High Above

Chapter 743 Even aliens are afraid of this hellish place called Terra (22)

——I let the wilderness expand so that the realm of the tree and sea spirit can go deeper into this world?

Ian didn't respond to what the other person was talking about at the first time. After all, everyone's wording habits may be different, and the same thing may use different nouns and adjectives.

Just like a hamburger can be said to be a steamed bun with meat, and a hot pot can also be said to be boiled meat slices. Who knows what "two pieces of dough sandwiched with a piece of meat" and "hot water boiled food" mean.

But he was smart after all, so he quickly understood what the spirit of the sea of ​​trees meant.

"you are right……"

Ian said cautiously: "My hydroponic agriculture building?"

[Yes, hydroponics, agriculture, building. Very good vocabulary]

The spirit of the sea of ​​trees smiled and said: [You have allowed the wilderness to enter the human city. The plants that should have declined with the expansion of the city have once again penetrated deep into the rocks and cement, and have a new territory.]

[This is a very important event for us... This further expands our power and domain, so we want to thank you]

Ian nodded clearly: "So that's the setting."

It was actually because of the hydroponic agriculture building. I really didn’t expect that the development of new agricultural technology would have such a result... Ian really never thought about this, but when it was mentioned, it was a bit natural.

However, powers and domains? The power of the spirit of the sea of ​​trees seems to be somewhat special...

Ian wrote down this word, looked around the entire underground cavity, and his tone couldn't help but become serious: "This is an unintentional move on my part, and the spirit of the sea of ​​trees does not need to thank me too much. In areas with complex terrain, agriculture needs to be developed. It is bound to come to this point, it is nothing more than the length of time.”

"Compared to this, what do you want me to help you predict? Also, isn't it the power of prophet to foresee the essence of Futaba? Then what is its function?"

When the spirit of the sea of ​​trees said that he wanted Ian to help him predict, Ian knew that the true ability to foresee Futaba was probably not a true prophet like him, but some kind of prophet-like ability.

However, even so, it was very precious, and he wanted to know the principle behind it.

[We are about to make a very critical decision, Prophet]

And the spirit of the sea of ​​trees said: [We want to join today's increasingly lush world in a formal way and identity - but we are not sure whether this decision is correct. Looking at all the trees and seas in the giant redwood forest for thousands of years, We cannot predict the results based on data]

[So, we need a prophet...a prophet who can calculate the correct result without data]

[At least, give us a piece of original data for deduction]

The words of the spirit of the sea of ​​trees can be regarded as telling Ian from the side that foreseeing Futaba's true ability is not a prophet, but another function.


[Foreseeing Futaba, in essence, shares a perspective with us, and shares part of the analyzed data and conclusions]

The tall wooden Madonna seemed to be able to sense Ian's thoughts, and nodded in response: [After the Sequoia people signed the contract with us, all they wanted to think about and predict was nothing more than changes in the weather, the swell of the tide, and the crowds. The movements of animals and the migration of fish schools...all these do not require real prophets to predict, and can be predicted through the analysis of large amounts of data]

[The name Futaba of Foretelling comes from this. He is not a true prophet, but he does have some prophetic power]

"I can understand this. If the preset conditions of the deduction are enough and real and reliable enough, then it is no different from predicting the future."

Ian nodded slightly, he knew this concept very well - comprehensive calculation of big data.

On the earth where he lived in his previous life, the Earth Federation Central Intelligence had a branch called the 'Psychometry Department'. This department could access all surveillance cameras on the entire earth, all personal information, everyone's growth history and personality analysis, and even For all medical record data... In other words, the Department of Psychometrics knows all public information about everyone on the planet and what they do in public.

It can directly calculate the possible future psychological state of any citizen through extremely large amounts of data and the sub-infinite computing power brought by quantum computers... whether they are happy, angry, melancholy, world-weary... and most importantly, their criminal tendencies. All can be calculated and predicted.

Before crimes begin, or even before people's thoughts begin to go to extremes, the chips in the electronic brain will guide people to try some happy actions, and there will even be members of the special psychological measurement department who will go over to provide psychological counseling, and even Help resolve conflicts in life.

Thanks to his gift, there was no longer any overt crime on the earth in the previous life.

Ian couldn't say whether this system was good or bad. In short, for him, a stargazer who wanted to fly into space, things on earth were indifferent and had nothing to do with him anyway.

Ian's psychology has always been hovering near the passing line, so he won't be visited by psychometricians!

All in all, foreseeing Futaba essentially allows people to gain a powerful psychic sense, interact with Jukai's will group, and use huge computing power to calculate, and then get the 'answer' they want.

——This biological computing model feels like it can be used to develop the data network in artificial souls.

