High Above

Chapter 698 The ancestor of the true dragon, the body of fire! (7000)

This is a dense asteroid belt, with a large number of stellar fragments scattered in the same orbit at a regular speed. They have become smaller and smaller due to explosions and collisions in the past, but there are still some large fragments that have been deliberately preserved. Serves as a location for some facilities.

‘Sleeping Dragon’s Nest’ is one of them.

It is a spherical ecological base, the whole is inlaid on a star fragment. The hemisphere at the top protrudes from the rock structure. The transparent observation window can see the dark outer space of the universe and the faint light on the other side of distant time and space. Incomparable brilliance of the sun.

The young dragon is here.

He looked blankly into the depths of the universe - deep in the asteroid belt, there were many similar buildings and bases, standing quietly on the remains of broken stars, but what the young dragon was most concerned about was not These buildings stay put.

But those behemoths swimming among the stars.

Ian, who was immersed in the memory of Qiang Ganglong, was slightly stunned. He was just calling up the star map of the Terra Star Domain in his own memory, and was still thinking about where there was an asteroid belt in the Terra Star Domain. He remembered that there was no asteroid belt. , but the distance from the sun and the surrounding stars told him that the place where he was was the orbit of Nemis.

So, these asteroids that I am on...these star fragments...

Is it the remains of Nemis? !

And there is actually an outer space testing ground in this place for True Dragon? !

Before Ian could sigh with emotion, the secret behind the real dragon was indeed astonishing, and he had an unbelievable thought in his mind, "Could it be that the Nemeth star was broken?"

The young dragon in his memory saw a huge creature emerging from the darkness.

That's a real dragon.

But it doesn't look like a dragon.

No... When he saw this giant thing emerging from the dark asteroid belt, the first thought that came to Ian's mind was actually a question.

——What kind of existence can be called a 'dragon'?

What appeared in front of the young dragon and Ian was a super giant ark beast with a total length of more than fifteen kilometers. It had a curved wedge shape, and the upper part of the whole looked like it was cut in half. It is an extremely long acute-angle cone, and the lower part is a ''-shaped structure when viewed from the side. The sine wave light wings formed by the subspace psychic light flow spread toward both sides with the shaped structure as the center, forming something like Dragon wing shape.

At the top of the Ark behemoth, there are rows of devices that are either portholes or observation holes that are glowing smoothly and gently.

Is He a living thing? Or a large winged warship?

A cutting-edge creation from another advanced civilization appeared in front of Young Dragon and Ian. While they were stunned, it also told them an undoubted reality in an inexplicable way.

——He is the dragon.

——The first generation of true dragons, the original true dragon.

The ancestral true dragon Ertolimu stayed in front of the 'Sleeping Dragon's Nest'. The mixture of silver and black and the streamlined outer armor gave people an artistic beauty.

He stared at the young dragon looking at him through the observation window, and then conveyed the emotional fluctuations that represented a 'smile'.

[Nairnpolaka, come here, we succeeded]

Gentle fluctuations came, and soon, another smaller beast emerged from the depths of the asteroid belt.

Compared with the first generation of true dragons, this new true dragon also looks very strange - it is a large space dragon whale that looks like a giant water droplet, but there are many jellyfish-like tentacles floating on the back of the body. , these tentacles expand and spread regularly, causing ripples in space and time.

On both sides of the body, the huge side fins are fleshy structures similar to wings, but softer. It has a springy feel to it, making one wonder what it would feel like to roll over on it.

However, compared to the first-generation true dragon, which has a more mechanical structure overall, the second-generation true dragon is more like a living thing.

As for the third generation of baby dragons... they are already completely alive.

The true dragon named Nyenpolaka approached the sleeping dragon's nest, and the two huge true dragons and the tiny young dragon looked at each other.

This was the first meeting between the steel dragon Solstna, his mentor, the silent dragon Nairnpolaka, and the ancestor, Ertolimu.

At that time, Qiang Ganglong knew nothing and knew nothing. He only knew that he was the only true dragon in the Sleeping Dragon's Nest that broke free and was conceived, and he was also the only true dragon that survived in that base. .

