High Above

Chapter 172 Soaring through the clouds and riding the fog (33)

"The connection was very successful. Although there was a slight resistance, the Wavesinger is in the final analysis a lower-level true form differentiated from the blood of the fairy. As long as you grasp the method and speed well, the conversion is really easy and comfortable!"

Feeling the 'power of mist' lifting him upwards, Ian could feel that there seemed to be a pair of invisible wings behind him.

On land, it can stimulate the water mist in the air to lift Ian up; while in the water, it can even wrap Ian's whole body, reducing resistance while providing enough propulsion for a ship to move forward rapidly.

The power that can propel the boat to move, acting on a person, is enough to make Ian catch up with the fish and ride the waves in the sea!

Even if it is the inheritance of the Wavebreaker, it is nothing more than the strongest and the most perfect, and this is just one of the functions of the sublimation organ, Fairy Wings!

What is the weakest inheritance?.jpg

Of course, Ian is also very clear that the power of Fairy Wings comes from water. It may be able to act with ice fog in cold places, but its agility will be slightly inferior, and in desert and mountainous areas, its effect will be greatly weakened. And around the dry lava lake underground, it will even fail completely, unless you bring enough water with you as a prop for short-term battles.

In the final analysis, the first energy level is far from being able to reverse the natural environment.

"Well, with Fairy Wings, when I advance to the second energy level in the future, the difficulty and distortion rate of converting into Fairy Bloodline will be much lower."

At this moment, Ian is still feeling the subtle changes in the silver chip.

The two sublimation organs in the Legacy of the Wavesinger, 'The Pearl of the Tide' and the 'Throat of the Waves', one is the 'Origin Organ' that condenses the water-attributed source quality, and the other is the 'Enhancement' that manipulates the source material to strengthen and use it organ'.

The source organ is not directly involved in the strengthening of the sublimated person, but it is generally directly connected with the 'source seed'.

The source seed is the starting point used by sublimators to create sublimation organs, and it is also the converter and engine that converts food and medicine into things that can be absorbed by the human body—it is the first stage of 'production and rough processing', and it is the entire sublimation system. core cornerstone.

The source organ is responsible for refining the raw materials such as 'steel, coal, plastic, and wood' manufactured by the source into more advanced manufacturing materials such as 'parts, screws, high-performance alloys, and gears'.

Strengthening the organs is responsible for assembling these materials into various 'capabilities' - for example, the Throat of Wing Wave will process the processed water-type source material into a 'water-type sound wave that can affect water and liquid substances' source quality'.

To put it simply, the source seed is mined and refined into rough primitive iron ore, the source material organ is processed into high-carbon steel, and the strengthening organ molds high-carbon steel into a high-carbon steel long sword or spear, and sublimators use these weapons Go kill the enemy.

Under normal circumstances, even if it is the inheritance of Shakai Apprentice that goes directly to the fifth energy level, each energy level will add at most one source organ to form two abilities.

The heart of the fertile soil refines the source of the earth attribute, the sand armor rock core gives Ian the sand armor and liver strengthening ability, and the clean rock crystal bone provides the crystal bone and body strengthening ability.

Fairy wings are a strengthening organ, and Ian also realized that if the half-potion he took was related to the source plasm organ, then his experiment would most likely fail... The first ability Level source seeds cannot support the processing of so many source organs.

The most direct reason why Ian can have two sets of inheritance is actually not because of the silver chip.

It's because he has the heart of Hilliard.

As the ancient dragon core of the fifth energy level, this powerful source matter organ can store excess source matter that Ian cannot accumulate on weekdays. At critical moments, it can also be used as Ian's second source seed to carry out large-scale batches of earth-type source matter. processing.

In other words, he is a dual-core driver, and his output energy level and output method are twice as strong as those of ordinary sublimators.

Turning off the running instruments, Ian cleaned all the alchemy equipment in his workshop, then left the shop, hung up the sign of 'Closed Business Today', and walked out of the city.

It’s almost evening now——in the morning, I chatted with Elder Pude about the potion formula inherited from the family Secretin and the Silver Winged Messenger, and in the afternoon I waited until the potion ingredients were processed and digested the potion.

Stepping away from the new city, Ian walked towards the southwestern coastal area of ​​Port Harrison.

