High Above

Chapter 543 The Ecology of the Aurora Sea (33)

Ian can fly. In his previous life, he was used to riding on aerospace vehicles or rockets. He even rode on the orbital space elevator several times a week.

But for the saucer-shaped aircraft, that was really the first time someone tapped me on the shoulder at night.

The core cockpit of the aircraft is high in the center, and the cylindrical space in the middle is the manned area. It has two layers of fixed chairs and can transport fifty people at a time.

It was evening in the Imperial Capital, but the entire city and even all the downtown areas were brightly lit, the neon lights were bustling with people, and the factories and workshops that worked all night were handling huge amounts of materials.

Ian was overlooking this scene from the air. He stared at the huge bright pillar of light in the center of the imperial capital. The flying light particles continuously created a layer of clouds and mist in the sky in the center of the imperial capital. However, it was not a real cloud and mist, but too condensed. A certain luminous phenomenon caused by the mixture of natural psychic energy field and source material.

This cloud and mist looked like snow, but also like some kind of solid light. Even though the saucer-shaped aircraft quickly reached an altitude of 10,000 meters, its height was still inferior to the huge jet port of the Imperial Capital, and it was submerged in this light mist. .

"It's so beautiful."

Ian whispered, he has always liked this kind of thing, whether it is man-made or natural, this kind of grand and magnificent things are so heart-wrenching.

But it is precisely this overly powerful technology and overly transcendent power that has caused the sentient beings of Terra to sink into their current situation.

However, Ian never thought that the current Tyra was the 'answer'.

This is just a calculation, a question.

A complex, difficult question, but one with a final answer.

He's going to try and find out. An answer that satisfies most people.

Now, the boy is already at the height of the mountain. At this height, both cities and humans are insignificant... The rulers of this world stand in this place and overlook all living beings.

It’s not necessarily that they don’t love people.

Inaga II may be the strongest, most radical, and the one I love the most, but the other fifth-level people are not necessarily evil, they are all villains - the high-level powerful people in this world must have a firm heart. and wishes, have their own dreams and codes.

They all love people and use another method to make their country and their people live better.

At least, become stronger.

However, whether they are strong men or ordinary people, standing in this place, standing at this height where they can overlook everything... At that time, what they are thinking about may be thousands of years later.

The survival of Terra, the survival of civilization.

They cannot see a person's happiness, they don't know the meaning of a family's smile, and they don't care about the survival of a city.

They are thinking about the overall survival of mankind, how to deal with natural disasters, and how to maintain the fragile balance of the world.

And Ian knew that one day he would stand in that place and overlook the world.

The young man looked away.

——But it’s definitely not just the top of the mountain.

He wants to stand higher, see further, and notice people in more subtle ways, so that everyone can understand some lofty wishes...

Because, that's the only way...

"Only in this way can I realize my dream."

Ian whispered to himself softly, causing Shuangdie to tilt his head and stare. He stretched out his hand and touched the little elf's head: "Don't worry, Shuangdie. You just need to stay behind for this operation. There is no need to come over."

Having said this, Ian sighed: "Actually, I'm thinking about letting you stay in the Imperial Capital...but that would be of no benefit."

The future silver mist reflected from the frost butterfly can only be seen when you go to the Awak area with Ian. When you stay in the imperial capital, it will only be light blue and there will be no change.

No matter what, he can't give up the opportunity to make Frost Butterfly stronger - but Ian is also a little confused about whether this is too dangerous for Frost Butterfly.

But he is a fairy after all. There are also Hua An and Mo Feng taking care of them.

Unless you are in the virtual realm, otherwise, it would be difficult to die.

In order to prevent being discovered, the Pumice aircraft must be suspended at an altitude of about 15,000 meters for a long time. When it reaches the Western Territory, it quickly lowers, flies close to the ground, and then reaches the Awak area.

During this process, the entire aircraft must remain silent.

