High Above

Chapter 479 I don’t care about your pain and future (33)

"There are quite a few restaurants in the imperial capital." When he walked out of the cafe with Hua An and Shuangdie, Ian was in a very relaxed mood: "It seems that if you are rich enough, you can eat in this place alone. Eat delicious food from all over the world.”

But soon, he couldn't feel relaxed anymore.

Because Ian saw a car accident.

That happened in the sixth floor area.

The east side of the sixth floor area is where a large number of civil affairs agencies are located, while the west side is the storage area, so there are often transportation fleets transporting materials.

The world of Terra even has things like armor. It is naturally unrealistic to say that there are no cars.

However, there is no road network across the country in Terra today. Even if there is, due to Warcraft and various strange natural disasters, countries cannot maintain such a stable transportation network. Therefore, so far, the Alchemy Car None developed on a large scale.

A car that can only be used in the city and is useless once it is out of the city network is not as cost-effective as Terra's dragon horses and camel beasts.

Of course, this is just an ordinary scooter... But for the military industry, armored transport vehicles that can transport large amounts of materials across terrain, are stable and have certain self-protection capabilities have always been in demand, so they are quite developed in this regard.

The vehicle that caused the car accident was a quasi-military transport vehicle. It did not have the heavy outer armor that was required outside the city. Instead, it had increased cargo capacity. Judging from the path, it seemed that it was taking out materials from the storage area and transporting them to other places.

Probably when it was turning a corner, the transport truck didn't notice the pedestrians next to it, and the pedestrians probably didn't see this kind of vehicle very often, so they didn't back far enough and got scratched.

And this kind of scratch from a car that is more than three meters high and more than ten meters long... In just a moment, the person was caught in the tire.

That is to say, if the driver stopped the car in time, the middle-aged man who was scratched would only have his legs crushed and then be thrown heavily to the ground and go into shock.

The screaming has stopped, the crowd of onlookers has also partially retreated, and there is only a strange smell of blood on the street.

The cries of a man and a woman were no longer as heart-wrenching as they were at the beginning, and they had even stopped sobbing. The driver looked at the condition of the unconscious man with a worried look on his face, but did not dare to treat him, so he could only discuss with his companions and let them call for help. Come and take a look...or maybe pick up the corpse and the mess.

But people are not dead yet.

This is the first thing Ian saw when he arrived at the sixth floor area.

Frowning slightly, Ian pushed through the crowd. When he saw the situation, he immediately understood what was going on.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen..." "Father, this man is about to die..."

He looked at the surprised expressions of Hua An and Shuang Die, then looked around the crowd and found that no one came forward. Most of them were just looking at them with regret or regret.

Ian decided to step forward.

The young man took out several bottles of alchemy potions from his pocket, some of which were just matrix. He used the essence to control the liquids, allowing them to quickly fuse and mix in mid-air. Some potions did not last long after being mixed, especially those that could heal. For serious injuries, the effectiveness of the medicine will be reduced by half once it loses its activity.

Before that, he first took out the steel-patterned sword, and then covered the complex blade surface with a layer of ice to form a smooth ice blade - he directly cut off the victim's thigh and the flesh that had become part of the ground He used half a bottle of medicine to cover the wound, and then used ice to stop the bleeding.

Next, he injected the remaining half of the vial of powerful healing potion into the victim's artery.

"This way, my life will be saved for the time being. It's interesting, it turns out that this is how the therapeutic potion works on ordinary people..."

Ian squinted to hide the light of the silver chip.

He was sure that the vital signs of the man in front of him had begun to recover - the victim suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, which was actually the effect of his respiratory system beginning to recover, and the injured internal organs were being repaired by highly effective therapeutic agents.


"Which alchemist is this? A bottle of potion can bring people back to life!"

"How much does this bottle of potion cost? I remember that a powerful healing potion usually costs more than thirty thalers..."

"Thank you! I'm really sorry. I really didn't expect that someone didn't avoid it..." This was the driver's voice. He was obviously relieved, but still a little scared.

There is a difference between being run over and being run over. The latter is just a driving error and is not necessarily entirely the driver's fault. However, in the former, he will lose his job no matter what.

But this does not eliminate the risk of life. It can only be said that it can last until professional medical personnel arrive.

Ian is going to continue to take some treatment measures. The goblin's water control ability is quite powerful in this regard and can ensure that the patient does not lose a lot of blood.

But at this moment, the young man vaguely heard a voice.

Don't save.

Ian heard this sound.

He noticed the source of the sound, so he turned his head and looked at the boy and girl behind him.

This is a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old who is dressed a little old, and a girl of about six or seven years old.

The girl's health was not good. She had her eyes closed at the moment, tears kept flowing, but she didn't have the strength to cry. The young man hugged his sister tightly. He stared at his father's body in front of him, but he held back his tears forcefully. Just his eyes were red.

