High Above

Chapter 487 The Ocean of Meditation (23)

"Curious? Hum! That's right!"

Regarding this, Hua An also became more energetic. Miss Goblin turned the parasol in her hand and said quite confidently: "Let me tell you, goblin meditation is very difficult - goblins like you transformed from human beings are basically Will not work!"

"But you are different. Ian's spiritual power and soul seem to be a little special, and they are unexpectedly similar to us fairies... Even I misjudged it at the beginning, so I had the possibility to try!"

Saying this, Hua An still took a precaution in advance: "But if you fail, don't be too disappointed. We fairies also have human meditation methods, but you have to find that friend of mine. I don't remember it."

"I understand." Ian chuckled and said, "Then, let's start now."

A safe and quiet area is the most suitable environment for meditation.

Of course, some people believe that listening to the sounds of gurgling water, roaring rivers and mighty waves under the impact of waterfalls, rivers, and even the sea can make people immersed in deeper meditation.

But those are generally advanced courses. Ordinary people in the latter environment may not be immersed in meditation, but may be in a coma.

Although Ian has the hard conditions to take advanced courses, for Hua An, today's teenagers are not much different from Shuangdie in terms of fairy meditation.

Because Ian doesn't understand.

I don’t understand what a ‘goblin’ is.

At this moment, in the living room of Isengard's mansion.

Ian sat comfortably on the sofa, his whole body sunk in the plush, and then slowly entered meditation.

His will returned to the depths of his soul like the deep sea, and then followed Hua An's voice and gradually fell towards the depths.

The so-called meditation is already a complete and extremely clear discipline in the continent of Terra. It belongs to the major department of psychic energy and is an 'explicit science' with a complete set of systematic learning and in-depth plans.

After confirmation by countless scholars, psychics and related experimenters, professionals have determined that without the existence of a soul, it is impossible to strengthen one's spirit through 'meditation' in the true sense... but it can speed up the formation of the soul of a person without a soul. .

Beings with souls, or psychics, can use meditation to calm their minds, clarify their desires and thinking, quickly recover from fatigue, various mistakes, and extreme thoughts, and return their mental state to normal. , and even get rid of some mental damage and pollution.

The principle of this effect comes from the ‘dive of the soul’.

If it is said that human thinking is an ocean, then the various thoughts on the human surface are the waves and sprays on the ocean - those brilliant thoughts and sparks of inspiration originate from many external stimuli, that is, the 'strong wind and sun' irradiate'. They are the rolling and rising waves and mist.

Meditation is to let the soul itself dive into the deep sea, avoid all external influences, not be moved by the wind and the sun, and return to the inner side of the calm ocean.

In this way, your thinking will gradually become clearer and clearer.

Of course, some people may think that the so-called meditation should mean that the deeper you sink into your thoughts, the better.

This is not the case.

Meditation is just to return the mind to calmness. Just stay at the shallower level of the sea of ​​​​mind. Letting the waves gradually calm down is the safest way.

If you rush into the depths rashly, you are likely to fall into a dream that is difficult to wake up from - invaded by deep memories that have long been forgotten, traces of painful torture, scars from childhood and even forgotten fears.

In the depths of the ocean, there is not eternal peace, but a mighty subconscious ocean current... Entering here, not only cannot you be calm, but you will fall into madness.

However, psykers can indeed dive deeper and gain more benefits and growth than ordinary people.

Because, they have an ‘anchor’.

This anchor is ‘desire’.

The deeper and more persistent the desire, the more stable the state of the human soul can be, and the deeper the meditation, the more powerful it will be.

Ian often goes deep into his subconscious currents, not only meditating, but also thinking about his own methods of dealing with various things in his memory... This is a process of self-learning and self-reflection for him.

He has been doing this ever since he mastered meditation.

His desire was so strong that even the ocean currents could not shake it.

This is considered a genius among psykers.

[Very good, Ian]

At this moment, Hua An's voice sounded, with a hint of surprise and joy, as well as heartfelt encouragement: [You have passed the level that blocks 90% of psykers, and have overcome the torrent of subconsciousness]

[But this is not enough. For the fairy's meditation, this is just the beginning... Even the frost butterfly can arrive here, and you should be stronger and more determined than the frost butterfly]

[Come, Ian, dive with me... into a deeper area]


Ian's instinct was warning that this was undoubtedly an extremely dangerous attempt.

Even psykers will not sink into the depths of their hearts so easily... because even psykers who long for power, awakened psykers with strong 'anchors', the length of their anchors There are also limits.

If he gets rid of the anchor, Ian will not be able to wake up in the first place... and meditation that cannot wake up in the first place is not meditation, but a nightmare.

But the goblin's meditation seems to be completely different from the human's meditation in terms of 'depth' from the very beginning.

"No wonder ordinary humans can't do it." Ian thought, this was a sudden thought: "The depth I am now at is already a position that can only be reached by the spiritual ability of the 'Nightmare Technique'. Instead, In other words, the average person is immersed in this place, as if he has been having a nightmare."

"If my mind wasn't strong enough, even if I only stayed here for a few seconds, my spirit would be greatly damaged when I woke up, and I would be mentally weak for half a month or even longer."

Meditation involving psychic energy is so dangerous... Therefore, meditation has always been a subject that requires many volunteers, and even some unwilling experimenters, to continuously conduct experiments in order to make progress little by little.

And diving in at will is asking for death.

Unless, there are experienced seniors to guide you.

[Ian, immerse. Immerse yourself in the depths of your mind, overlook the origins of your thoughts, and let go of the nonsense. 】

[Such as the touch of fingers, the contact between skin and clothes, the friction between eyelids and eyeballs, the contraction and expansion of lung cavities during breathing, the slight trembling of muscles all over the body...these distracting thoughts, these noises. 】

[Cut them off. 】

[Because fairies have never had these things. Everything we possess externally, that is, our bodies, are tools for the execution of our will. 】

[We need to get to the bottom of it—why do doubts arise in the mind? Why listen to my voice? Why do you want to feel everything in the outside world? Ian, imagine, imagine that behind your body, there is a deeper, freer version of yourself. He is the source. He comes into contact with those noises, gradually deforms, falls, or in other words, transforms you into who you are now. Now this you will react to the sounds, smells, touches and tastes of the outside world, and even all the light and shadow in the outside world. 】

[And we continue to look back. Go back to your original self. 】

[The body is the tool through which we perceive the world, but the true self... originates from the soul in the freest place. 】

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