Just when Tver planned to continue studying Horcruxes.

“Knock knock——”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

“Professor, I have some questions and I want to ask you. Are you in there?”

It was Percy’s voice, but there was confusion in his tone.

But isn’t it delivered to your door? !

Tver put the things away happily, but the dark magic aura of the Horcrux still remained, making it difficult to put away.

After hurriedly tidying up, he went over and opened the door himself.

“Come in,” he patted Percy on the shoulder and led him to sit down. “Tea or pumpkin juice?”

“The pumpkin juice is ready.”

It has become a common secret in the Gryffindor common room that professors like pumpkin juice. Many students preparing for exams will drink this drink, which seems to bring them strength.

Of course Percy didn’t believe in such superstitious things, but when he came here, he naturally didn’t mind catering to the professor’s taste.

But the professor seemed very happy and actually poured him a full glass of pumpkin juice with his own hands.


After watching Percy take a small sip, Tweel spoke in greetings.

“How’s it going? Are you adapting to the classroom during this period?”

Percy immediately recalled the fear of being dominated by test papers. Although the test papers after class could be written slowly, they were difficult!

There can be more than a dozen different questions for the same key point, and each question also hides various traps!

However, the actual practice was much smoother, so he swallowed and said:

“I have become more proficient in the mastery of magic. Now I can dismantle magic much faster, and I have also mastered many silent spells.”

Tver nodded with satisfaction.

Even if Percy chooses all twelve subjects, he can still be the first in his grade and can be said to be the best student in this class.

“The silent spell is a content for sixth grade. If you can use it in the exam, you can shock all the examiners’ jaws and get the best O easily.”

Percy showed a smile that was proud but had to be suppressed, “I have to thank you for your teaching.”

“But can your body bear it? I heard that you plan to obtain twelve certificates. This is not an easy task.”

Tver gave him a piece of chocolate.

“To be honest, I don’t quite understand this behavior. In my opinion, it is best to choose the subject that best achieves your goals.”

Percy held the chocolate and fumbled with the wrapping paper with his fingers, making a crisp sound.

“Because I don’t know what my goal is…” he said weakly.


Because I didn’t know my goals after graduation, I chose all the subjects to prevent myself from missing anything.

Is this the top student you like?

Tver was intrigued.

“I remember Professor McGonagall gave you career guidance, right? Or are you not determined yet?”

Percy nodded, shook his head again, and said confusedly: “I told Professor McGonagall that I wanted to work in the Ministry of Magic, and she told me a lot of very practical experiences.

However, now I feel more and more that my problems cannot be solved at the Ministry of Magic. ”

“It makes you so confused. Do you mind telling me what kind of trouble it is?”

“It’s because of my family,” Percy said in a complicated tone. “As you may know from Ron, our family is not rich.”

“Obviously my father is so hard-working… okay, a little unprofessional, but he really loves his job.”

“My mother is the same. She works hard to take care of our seven children. But parents who work so hard have to worry about Ron’s wand and have a headache for the tuition and fees for my sister who is about to enter school!”

Speaking of excitement, Percy’s face turned red and his hands clenched into fists.

“I don’t understand!”

“Why do those pure-blood families, who I think are very bad, enjoy wealth that we cannot accumulate in a lifetime, and are at the highest level of power in this country.”

“But my two brothers who are so smart and powerful can only stay on the fringes of the magic world, doing jobs that no one knows about and earning meager wages!”

“My father has worked so hard, but he can only stay at the bottom of the Ministry of Magic!”

“That’s not fair!”

“Do I have to reach a high level of power to escape this fate?!”

Finally, he hit the desk hard, making a deafening noise, and all the pumpkin juice was spilled out.

Percy was also startled by his rude action, “I’m sorry, Professor, I’m too excited.”

He also wanted to wipe away the pumpkin juice with his hands, but Tver stopped him and used magic to remove the stain.

“I can understand your mood. To be honest, I also

I don’t understand what’s going on in the magic world right now. ”

“Magical world?”

Percy was a little confused. He was only thinking about his own little family and hadn’t thought about the entire magical world.

“Yes, the magical world.” Tver looked into his eyes meaningfully.

“If a society cannot give those who work hard the wealth they deserve, it is not the problem of the hard workers, but the problem of the society.”

Percy was frightened by this stare, and he blinked twice in fear.

“But… but my father actually doesn’t work that hard. He doesn’t work hard. He spends all day thinking about Muggle gadgets, playing with rubber ducks, and transforming…”

“But what about your brothers? Even if I haven’t met them, I have heard that their performance in school is not inferior to yours.”

Twil leaned forward, the expression on his face became more and more serious, and there seemed to be needles in his eyes, which made Percy dare not look directly.

“Or do you also want to be like your brothers, who obviously have good grades, but can only act like a nobody and be commanded by those who are ignorant and incompetent?”

“Percy, there is something wrong with the wizarding world, and it cannot be changed by your hard work. As you said, a pure-blood heir like me -”

“I’m not talking about you,” Percy said weakly.

“No, you are just talking about me. As long as I lie down, I can have more wealth than I can spend in several lifetimes, and it is still growing, and there will be more in the future!”

“But what about you?”

“You can only work as hard as you can to earn the few galleons I give you.”

Turville pushed Percy’s head straight, and the two looked into each other’s eyes.

“The wizarding world is sick, Percy. What it needs no longer is effort, but the doctor’s medicine.”

Percy, who was led by the nose, said naggingly: “But, where is the doctor?”

“It’s right here, Percy, in this office.” Tver said softly with a bewitching smile.

“We are the first to realize this problem, and the wizarding world is waiting for us to change it and make it healthier and better.”

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