As one of the few successful entities in various projects to give birth to a new generation of true dragons, the steel dragon Solstner's childhood was very slow, and his mentor never dared to let him quickly enter youth, which is the so-called 'work'. state'.

[After entering the working state, our life span begins to count down, and after five hundred years, we will die]

The instructor said: [Although you can use various techniques to delay, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than playing tricks. If you don’t grow, you won’t have wisdom, and entering suspended animation is essentially the same as death, it just skips a part of the time]

[Even the ancestor cannot avoid it]

[Fortunately, you were born successfully. The ancestor was very happy to know this news before he died. It proves that we are not a tool destined to die and have no future... but a life with hope]

Qiang Ganglong didn't quite understand what this sentence meant at that time. When he understood it, it was hundreds of years later.

But at that time, he was just learning...or in other words, accepting the 'inherited memory' that all true dragons must have.

"I didn't understand it at all at the time."

Ian heard the voice of the Qiang Gang Dragon. It was not from the perspective of the ignorant young dragon, but from the vicissitudes of the old Qiang Gang Dragon God’s will: “The inherited memories and perspectives themselves are an extremely important thing. A huge treasure, but this treasure requires a key - we need to gradually discover the secrets and knowledge within it, but the inherited memories received by each true dragon are different, and the techniques they know and the power they awaken are all completely different."

"True dragons are divided because of their own inherited memories. The third generation of true dragons, that is, we dragons, are not many in number. Although the plans of the mentors and ancestors were successful, they have great flaws. Many compatriots have not yet had time to be born." The egg' just crumbles and breaks."

The voice of the Steel Dragon God was a little tired. He seemed to be telling all those who came after him to inherit the existence of his Steel Dragon Nest: "The raw materials for making dragon eggs are very precious, so after realizing that the success rate was too low, related The research was urgently stopped.”

"The instructor was not surprised. He told me that our true dragons have not had the function of reproduction from the very beginning, and our lifespan has been locked. But perhaps it is the mercy of the creators towards us. They have left interfaces for related functions for us. And part of it only has scaly claws. The mentors and ancestors relied on this information to create us and create the 'descendants' who are the 'third generation true dragon'."

“When I was young I always asked ‘why’. Why did we have to be created?”

"And my mentor told me that these true dragons who have experienced the Broken Star War are all dragons who are afraid of death, so they want to study methods of immortality and reproduction."

"As for what the Broken Star War is..."

At this point, the voice of Qiang Gang Dragon God also became ethereal: [I only have some memories]

Ian saw that the surrounding light and shadow dissipated, and the real dragon stumbling and crawling in the laboratory gradually transformed and twisted, dissipating into mist.

And there were indifferent and peaceful voices in his ears.

A calm voice said: [The fire must be placed. After losing the Dawn Cradle system, we no longer have the conditions to continue to save these fires]

A thin voice said: [Only Terra has the environment to place fire. But that is the reservation land of the indigenous people. According to the ‘Fire Reservation Agreement’, we cannot interfere with the indigenous people’s native planet]

A soft voice said: [Then transform other planets and install relevant fire types]

A hazy voice said: [The most suitable place for most fires to be resettled is still the orbit of Terra... We can negotiate with the indigenous people, we have a contract with their ancestors]

A cold voice said: [The Terran civilization has been destroyed. Their descendants do not meet the conditions for fulfilling the contract. They are no longer pure Terrans. I think they do not meet the 'Fire Retention Agreement' and can be implemented directly]

Then comes the argument.

[This is sophistry. We cannot interfere with native civilization]

[But we have more fire left by civilization here, and we should protect the one with the greater number]

[The dead cannot block the way of the living, give priority to protecting the civilization that still exists]

[They do not need protection. The Terran civilization has also inherited part of the legacy of its creator. Since they have powerful power comparable to ours, they must take responsibility - if they are unwilling to take responsibility, then they are not responsible beings. Those who are irresponsible should not exist]

[In any case, we should reclaim the legacy of the creator on Terra, and if necessary, we can use force]

Five grand voices are intertwined with each other. Their voices are just an extremely subtle part of their language. Its essence is a complex spiritual fluctuation. Through the frequency and nodes of the fluctuation, as well as physical sounds as auxiliary marks, The frequency of each psychic energy fluctuation and the change in loudness of material sound are intertwined to form a complete information source.