He was wearing a narrow-sleeved white shirt that was slightly yellowish, and the man under his command, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, was also dressed similarly. Even the little girl's plaid skirt seemed to be cut and sewn from a larger piece of clothing.

Ian somewhat understood why he heard such a sound. He had already thought about many things, such as the consequences of his actions.

He actually knew it from the beginning, but...

When he actually faintly heard the words 'don't save', the young man still subconsciously felt that this might be an auditory hallucination caused by his tinnitus.

But, unfortunately, this is not an auditory hallucination.

In fact, this young man with his head lowered, who most likely came from the countryside of Quinault Plain outside the lower city of the imperial capital, was whispering these words.

"It can't be cured... This is a crushing injury. Dad... Dad survived, but he is also a disabled person..."

The young man bit his lip until it bled, and he inflicted pain on himself. He knelt on the ground with his head lowered, hugging his sister, and whispered to Ian's armored back: "Please, knight... don't save dad... Please, please, please..."

"I have to take good care of Shalan... Please, knight, I can't take care of two people... I still have to cultivate land at home, and I am already in debt when I come here to apply for a temporary residence permit..."

"If Shalan and I can still afford it, we can live next to the imperial capital, and my mother's grave will not be moved... At least dad can be with mom... Please, knight……"


These words were said incoherently, and in the end, he really couldn't stand it anymore. The young man who was almost speechless could only hug his sister, with tears streaming down his face, and did not dare to get close to Ian.

- They dare not approach an Ascendant, an Alchemist.

"Knight, please..."

At this moment, the silent Ian heard another hoarse voice.

The man who regained some consciousness opened his eyes slightly. He actually didn't say these words at all. It was just a whisper in Ian's ears that was composed by the silver chip analyzing his muscle movements and emotional changes.

At first, the whisper he heard was like this.

"Knight, please, don't save me..."


Ian sighed, he couldn't help but think of Qing Chao.

Qingchao's father was like this. He retired as a veteran and was gradually dragged to death by hidden injuries. He didn't dare to treat him before he died, because if he didn't start treatment, he could barely hold on. Once he started, he would completely lose the ability to work, and then he would suck like a bottomless pit. Lost all the wealth in the family.

Advanced regeneration potion? Let’s not talk about the price...how can we buy a targeted first-level retired veteran? Just like some families are not able to raise the money, but they are unable to go to big cities and find good enough doctors to receive proper treatment.

At that time, Qingchao needed to lay the foundation for his own future and his son's future. The man chose the latter.

——Sometimes, death is very profitable. Whether on the battlefield or in daily life, pensions and subsequent compensation may not necessarily allow relatives to have food and clothing for the rest of their lives, but they can allow them to survive the most difficult period of losing their loved ones... On the contrary, those who come back disabled cannot get it. A few dollars, and it also takes a long time and money to treat.

This is what Ian said when he was chatting with Qing Chao in Harrison Port, and the sea-born swordsman looked at the sea.

His tone was as ethereal as the waves: "I don't know what my father was thinking at that time. I'm still thinking about how to refute the old man's bullshit words... It's a pity that I'm too weak."

"Ian...I can't refute this."

— and I can refute that.

Therefore, in response to the pleading of the young and middle-aged people, Ian showed a calm smile: "Listen, there are two of you, three including this lovely lady. I don't care whether you will suffer in the future or not. To be sucked into the vortex…I honestly don’t care about that and I don’t care.”

"It's just now that I see someone in front of me who can be saved, and I can save it... If nothing else, my child is still nearby, so I have to take action."

With that said, he took out a bottle of bright green potion from his pocket, and then another bottle of pale white potion. Ian poured the latter into the former, and then stirred it with the source of matter.

This is a regeneration potion. An elite medicine that can regenerate damaged limbs, and is also very effective for sublimators.

Ian poured this bottle of regeneration potion into the mouth of the middle-aged man: "Patients who almost killed themselves, and children who are too stupid to hold back their own fathers, are not qualified to give me advice."

After finishing, he stood up and shook his head slightly: "Just think of it as an experiment. Brothers and sisters over there, your father was forced by me to conduct human experiments on new therapeutic drugs. Remember to report the experimental results to me later."

"If the effect is good and the Alchemy Association recognizes my patent, you can also get a reward."

Before the dazed brother and sister behind him could understand what he said, Ian raised his head and looked behind the crowd who were still praising and marveling.

There, a team of people was approaching quickly, led by a rather young nobleman - his expression was irritable and hiddenly angry, and among the medical staff behind him was a bright cleric.

Not slow. But it's still a bit late.

When the original victim might have died without Ian's intervention, medical staff from the Sixth Floor District and the managers who handled the car accident arrived.

Today is also 9000 words, please vote for me~

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