The students immediately beamed with joy.

They also don’t like to be hung up and beaten (both meanings). Now that there is a welfare professor on both sides, they will never lose miserably.

Only a few keen students noticed the smile on the corner of Tver’s mouth, and felt a sudden chill in their hearts.

Under Tweel’s command, the two houses of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were divided in half to one side, forming two teams of equal numbers.

The “Tvers” on both sides do not have wands and can only use basic magic. Let’s call them Professor A and Professor B.

This is a profound skill he learned from Dumbledore——

How to make deformed objects have a certain will.

Coupled with the human body deformation he learned from his teacher, he made these two dummies.

Both dummies were instilled with Tver’s battle memories, but they did not have intelligence like artificial intelligence and could only react in accordance with certain procedures.

Of course, he can do it if he has precise control, but he still has to mark the test papers.

Still first softening the ground, plus the surrounding golden film, the last golden light exploded between the two groups of people.


The long-awaited battle has officially begun!

The two professors cast disarming spells in unison, but the next second they were simultaneously blocked by an iron armor spell.

The two people’s movements were also very similar, and they exchanged spells with each other. For a while, neither could do anything to the other.

But the students were out of luck.

They also wanted to perform well and try to get Professor Zhen Fuli to play.

As a result, they were overwhelmed by the spells leaked by the two dummies!

However, the main force was still two professors, so everyone did not say that they were overwhelmed by the pressure, and they could still barely cause some trouble to the opponent.

Just like this, Professors A and B discovered their role…

The professors took a step back and hid at the back amid the confused eyes of the students.

But their spells did not stop. On the contrary, with the human wall in front of them, they no longer resisted the spells and released their offensive magic to their heart’s content.

Who can withstand this!

A series of restraining spells and disarming spells flew over, and the students who were caught off guard were immediately hit. They were either tied up or knocked away, and then hung up.

This is the protection magic specially prepared by Tver to protect the students who were knocked to the ground from being stepped on.

“Professor, I just fell down on my own!” A student who was hung up yelled unwillingly, kicking his legs around.

However, it was covered up by the chaotic sounds in the classroom, and only students who were in the same situation as him could hear it.

“Give up. There was a quibble just now, saying that it rolled on the ground to avoid the curse, and it was not put down.”

Tver did not notice the plight of the students, and even if he did, he would not pay attention to it.

Isn’t it normal for students to be hung up?

His attention was on the papers.

To put it bluntly, it is terrible.

Combat requires spell-casting skills, but textbook knowledge only requires memorization and has little to do with the professor. Even if Tver comes to teach, there is not much that can be done.

I don’t know if it’s because after a summer vacation, the knowledge the students learned left with the last professor, or if they simply didn’t learn it well.

Anyway, except for a few top students who got full marks for the content on the test paper, few could answer 80% of the answers correctly. Even if they got a passing score or above, there were only about ten people, less than one-third.

Don’t think that Tver is good at fighting and will ignore the rigid theoretical knowledge in these textbooks.

In fact, his theoretical knowledge was also Durmstrang’s best.

Especially Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hogwarts does not teach dark magic. Students’ understanding of dark magic can only come from textbooks.

How can you score points if you don’t even know your opponent’s skills?

Moreover, in addition to black magic, there are also many strange magical creatures and plants, which students should be aware of and remember how to restrain them.

As the students’ shouts grew louder, Tver sighed softly and looked up at them.

There were not many students left on the field. Looking at the names above, it happened that the three top students were still struggling to support themselves.

This is good news, at least the combat effectiveness of the top student is considerable.

He watched for a while, and Professor A, who had the numerical advantage, successfully disarmed Professor B, ending the fierce battle.

The students in Team A immediately stopped complaining and cheered loudly to celebrate their victory, while Team B lowered their heads in dejection.

As for the remaining three students, they were spared the punishment of being tied up.

Their faces were flushed from intense exercise, their hair stuck tightly to their foreheads, and sweat was flowing.

When there are fewer and fewer classmates around me,

The pressure on them was increasing. If the professor hadn’t realized the importance of the assistant and helped them resist a lot of magic, they would have been hanged like their classmates.

But their mouths were wide open, and the smiles on their faces couldn’t be resisted even if they were tired.

“Very good, beyond my expectation, as good as your performance on the test paper,” Tver’s sinister tone was immediately sensed by the students, “Four points for Ravenclaw and two points for Gryffindor. ”

He had no intention of lowering the student hanging from the ceiling, but just took care of himself and packed away the magic and the two dummies around him.

“Professor, can I know the score of my test paper?” Qiu Zhang, one of the top students, asked in a low voice.

“Oh, of course, all three of you have perfect scores,” Tver said. He always has a good impression of the top students. “There are only three of you who have perfect scores, so tell me how you feel about this battle.”

“Four aspects: positioning, casting speed, self-protection and teamwork!” A student named Eddie Camilche took the lead in saying loudly.

“You’re right,” Tver said, looking at his confident face in amusement, “but zero points and copying homework can’t really improve your strength.”

“What I’m asking for is what you experienced in this battle. Can anyone tell me, including the classmates who are still hanging from the ceiling.”

Katie Bell, the only Gryffindor among the three top students, said tentatively: “You have to attack bravely even when facing the strong?”

…Is this Gryffindor?

Tver choked and nodded vaguely.

“Yes, but not entirely right.”

“When facing a strong opponent, you must choose a smart way to attack, especially if you have a strong opponent on your side who is evenly matched.”

“Uniting around him, creating favorable conditions for him as much as possible, and providing a comfortable output environment is the best way to win.”

“So the homework for this class is an essay on how to fight around the strong. There is no limit to the length.”

Referred to as the thigh-hugging strategy.

Tver put all the students down, and while they were happily discussing the battle just now, he said loudly:

“Also, in view of your weak basic knowledge, except for the three students with perfect scores, you will have to take a test before each class in the future!”

Smile disappearing technique!

Tver’s words were like a cold winter that took away the joy from the students’ faces, turning them into ice-like stiffness…

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