Creatures without psychic powers or without material bodies are destined to be unable to understand the full meaning of dragon language.

The moment he heard these voices, Ian knew that these five voices were the 'five ancestors' of the true dragon.

[Tianlu Dragon] [Jingguang Dragon] [Shishu Dragon] [Zhisu Dragon] [Wu Zhenglong]

The ancestor Ertolimu is the ‘Shishu Dragon’, also known as the ‘Shishu Ark’.

He is the longest surviving first-generation true dragon, and this memory is what he passed on to Yanjilong, who in turn passed it on to Qianganglong.

Shishu Dragon sealed himself in subspace after the Broken Star War, but even so, as he was unsealed again and again, he still reached the end of his lifespan, and died shortly after the birth of Qiang Steel Dragon.

The Broken Star War is a battle between the five ancestral true dragons on different paths. The above words are just the most insignificant point of their differences.

Their war shattered Nemis, and the planet named Divine Punishment suffered the divine punishment of the first five dragon gods. Its star collapsed and turned into a vast asteroid belt, evenly broken, like Crushed biscuits.

As one of the victors, Eltolimu, the First Axis Dragon, is also the ancestor of almost all existing third-generation true dragons.

——There are many more memories in Ian’s mind.

The power of the steel dragon resonates with the heart core of the ancient dragon, and also resonates with the ether crystal. The psychic mystery lock he left behind seems to be the information inheritance based on the concentration of Ian's dragon blood.

If you are an ordinary second or third level dragon blood inheritor, you will definitely not be able to get much relevant information, but Ian is different... Even if it is broken and damaged, the ancient dragon heart core derived from Teacher Hilliard is still the true third level dragon blood inheritor. Five-level sublimation organ.

It passed the identification of the mystery lock left by Qiang Steel Dragon, so it can allow Ian to get more information.

Of course, if the ancient dragon core doesn't work, Ian still has the silver chip.

The hazy fragments of light and shadow are still flashing.

The young dragon gradually grows and its strength increases. Even at the edge of the orbit far away from the sun, the real dragon can gradually grow by relying on the remaining core heat in the Nemis star. When it grows to the fourth energy level, The Steel Dragon can then go to Metis, the tenth planet of Terra, to draw energy from a huge gas giant.

It was a giant gaseous planet with the potential of a brown dwarf. There were many asteroids surrounding it. There were even many areas on the asteroids that were suitable for the existence of life, and some true dragons had built nests there.

After Qiang Ganglong reached the fourth energy level, his mentor found him.

【Go to Terra】

After experiencing the Battle of Broken Star, the second-generation True Dragon, who has also aged, slowly said: [The ancestors have all passed away, and we who need to abide by the rules the most are gradually getting older... You who were created by our hands are not. Will be restricted by the code]

[Go there and recycle the legacy left by the creator. That is what we must recycle...and those fires, we must also recycle them and protect them. We cannot let those tombstones of civilization and the last words be lost in our hands. 】

"But those fires have been lost."

The young Qiang Steel Dragon said: "They have become part of Terra - and Terra's civilization has also been contaminated by these fires...or, in other words, sublimated."

"They are indistinguishable from each other. The civilizations, memories, stories and power of thousands of stars are all integrated there."

"Furthermore, human beings have indeed received the legacy of the creator, and there are also beings among them who can compare with our strength. The ancestors signed a contract with the top ones. We help each other at critical moments, but do not interfere with each other on weekdays."


The instructor said: [But the top leaders who signed the contract have long since passed away, and we are about to leave - so you should go to Terra. Go there, as yourself, and sign a new contract with the people and civilization there alone]

[Solstner, you are free, a third-generation true dragon who is not restricted by the Founding Code]

[You have to find your own way - just think of it as doing it for me and finding the 'method of true dragon immortality' that I want to find]

[Go to Terra and leave this dead dragon nest]

Qiang Ganglong was silent.

"All right."

He said: "Just think of it as being for you."

The young dragon turned around under the gaze of his mentor. He spread his wings and set sail in the dark asteroid belt that had fallen into silence.

The real dragon flew in the direction of the bright star, and finally came to a land full of vitality.

