Of course Tver knew that the students now loved and hated him. In fact, they just complained a few times, but when it came to the light ball game, didn’t they actively participate?

What’s more, he has an even bigger headache now.

Judging from the encounter that night, one of Snape or Dumbledore must have special skills to detect the strangeness on the fourth floor.

If he steals the Philosopher’s Stone and comes out, it will really be Dumbledore.

Fortunately, he still has his curiosity.

After nightfall, the castle returns to a peaceful atmosphere.

“Everything is empty.”

Tver put away the magic point map.

According to the time agreed between him and Quirrell, he came to the Forbidden Forest under the cover of night.

This was his “second time” here. I don’t know if the magic power Helga left for him was working. He felt an inexplicable closeness to the Forbidden Forest.

It also clearly made him feel where Quirrell was.

Following along, Quirrell was also chasing a unicorn.

The poor unicorn was running around, and the wounds on its body were bleeding gurglingly, but Quirrell seemed to be teasing, using various magics to block its escape route.

After all routes were blocked, the unicorn found that he had nowhere to escape and could only face Quirrell face to face.

With tears of sadness streaming from the corners of its eyes, the unicorn stared intently at the wizard who wanted to harm it.

“Poor little creature, remember to stay away from me in the next life,” Quirrell flipped the wand in his hand, “Avada Kedavra!”

The green light flashed by, and the unicorn closed its eyes in resignation, but after a few seconds, it didn’t feel any discomfort.

Opening his eyes, a golden light film was dissipating in front of it.

“Don’t be so irritable. Didn’t you agree to do it tonight?” Tver walked out of the shadows and looked at Quirrell with a smile, “I heard that killing will bring misfortune to people’s next actions. .”

The unicorn was stunned for a moment. It didn’t understand the scene in front of it, but it also realized that it had survived and quickly escaped into the dark depths of the Forbidden Forest.

“So, before you start taking action, are you thinking of weakening my strength?”

Quirrell’s pale face twisted, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he never put down the wand in his hand.

Tver ignored it.

As if he didn’t see Quirrell’s expression, he calmly stretched out his hand and arranged “shielding” magic around him, as if they were really close partners.

After doing all this, Tver walked up to Quirrell with a smile.

“It seems that your master is quite cruel to you. He forces you to suck the blood of unicorns every day to stay alive.” He put his hands in front of him to show that he had no hostility. “Don’t be anxious. Why don’t we talk about tonight?” plan?”

The corners of Quirrell’s eyes twitched, and he looked at him for a while before saying with a sullen face: “Ten minutes ago, Dumbledore received a letter from the Ministry of Magic and left Hogwarts.”

“Great, what about the other professors in the castle?”

“Isn’t that your responsibility?!”

“Sorry, after being a professor for a long time, I always like to ask questions.” Tver smiled evilly.

“I will stay here in person, pretending to hurt Harry Potter who is locked up tonight, and make a big noise. By then, everyone’s attention in the castle will be in the Forbidden Forest.”

Now it was Quirrell’s turn to nod with satisfaction.

“Very good, after getting the magic stone, go to Hogsmeade through the secret passage and leave here far away!”

“Yes, stay far away from here.”

The two laughed falsely.

Little did they know that behind a big tree not far away, Harry and Ron’s faces were so frightened that they didn’t dare to make a sound.

Their bodies were trembling and they opened their mouths several times without speaking. It wasn’t until the two left here that they dared to breathe out.

“Hurt…hurt us,” Ron was so frightened that his teeth chattered and made a gurgling sound, “Professor Foley wouldn’t do such a thing, would he?”

“Didn’t you hear? It’s a pretense. The professor is going to pretend to hurt us, and then lure the other professors away so that Snape can steal the Philosopher’s Stone!”

Harry was also scared, but he didn’t show it and forced himself to calm down.

Ron said anxiously: “Then let’s hurry up and notify other professors now?”

This idea stayed in Harry’s mind for a second before he rejected it.

“No, Professor Welfare is watching. We go looking for the professors in a big way. If we meet him, what we students say will not be as convincing as his words!”

“Not only will the professors not be informed, but

It’s easy to expose us! ”

“Think about it quickly, what should we do? It would be great if Hermione were here at this time. She is so smart, she will definitely be able to come up with a good idea!”

He was running around in circles anxiously, tapping his head with his hands, as if he could come up with a good idea.

As a result, Ron calmed down at this time. He patted Harry expressionlessly and said, “Then let’s just go find Hermione directly?”

The two looked at each other.


After an awkward second, they ran along the way they came without saying a word.

Not long after they left the Forbidden Forest, there was a loud “bang” sound behind them, like thunder.

Although they didn’t see the fire, Harry and Ron’s hearts trembled.

“The professor must have started taking action, we must hurry up!” The more this time came, the calmer Harry felt.

Influenced by him, Ron nodded firmly.

For some reason, they didn’t see anyone else along the way, let alone curious students, not even the professor.

But they didn’t care about thinking anymore, and when they hurried back to the lounge, the Forbidden Forest erupted with a loud noise again, and the castle shook.

Along with this loud noise, through the window, Harry saw birds flying away from their homes in groups, fleeing in panic, just like his anxious heart.

The only students in the lounge stood up in surprise and looked out the window curiously.

Some students wanted to leave the lounge and go to the Forbidden Forest to find out.

Percy immediately stood at the door, constantly stopping the students who tried to run out, especially his twin brothers who were eager to try.

“It’s curfew time, you can’t go out!”

Harry and Ron looked at each other and realized that the professor’s plan was underway. They did not dare to waste time and quickly found Hermione who was looking at them worriedly not far away.

“Did you encounter something?” The smart little witch saw the seriousness on their faces and immediately guessed that something was wrong.

“Our confinement is in the Forbidden Forest, looking for injured unicorns!”

Harry whispered to Hermione quickly but clearly what they had just encountered.

When she heard that Professor Welfare and Snape were going to steal the Philosopher’s Stone tonight, Hermione was so frightened that her body trembled slightly.

“But…but the magic stone is protected by a three-headed dog?”

“Although I hate Snape,” Harry said helplessly, “but you have to admit that he has at least 10,000 ways to make that ferocious three-headed dog behave like a puppy.”

“So what are we going to do now?” Ron said anxiously, his fists clenched tightly.

“Principal Dumbledore is not in the school. We should tell the professors that as long as they are here, they will definitely not let Snape steal the Sorcerer’s Stone.” Hermione suggested hesitantly.

Ron immediately shook his head and retorted.

“I bet the professors are in the Forbidden Forest right now, and by the time we find them, Snape will have conjured up a pile of gold!”

Harry suddenly felt extremely calm and looked at his two friends firmly.

“So, we’re going to stop Snape!”

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