When Tver entered the auditorium early in the morning, many young wizards surrounded him, asking about the arena.

It is said that someone got on a broom yesterday, flew up to it, and saw clearly the layout inside.

“That is the venue we will use for learning this school year. We will wait until class starts to discuss the details.”

“I won’t lock you up to fight. The arrangement is to facilitate your classes. This is a school, not ancient Rome.”

“Not only duels, but also combat learning with magical creatures, so please don’t worry about O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s.”

It seemed that there was such a process at the beginning of every year. It took Tweel a while to lead them to Lockhart and get rid of the curious students.

Lockhart, who was originally depressed, regained attention, adjusted his clothes, and showed a perfect smile.

But he was not happy for long, as a deafening sound shattered his smile completely.

“I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the school expels you. Let’s see how I deal with you then——!”

Mrs. Weasley’s voice came from a red envelope, echoing throughout the Great Hall and shaking the candles on the ceiling.

This is a roaring letter. The writer’s anger will be conveyed vividly in the letter, and it will eventually burn out and turn into ashes.

The eardrums of everyone in the auditorium were trembling, and Tweel had no choice but to put on earplugs to listen, letting Ron and Harry enjoy the teachings exclusively.

The sound of talking started again, accompanied by the laughter of the students.

After solving this little trouble, Tver could concentrate on his breakfast.

Speaking of which, he has not visited the arena since it was built.

But the magic world is different, such a building can be built so quickly.

Before class, Tver took the time to sneak there.

This place is not actually a Colosseum, it just looks like a normal small gymnasium.

There is only one surrounding floor of the auditorium, with a large open space in the middle, as well as several humanoid statues and large rocks erected there.

“Protect everything.”

Tver applied some protective magic here to prevent the students from destroying the place.

Oh, the students don’t seem to have the strength to destroy this place. Those who can do this are of course their opponents!

After doing all this, Tver walked to the classroom with satisfaction, where the first batch of students were waiting.

“Good morning.”

Tver quickly called their names and then explained to them this year’s class schedule.

“First of all, I am very happy to meet you all in the sixth grade improvement class. As you can see, your number has reached sixty, which is more than any previous class.”

“It seems that my course last year was really good.”

Twil smiled triumphantly.

The students also proudly held up their chests and cheered happily.

The classroom suddenly became a sea of ​​joy.

“However, problems also arise. Yes, our small classroom cannot accommodate so many outstanding students.”

“So most of our time will be spent in that new arena.”

Tver looked at the students who were getting excited.

“Yes, since you sixth graders will have more free time, our classes will be accordingly more interesting.”

“So what’s going on with Professor Lockhart’s class?”

A boy named Charles Meagher held up his course schedule, which showed Defense Against the Dark Arts divided into odd and even weeks.

“As shown above, you will only attend one of my classes in two weeks. Do you remember what I said last year? Theoretical knowledge is equally important. I don’t want to see your N.E.W.T. scores deteriorate the next year.”

The students were inevitably disappointed.

Compared with the younger students, they gradually saw the hollowness in Lockhart’s words.

If it hadn’t been for the official class, they would have openly questioned it.

Without Lockhart, Professor Foley could give them more lessons!

“Don’t underestimate these bi-weekly courses,” Tver shook his finger, “This will be a lesson worth remembering and practicing for a long time.”

“Okay, what are you waiting for? Get your wand and follow me!”

Tver gave the order.

The students who were thinking about it suddenly cheered and threw the textbook – which was actually Lockhart’s work – on the table.

A group of excited students were chattering along the way and stood out in the peaceful campus.

Some students who were not in class looked at them in shock and wanted to follow them.

It is a pity that Tver has no intention of opening the auditorium.

When he came to the arena again, he blocked the little wizards who were watching from the door.

“I’m sorry, you should stay until the official class starts and come over again.”

As for the students in class, they are looking at the place curiously, pointing at the statues and stones, and whispering about their functions.

The layout here was very simple, and someone had leaked it in advance, so they took a quick look around.

The only things that aroused their curiosity were weird statues and regular large rocks.

The statue is in human form, a head taller than Professor Foley, wearing armor like an ancient warrior, and holding a cold weapon in his hand.

Some held swords and shields, some held a halberd, and some held a bolas.

Tver clapped his hands to attract their attention.

“You won’t be able to use these things for the time being. Let’s focus on the content of the class first.”

“First of all, as sixth graders, you have already undergone long-term magic studies, and your talents have been gradually revealed in all directions.”

“Does anyone know what this means?”

“It means those with poor talent have started to fail.” A silver-haired girl said abruptly.

The thinking smiles of the students suddenly disappeared.

By the sixth grade, except for Percy, the only one who excelled in all subjects, they must have failed many subjects, and some even only had the Defense Against the Dark Arts course left.

Aren’t they the ones talking about poor talent? !

“… That’s a good point, Crystal, but don’t say it next time.”

Tver had no choice but to reveal the answer, “This means that you already have a tendency to fight.”

“We always emphasize that we should use what we are best at in battle, but someone told me, teacher, what I am best at is applauding from the sidelines, so what should I do?”

“What do you think we should do? Percy, what do you say?”

“Professor, I think it is cooperation and working with complementary teammates that can give full play to the abilities of everyone in the team.” Percy replied loudly.

“That’s right, I believe you already had a deep understanding of it when you were duel with me.” Tver smiled evilly.

Except for the first and second grade, the other five grades have received his “special” guidance.

I also passively experienced the feeling of teamwork.

However, they have only learned a little bit about cooperation, so this year, Tver plans to focus on helping them improve their abilities in this part.

As for the purpose, of course it is to make plans for the future!

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