"I actually didn't understand anything at that time. Asteroids carry abundant resources. The entire planet was shattered and evenly turned into various materials for us to grow."

The voice of the Steel Dragon God sounded again, with a nostalgic tone. He and Ian looked at the back of their young self as he left his 'home' alone from the perspective of his mentor: "Then."

"That's when I ushered in the real beginning of my life."

Ian knew what the Dragon God of Steel was talking about - the memory of the Dragon God that the young man received in the cradle of shimmering light was exactly what was inherited here.

The giant dragon descended from the sky came to Terra. He fought with other similar people who came to Terra earlier, negotiated with the human empire, walked in the wilderness, looking for what the mentor called the 'legacy of the creator'... He He received help from interesting local people, and in return He graciously allowed these people to live beside Him.

And then... that's it.

As time passed by from generation to generation, and witnessed the change of generation after generation, Qiang Ganglong became the Qiangang Dragon God, and the little people living in his kingdom... also became mountain people.

It was at this moment, when he was getting old, that the Steel Dragon Solstner understood the meaning of his life and why his mentor wanted him to go to Terra.

Why all true dragons travel to Terra.

"Because we are meant to be with people. With civilization."

The old voice said with a smile: "Because we are not immortal creatures, because we have no descendants."

"When I was approaching the end of my life but I didn't want to die, I wanted to continue living and continue to protect these little people... then I understood the teacher's wish."

"Because I want to continue my dream, my own spirit and thinking, I want to create a creature with my own bloodline..."

"I wanted to have a deeper relationship with them (mountain people). Not just faith."

"They could be my children."

"And the origin of all these desires...the reason why our third generation of true dragons and the fourth, fifth and even more generations of true dragons will be born."

"It is precisely because the essence of our existence is 'fire'."

"Life born of fire."

Endless light and shadow intersect, forming an old, silver-gray real dragon in front of Ian. He stands silently in the void, with a long tail hovering beside his body, and his wings are surrounded by endless black mist. , as if you are in the underworld.

The remaining memory of the Steel Dragon God stared at Ian with dim silver dragon eyes.

[Heir to future generations, are you a dragon? Or are they humans who have obtained dragon blood? It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter whether you are a dragon or not]

He said calmly: [Now, I want to tell you the nature of the true dragon]

[The real dragon is the ‘fire’. At the very least, we, the third generation of true dragons, are existences catalyzed by our ancestors and mentors using ‘fire’]

He raised his hand and pointed to the extremely bright silver light behind his chest, where the 'core' was: [My real name is 'Saul'. Sterner is not my name, but the name of the ‘fire civilization’ collected by the creators many years ago when everything from the mother planet was gathered together, turned into fire, and launched into the void of the universe]

[According to the instructor's guess, the original true dragon was a 'living fire' used to observe many creatures and civilizations among the stars and record and preserve everything about them. In the process of observing a civilization, we true dragons also They will gradually grow, arm themselves with their technology, and become the most powerful creature on that planet (Ultimate One)]

[Is this for harvesting or protection? According to the protocol for the preservation of the fire civilization that we have within us, both the ancestors and teachers considered it to be ‘protection’. Our predecessors must intervene in the disputes of civilizations and guide them not to destroy themselves. In order not to affect the development of civilization, we can only use the technology we have observed, and cannot use too advanced power]

[For example, for me, the technology of the Stella Civilization that I inherited created my 'inherited memory'... Theoretically speaking, as long as I grow to a complete body, I can have the same power as the entire Stella Civilization. And I will also use the power of this civilization to protect and guide them]

[In a star field, there can only be one true dragon. When the five-hundred-year period passes, there will be a new true dragon to replace us, to prevent the accumulation of technology and emotions from biasing us... just like my feelings for the mountain people]

[However, Terra is special]

[I don’t know why it is special, but there are indeed five ancestors and more than a dozen mentors gathered here... They are silent about this, and they have not expressed anything about the Prisoner's Heavenly Prison... But Terra is undoubtedly special. Yes, true dragons of the level of the Five Ancestors should not exist in a separate star field at all. They are here for an extremely huge plan]

[But that plan has ended before it even started... The creator who led the plan had an accident]

After saying this, Qiang Ganglong's memory paused.

