High Above

Chapter 229 Brain-eating Insects and Psionic Progress (44)

Ian opened the deformed man's chest cavity with his sword, and found that the parasite was not 'wrapped' around the spine, but it was a part of the spinal cord - it wrapped the deformed man's spine like a nerve structure, making the maroon The worms spread all over the body of the deformed person, wrapping the stomach and going deep into the intestinal tract, taking over the digestive system.

And at the top is the original brain of the deformed person.

——This parasite has completely replaced the nervous structure of the deformed person and completely controlled the body!

The original deformed person has only one body left, and its spinal cord and all nervous systems have been swallowed and replaced by parasites!

Squinting his eyes, the corners of Ian's mouth raised a slight arc, and he raised his sword with great interest, uncovering the well-preserved skull of the deformed man, revealing the inside of the brain cavity full of viscous mucus and strange abscesses .

The boy couldn't help but exclaim.

Because, what appeared in front of his eyes was a winding, bulging sac that filled the entire skull, and its shape was almost like a giant tapeworm with a brain!

The giant maroon tapeworm is still alive at this moment, constantly bulging and shrinking, its outer layer is covered with mucus, forming a film similar to the brain-blood barrier... And according to those complicated brain sulci and cortex, and each one looks quite familiar brain structure.

Ian was almost certain that this strange giant parasitic tapeworm had completely replaced the brain function of the deformed person.

In other words, this parasite is a 'parasite brain' that will eat the host's brain and replace it!

"Name it Brain Devourer."

In the silver chip, Ian named this malignant parasite.

He didn't feel sick, instead he squatted down and carefully observed the structure of this brain-eating worm.

The scanning function of the silver chip is very easy to use, and it will provide many specific results that need to be detected and analyzed in detail, but it is not omniscient, and many elaborations of information are not complete.

Ian thought at first that this was because the chip had scanned the memories of Inaiga II and Hilliard, two powerful men in the world, well-informed emperors and royal knights, so he was able to know almost everything.

But later he discovered that many evaluations inside the chip were not subjective, but very neutral... No matter what data or conclusions, none of them seemed like the results that people on this continent of Terra could draw.

Instead, it looks like... some kind of 'observer' perspective that transcends the entire civilization.

Ian has many guesses about this, but these guesses are not important at the moment - there will be time to prove those things in the future, and the most important thing now is the strange parasite in front of him.

"This parasite is actually a potion material, and I don't know what abilities the sublimated person sublimated by this kind of blood will have. Is it parasitic? Who is it parasitic? How can a thing as big as a person be parasitic..."

At first, he was just asking and answering to himself to clear up the confusion in his heart, but as he talked, Ian couldn't help frowning: "Wait?"

"The process of the integration of the indigenous great shaman and the crocodile dragon... the flesh and blood figure that appeared in the flesh and blood of the crocodile dragon..."

"Could it be that……"

After a pause, the boy shook his head: "Maybe it's just a coincidence, but first write down the doubts."

Thinking this way, after stabbing the brain-shaped parasite to death with a sword, Ian looked around the entire hall, focusing on those dark training chambers: "Obviously, this deformed person crawled out of those temporary training chambers ——Although most of them are teratomas, as long as the number of cultures is enough, a few guys with only severe distortions can be produced."

"It's a pity that these deformed people are too close to the river of parasites. As soon as they come out of the cultivation chamber to drink water, they will be parasitized, their brains will be swallowed, and they will become the shells of brain-eating worms."

Although Ian still doesn't quite understand why such weird monster-level parasites appear in the sacred land of the aborigines and the underground ruins of the pre-epoch civilization, the danger and weirdness of this place are definitely beyond everyone else's imagination.

He must immediately find other partners, especially sharks that act in the water, so that they cannot be infected by parasites.

Now that you want to, start to act.

But before that, a few things need to be prepared.

After finding the bonfire that was probably lit by a deformed person or a brain devourer, Ian took a short rest and opened the vision horizon again after lighting it.

This time, there was no longer any breath of life around him—even the shadow of the stone pillar above his head.

The interior of the entire cavity is gray and white, only the cultivation chamber itself is a light blue object, and there are many scattered source qualities inside.

But at this moment, Ian was a little surprised to find that the physical strength required for the opening of the predictive horizon had increased.

It used to be the stamina needed for an ordinary person to punch one punch, but now it has suddenly increased, and it has become the stamina needed to punch several punches.

"Is it the influence of the special spiritual energy field here?"

After reaching the first energy level, Ian almost never felt distressed by the depletion of the vision horizon.

The psionic price that is difficult to pay for ordinary people is just a matter of breathing for sublimators.

It's just that the consumption has increased several times, which is a dangerous signal, which represents a huge abnormality.

"Not like."

Shaking his head, Ian denied this guess. He thought of another more likely situation: "Could it be that... my spiritual power has improved again?"

——Because I saw the changes in the South China Sea with my own eyes, the relics of the pre-epoch, and the spiritual power that I had improved because of my "curiosity"... also began to gradually change because of this.

Thinking about it carefully, this is the most likely possibility.

He recalled the visions that seemed to come from the past when he saw the doors of the underground ruins opened...

"As long as I continue to explore the ruins, my psionic energy can probably complete a transformation."

"Perhaps, in addition to predicting, I can also know some past events?"

With confidence in his heart, Ian is looking forward to the future exploration more and more.

The vision of foresight is the basis for him to settle down on the continent of Terra, and it is also a must for him to continue to grow-if this psychic power can become stronger, then he will not let go of the opportunity to make it stronger.

What's more, he wanted to do that...wanted to explore.

As for the increase in consumption, it is just a small price.

In short.

In this treacherous underground, Ian can't guarantee that he can get food...Parasites are probably the last option.

All his physical supplies can only rely on the medicine in his pocket and the source quality stored in Gu Long's core.

Of course, in addition to these things that have been prepared long ago, the boy also has an unexpected reserve.

That is the brain crystallization of the crocodile dragon.

The spirit of the mountain tide, the brain crystallization of the swamp crocodile.

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