No matter how difficult the exam is, it will eventually come to an end. After the last subject of History of Magic in seventh grade, the school year has finally come to an end.

Professor McGonagall, who had received the results in advance, was filled with uncontrollable excitement and quietly told Tver that this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts results were better than ever, especially the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T.

If according to previous years, both O and E in O.W.L. could attend advanced classes, then he would have to be mentally prepared for a huge increase in the number of people attending classes.

But Tver only responded absentmindedly.

At the year-end dinner, Dumbledore, as expected, gave the trio a lot of points for their performance, which indirectly confirmed Ron’s boast.

Therefore, although Gryffindor did not win the Quidditch Cup, they still surpassed Slytherin and won the House Cup.

Before the students left school, Tver also assigned summer homework, and students with poor theoretical scores were naturally given much more weight.

After that, Tver disappeared from the sight of the students, and no one saw him again until they got on the train.

If they hadn’t known in advance that he would still be a professor in the next academic year, the students would have started to protest.

Knockturn Alley.

This is another magical shopping district adjacent to Diagon Alley.

Unlike Diagon Alley, the walking wizards here habitually wear hoods to hide their identities as much as possible.

But it can’t be said that all the people inside are dark wizards. Sometimes there are ordinary wizards with special needs. It’s just that most of the items sold inside are dark magic items.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic has not banned such a dark place, which is a gray area between black and white.

Caractacus Bock considered himself the leader here, so most people here called him Mr. Bockin.

He thought he knew all the secrets of Knockturn Alley and had the source of many information about the wizarding world.

Until early July, a mysterious customer came to the store.

This is a handsome, dashing man.

The exquisite but not dazzling suit seemed to grow on this man’s body, perfectly fitting his temperament.

But in Mr. Borgin’s memory, there had never been such a prominent person, especially one who did not hesitate to look so conspicuous in Knockturn Alley.

This man is naturally Tver.

It’s just that his appearance has been changed by the Transfiguration Technique, gradually moving closer to that of Dumbledore in his youth.

This was what he “accidentally” saw when he suddenly appeared in the principal’s office one time and when the old man was packing his things in a panic.

Originally, I wanted to become the teacher next to him, closer to Turville in height, but I just considered that the young Grindelwald was much more dazzling than the young Dumbledore.

In order to avoid trouble, he had no choice but to put out the idea.

“Mr. Borgin?” Tver looked around the dim shop.

It seems that in order to set off the mysterious temperament, the shops in Knockturn Alley are very stingy with lights.

“Hello, distinguished guest, I am the owner of this store, Caractacus Bock. You can just call me Bock.” Bock came over respectfully and said greasyly.

Anyone who dares to act arrogantly in Knockturn Alley has someone to rely on, no matter which one it is, it means that there is business coming to the door.

Tweel glanced at his hair strangely. It was as greasy as Snape’s, or even a little greasier.

Bock nonchalantly combed his oily hair hanging down his face with his hands.

“Does this guest need anything? There are all kinds of props here that can satisfy you. You can’t find another one in Knockturn Alley.”

Tver glanced at the items in the store calmly: glass eyeballs, ferocious masks, human bones and other props not suitable for children.

Bock didn’t lie. This is the store with the most black magic items, and there are even many weirder ones hidden in the warehouse.

It’s just that for him, this level of black magic props has made him no longer interested in researching them.

So he stated his purpose directly.

“I heard that the house next to it is also your property. Make an offer and I’ll buy it.”

Yes, he needed a house away from Dumbledore and his family to conduct research on Horcruxes.

The aura carried by the Horcrux is too evil. If you study it in depth, it will be easily seen by Dumbledore and his family.

So he could only look for a house like this in Knockturn Alley.

Unfortunately, as a rare commercial district in the wizarding world, even in Knockturn Alley, there were few properties that satisfied him.

The only one that catches my eye

, the house next to Boginbock’s store.

It just so happens that there is some evil atmosphere coming from the vicinity of Bojinbok. That is normal!

Bock blinked blankly, “Can you please say it again? I didn’t hear it clearly just now.”

“I want to buy the house next door.” Tver repeated briefly.

Bock raised his hand in surprise and put it down again. He repeated it several times before saying, “Can I ask why you want to buy a house?”


Tver looked into Bock’s eyes, and a trace of confusion suddenly appeared in his eyes.

But a second later, the sound of breaking glass was heard from Bock’s body, and his confused expression was immediately swept away.

“This guest,” Bock took out his wand directly, and also took out a phoenix feather in his left hand, “state your purpose of visit, or I will notify the Ministry of Magic!”

As the most well-known figure in Knockturn Alley, there are always many dark wizards who regard Burke as the target of robbery.

But he has been able to live safely until now, relying on his superb magic skills and various magic props.

However, Tver had no intention of going to war. He just wanted to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

“Calm down,” he opened his hands calmly, “I just want to buy a house. Of course, if you still have the prop you just used, I want it too.”

Burke did not put down his wand, but he also relaxed his tense muscles. His left hand put the feather back into his pocket and groped for something inside.

“You mean this?” He took out a diamond-shaped crystal, but it was full of cracks. “This is a tool to prevent the soul from being disturbed.”

Seeing the completely broken crystal, his heart lifted again.

Just a confusion spell can actually cause this crystal to react so violently.

You know, this kind of protective crystal can resist the soul-stealing curse!

What’s more important is that this guest still casts the spell silently without a wand!

He suddenly realized that his action of holding up the wand was a bit stupid. With this person’s strength, unless he had a hundred such crystals, he was just making pointless resistance.

He quickly put down his wand, bent down, and said in a more respectful and greasy voice: “There are not many such crystals left. I can give you one. As for the house next to it, do you have to buy it?”

Bock’s voice was a little aggrieved. He really didn’t want to be a neighbor to such a person.

Although he is sometimes protected by some invisible protection, once he is angered, he is the most dangerous person.

Tver was a little confused and blinked his big blue eyes, thinking he was worried about the price.

“My goal is a house. Don’t worry, as long as the price is right, I can come up with galleons now.”

As he spoke, a large bag of gold coins floated out of his pocket, beating on Bock’s heart like a devil’s whisper.

Burke squinted at the bag of galleons.

After a battle between heaven and man, he gritted his teeth and decided to sell the house. The worst thing he could do was take more protective measures!

“Okay, I can sell it to you.”

He really couldn’t muster the courage to say no to such money and strength.

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