When he spoke again, it was already another topic: [Only when one reaches the fourth energy level and condenses the light of the heart into an entity, the true dragon is the real dragon, and can be counted as 'mature' and possesses the true fire inheritance. , has the power to create a new 'ecosystem' with oneself as the center]

[This ecosystem is the ecology of those civilizations in the ‘Tinder’. Our existence itself can transform the planet and allow alien life to thrive in strange worlds.]

[This is the secret of true dragons, and it is also the reason why all true dragons who stay in Terra instead of going to Dragon Island will build their own dragon kingdom - we will naturally transform the world and create ourselves in times of crisis. country and civilization, continuing the existence of the fire ecology in the body]

[But I didn’t do that... I didn’t want to spread my ecology. The fire of Sterna civilization has been left in the steel dragon’s nest]

【My real people are mountain people】

[And before I die or die in a confrontation with other true dragons, I have been researching a technology... a technology that can create true dragons]

[It is not the technology that our mentors and ancestors used to create us, nor is it the technology that makes true dragons immortal...but the technology that turns a featureless human into a true dragon step by step]

[Besides me, there are many people and dragons who are studying it... The Dragon Worship Cult is really an interesting group of people]

He smiled meaningfully: [Although we did not succeed until my death, I did leave my mark on the blood of all the mountain people... Their inheritance related to dragon blood will be greatly improved, even if It can adapt to very harsh environments...]

[Of course, this is no different from ordinary dragon blood holders. The people of gold also have similar abilities, but at least, I have mastered part of the power to change the nature of human blood]

[I know that after I die, these people who were united because of me in the past will split and even fight with each other... Life is selfish and self-centered, life is endlessly greedy, I understand them]

[So, I give them the unity of blood - as long as my messenger exists, the mountain people will understand that they are actually one, and they are the people of my steel dragon Solstna]

[I will give them a ‘blood consensus’]

The old true dragon looked at Ian and he said calmly: [If you want to inherit my inheritance, this is the only condition]

【Be my messenger and protect my people】

[It doesn’t take long, it doesn’t take too much, as long as they don’t perish and awaken the ‘blood consensus’]

At this moment, Ian was completely stunned.

He finally understood why every true dragon couldn't understand and accept each other.

He finally understood why the dragon soul of a true dragon was so special that it could accept any kind of body.

He also finally understood why, as the fifth-generation true dragon, Xio was born from the mother's body and was actually a piece of blank paper instead of the complete successor of the King of the Mountain!

Because...the true dragon's essential blood is not those powers!

Those powers essentially originated from fire, from the civilizations they had observed! The true power of a true dragon is its 'universality' that can completely adapt to any civilization, any life form, and any existence form!

They are indeed related to fire...because they are the fire of civilization itself!

After understanding all this, Ian also understood Qiang Ganglong's wish.

The mountain people are essentially a group of Terran people of different species, including the iron people, the gold people, the white people, and some red people. In general, it is a great fusion.

And Qiang Ganglong hopes to use his own power to truly create a group of 'dragon people'!

He did not succeed. So I look forward to the latecomers completing it.

"You don't need to tell me."

Take a deep breath and look into the eyes of this ancient memory.

Ian replied calmly: "I will do the same. Or, I have already done so."

Of course, it's not just the dragon people... His goal is not just to protect a nation.

But to go higher and further...further than the true ancient lair of the true dragon, to the other side of the star sea.

High in the sky.

【That is a promise. Moreover, they still exist]

The ancient true dragon closed his eyes. His face covered by solid scales had no expression, but the fluctuations in his soul seemed to be smiling: [This is a good thing]

In an instant, in the soul space, the phantom of the steel dragon Solstner was shattered. It turned into endless surging memory fragments, and the churning scenery clouds gathered towards Ian.

And Ian took a step forward, facing these memories that he had experienced once a long time ago.

The young man felt a sudden burning pain in his right hand, and a silver dragon head mark appeared on the back of his hand.

Above the dragon's head, there is a crown like steel thorns hanging high.

I recommend a book by an old friend, "The Dragon Clan Begins by Poaching a Corner in Kassel"! Although it is a seedling, the plot is very interesting, and the author is also an honest person who knows nothing but updates. You can save it!

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