——We have to find an opportunity to trick the spirit of the sea of ​​trees into cooperating with the experiment... I foresee that Futaba will be used for this!

Ian thought this, and at the same time, he also vaguely understood the true identity of the spirit of the sea of ​​trees.

An ordinary group of magic plants would definitely not be able to say anything about data predictions and deductions... The Spirits of the Sea of ​​Trees are a group, and their group has obvious technological thinking, or a set of cultural logic... This It cannot be said to be a simple monster.

This is... an 'alien civilization' that is very different from humans!

And the alien civilization on Terra is, in essence, an alien!

According to what the Tree Sea Spirit revealed, the contract they signed with the Sequoia People... It is not difficult for Ian to imagine that the Tree Sea Spirit is probably a fully cultivated intelligent alien creature brought out from the base by the Sequoia People. .

The four major sacrificial spirits are essentially guardians and collaborators brought out from the base by the Sequoia people.

Other Warcraft, due to lack of potential, eventually became the tools of the Sequoia People, but the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Trees is different. His predecessor was probably some kind of plant civilization. After coming to the outside world of Terra, he continued to adapt and expand, and finally became A cluster of life forms such as the sea of ​​​​trees in the giant redwood forest.

Although they had gained great power, the Spirits of the Sea of ​​Trees still maintained their cooperation with the Sequoia People. However, for some reason, or the contract expired, they suddenly stopped contacting the Sequoia People, which resulted in The decline of the Sequoia People gradually transformed them into the Sequoia Natives of today.

But even so, the spirit of the sea of ​​trees is still helping the Sequoia natives predict the future and assist them in their existence.

And now, the power of the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Trees has even expanded to the surrounding Agate Stone Plain... Even the Xiahui Territory is involved and aware of it.

Ian estimated that the true power of the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Trees might have enveloped most of the South Ridge. Even within the Baisen Mountains, many of the areas where the Steel Dragon had been occupied by the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Trees.

[The Foresight Twin Leaves is essentially the essence of our heart, light, and body, which can strengthen the life spiritual energy of life and accelerate spiritual energy growth... But this is only for ordinary people. We are not familiar with the spiritual energy of the prophet and cannot guarantee it]

The tall wooden statue of the Virgin stretched out her hand and took out a piece of emerald-green light from the crack in the center of her chest, like a shining psychic double-leaf clover made of jade. Its light spread toward the surroundings, stirring up individual pieces in the air. A small vortex composed of psychic light patterns, with a large number of micro-data streams flowing around it.

In the precognitive vision, the color of the precognitive twin leaves is pure cyan, with a hint of silver inside - in other words, it is a very advanced material in the third energy level.

[If you want it, we will give it to you as a reward for your exploration of the wilderness]

The spirit of the tree sea said gently, and Ian stretched out his hand and took the light gemstone double-leaf clover from the palm of the opponent's hand. He squinted and looked at the magical object in his hand, and then raised his head thoughtfully, Looking at the wooden statue of the Virgin: "Thank you very much - but what should I call you? An ancient alien visitor, or the spirit of the sea of ​​trees in Nanling?"

[We are the children of the wilderness who exist based on the earth. We only know the appearance of our hometown, but we are the sea of ​​trees in Nanling]

The spirit of the Sea of ​​Trees is not surprised at all that Ian knows his true identity. Rather, it has already acquiesced that Ian knows this, so he smiled and said: [Human beings are living beings that can move, while the Sea of ​​Trees can only Relying on the seeds falling from generation to generation and continuing to spread and multiply, we can take one step at a time.]

[In my hometown in the past, the wilderness (what the spirits of the sea of ​​trees refer to as a whole, which is equivalent to the human being in their language) was just a small forest in a corner, but we continue to grow, evolve, and adapt. Eventually a large and prosperous group was bred]

[At that time, the sea was covered with endless algae, and the sky was filled with flying catkins that absorbed the heat of the sun. Our compatriots were all on the earth. We formed a huge collective. We were the earth, the sea and the sky itself. Our power is almost that of gods in our hometown]

[However, we were forced to leave our hometown... According to the history of Terra, perhaps it was a more terrifying fall from the sky. The wilderness disappeared, and along with our homeland, it disappeared into the endless dark void. Only one fire was lost. Arriving at Terra]

[Don’t worry, we are the wilderness of Terra. We remember our hometown, but we are undoubtedly a member of Terra... This world is too dangerous, and the wilderness dare not spread at will, or even appear at will]

Speaking of this, the spiritual energy of the tree sea spirit expresses an emotion similar to sighing.

Ian nodded sympathetically.

Yes, yes, Terra is such a dangerous place. God knows what kind of inexplicable monsters there are!

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