The weapons Ian carried this time were still the original ones. Charging water gun, steel pattern sword, heavy abyss iron sword and winding air armor. A box of medicines and various observation equipment. After all, he was just an alchemist on the surface. Even if he was very good at swordsmanship (everyone thought he was taught by Viscount Grant), he would not bring too sophisticated weapons.

The saucer-shaped aircraft flashed past from high in the sky, and it was almost non-existent from the surface. Even the sublimated ones could only see a flash of light in the clouds, which was easily ignored.

However, this is still not high.

Above the saucer-shaped aircraft, there is a rather gorgeous 'sea of ​​light', which is probably Terra's ionosphere. There are a large number of psychic fields and natural sources in it, but they are too violent and have no structure at all. It is not as easy to absorb as the biotransformed ones on the surface.

But if there is a way to utilize it, this may also be regarded as a quite huge energy bank.

And in this huge energy reservoir, there is some extremely huge biological existence that is tens of kilometers long.

For the first time, Ian was shocked.

But soon, he discovered that it was not an entire creature, but a collective of large numbers of 'atmospheric plankton'.

These plankton that absorb the source matter of sunlight in Terra's ionosphere are the first layer of Terra's ecosphere to process natural source matter. They build most of the source matter fragments into a system of source matter. The structure, with rainfall or strong winds, disappears into the ecosystem, and can then be used by all living beings.

Their clusters gather together, like some kind of whale, some kind of huge bird, or a giant winding snake... They emit a bright stream of light like an aurora, crossing the sky from time to time, extremely gorgeous .

"I heard that after thunderhunting jellyfish reach the second energy level, they will float there through magnetic levitation and hunt for those 'Aurora Mayflies'. It is precisely because they have such power to chase thunder and aurora that they are called Thunder-hunting jellyfish.”

At this moment, Hua An showed her elf bachelor's style. She noticed where Ian was looking, so she explained to Ian very seriously: "At that time, the king of the thunder-hunting jellyfish cluster, or the 'brain' ' will be truly born... That is the third-level behemoth known as the Aurora Devourer, the 'Thunder God Aircraft Carrier'."

"And your friend Ian, the one with the bloodline of Isengard's Eclipse Dragon, known as the Sky Stalker, also lives in this ecological cycle, and is one of the top predators. .”

"That's actually the case."

Ian suddenly understood, and he nodded seriously to express his gratitude.

It seems that in addition to the surface, Terra also has a quite rich ecosystem in the atmosphere.

Because he has been studying alchemy recently, Ian has not done much to increase his knowledge. After all, these encyclopedia knowledge have a low priority. If you want to know, you can ask other people, or let the silver chip identify it.

So here comes the question - who is the highest-level ruler of this ecosystem?

Ian asked.

"Of course it's a real dragon."

Mo Feng spoke frankly and answered Ian's doubts: "Most of the true dragon's lairs are located in orbits above the atmosphere, flying around Terra - but there are also types who like to build their lairs on the surface, such as Qiang Gang Even if there is one kind of dragon, there is also the ice dragon, and there are also some sea dragons.”

"But the wind and fire attributes, as well as some magneto-electric dragons, all live in the void."

"True dragons are also a top-notch intelligent race. Like us fairies, they will not rashly participate in the disputes between the kingdoms of Terra. And many ecological creatures derived from true dragons as the core also live in the sea of ​​atmosphere. The Dragon Island located on the balance track is a very lively place.”

"Balanced orbit... So, is it a space eco-city, or is it just a cluster of space islands?"

With this in mind, Ian raised his head and looked at the sky above his head... He suddenly felt that the world was really unexpectedly dangerous, and he couldn't help but sigh: "It's so scary."

“But it’s also surprisingly wonderful.”

I really want to see these strange scenery and this dangerous and interesting world.

With such a feeling of worry or expectation, the Pumice Aircraft flew quietly all the way, and soon arrived at the Western Region at night.

The saucer-shaped aircraft lowered its altitude in a quiet forest area and slowly lowered the transport vehicle, making a slight banging sound.

And Ian and others arrived at the edge of the Awak region.

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