The guards and Bai Zhimin along the way, as well as people who know him, will greet him, and Ian will respond with a smile and wave - as a new generation of sublimators and psykers who showed their faces fiercely just yesterday, Ian's reputation in Port Harrison was even vaguely comparable to that of the sublimators of the older generation, such as Yam Knight, who rarely appeared in front of the public.

Soon, he came to the uninhabited jungle outside the city.

This place was originally the sphere of influence of the natives, and several tribes who were close to Harrison Port and a few tribes who were thrown over as a buffer zone settled here.

But now, these aborigines have all left. Some went to the aboriginal villages around the official road in the east and became new port residents who settled and cultivated. Some were forced to relocate and could only go to the miasma forest area further south.

In Harrison Port, even the area along the river has not been developed, and there is no way to open up the area for a while, so the forest is even more lush.

Not long after, Ian had gone deep into the hinterland of the jungle. Because it was too close to Harrison Port and the natives, there were no herbs to be found here, so even herbal gatherers and hunters seldom arrived. Looking up from the clearing in the forest, you can I saw the gray-white cliffs of the Bison Mountains standing among the dark green giant redwoods, and the sight of Harrison Port was even more difficult to find.

Only the chirping of insects and the occasional flying bird can break this sense of alienation that seems to be independent from the world.

Ian needed this kind of environment—an environment without anyone, without any bystanders.

to test your abilities.

"Very good...it's right here, straight to the Tutan Cliff, a straight line."

Relying on the map stored in the silver chip, Ian judged that his location had formed a straight line with the Qitan Cliff and the South China Sea. , although it is because the sand armor apprentice does not have any acceleration ability, and it is difficult to move freely in the jungle area... But this time it can be different."

"Let me see how much this Fairy Wing can increase my speed at the first energy level!"

The boy took a deep breath and adjusted his posture.

He starts and runs.

Then it turned into a gust of wind.

A huge force strong enough to crush a large rock surged out, pushing Ian's body forward rapidly. Almost in an instant, a deep pit appeared where he was standing, and this pit also turned into a boy. An insignificant dot behind.

This speed is already considered extremely fast. Ordinary people who are hit by this speed like a chariot charging are afraid that they will be regarded as broken bones and bones, and die in a spray of blood mist—but this is only brought about by the physical fitness of the sand armor apprentice. Compared with the really sensitive inheritance, his brute speed is just a stupid straight line action.

So the next moment, Ian activated the Fairy Wings again.

Suddenly, everything changed.

Ian felt that his body became half lighter in an instant, and the dense water mist in the surrounding jungle quickly gathered towards him, lifting his body... This was due to the buoyancy of the dust and sand hanging from the sea, as long as there is water The mist can be activated, not to mention the invisible wings are also exerting a driving force behind the boy.

It was as if the seal had been released——Ian's speed doubled in an instant!

The jungle trees on both sides of Ian retreated rapidly in his field of vision, while the vines and branches in front of him were crushed by his strong body, and everything in the boy's eyes turned into a green corridor, continuously gushing out and The receding trees form the walls of this corridor, while the floating clouds and the setting sun above the sky, those brilliant rays of light turn into the ever-changing roof of the corridor.

Ian didn't have time to think too much for a while, his heart was filled with the joy of running fast, which was close to fast racing, but everything was completely under his control, and nothing could put him in danger A sense of liberation is too much for a young Ascendant.

He stepped heavily or lightly, and immediately the young man felt that the ever-changing corridor disappeared.

A strong lifting force led Ian upwards, even causing him to lose his sense of gravity for a while.

Immediately afterwards...everything around became wide and clear.

Looking around, the clouds and the sun in the distance are so vivid that there is even a light shining on his cheek.

Ian's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but hold his breath.

Because at this moment he has leaped to the top of the jungle, more than thirty meters high in the air.

Just a light leap.

It's like flying through the clouds.

Thanks to the rudder leader of Nianji for the reward! Thanks to the two-color wolf book, book friend 20220413130925001, Yuyangtian, Fengchen, actor, poipoi145, lazy Yinglong, bard poet and Zhai, footless bird has not landed, book friend 20211022174404567, Zhetian 2012, house fighter, passerby丨Fantasy reward!

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