluid type, but the number of monsters is beyond imagination. I wouldn't be surprised if the castle dungeon was designated as Baekdu Dungeon."

Hyunmoo nodded his head.

"Flood, Floodra... That's right. Then there's a chance there's going to be a Flood here too?"

"It is rare, but there is a possibility that flood has only occurred in floating dungeons so far. Well, in the middle of Seoul, we leave it to the clan to keep the dungeon condition stable. There must have been a report from the clan."

"That's right. Did anything unusual happen these days?"

“Well… these days there are people who say that goblins that don’t suit them are found in the dungeon, or that it seems like children are wandering around, but the goblins are not particularly noteworthy information. So, I try to guess the state of the dungeon by comparing the previous appearance with the current one. If it has an unusually unstable structure, there seems to be a high probability of monsters appearing that day."

"Then is today a dangerous day?"

"Well. Actually... today's pattern is a bit strange..."

“Show me a picture.”

Then, Hae-cheol Kang seemed a little shy.

"Uh, it will all look the same to the general public. Actually, I started filming this after hearing what the hunters were saying as a jinx, just in case, so it's still not enough to create a meaningful contrast."


Hae-cheol Kang was shy, but he showed me the picture. Up to this point, he wrote a report and posted it to the top, but no one was interested.

Still, it felt good that Hunter took interest in his research. After looking at the picture for a while, Hyunmoo smiled and returned his cell phone.

"You're doing a great job. I'm sure it'll help you someday."

At Hyunmoo's compliment, Kang Hae-cheol smiled pleasantly. Hyunmoo was the only one who didn't laugh at what he was doing.

But Hyunmoo said it because he really knew what he was doing wasn't bullshit.

'Are you sure. Today.'

Hyunmoo wiped a smile from his lips and moved away from the truncation dungeon.

The assumption of a public official named Hae-cheol Kang was not wrong.

'Today, here, there is a flood.'

A flood occurs today, and the data that an official named Hae-cheol Kang has been researching for many years becomes valuable data.

Based on the photos he took, the research begins, giving you signs of a flood in years to come.

But at this moment, only Kang Hyunmoo knew about it.

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