Chapter 510 Celebration

   "He passed it again?"

  At this moment, all the magical pens were even more daunting before.

In the end what happened?

   "If this continues, it is not impossible for Wei Yang to survive this catastrophe!"

  Old Demon Han let out a long sigh, and said relaxedly.

  The other humanized gods wiped the sweat beads on their foreheads.

The monster side was dumbfounded.

  Many masters have not yet reacted.

  The Ninth Heavenly Tribulation falls.

  Li Mu threw out a few more pills.

  Explain a few words.

  In the last few tribulations, Li Mu didn't plan to protect the law himself.

   turned and ran towards Xuantianzong.

  Xuantianzong cannot be empty for a quarter of an hour.

  Two emperor levels of the Peng clan, three emperor levels of the dragon clan, there is also a demon refining tower, and another strange bird that you don’t know.

  Too many opponents and too much threat.

  And the bronze coffin in the secret land of Xuan Tianzong was the guarantee for his cultivation level.

  In addition, many secrets in the secret haven't been solved yet.

  The further, Li Mu Fajue's previous exercise potential has reached the ceiling.

  If the Feng Clan does not appear, Li Mu will not feel pressure on it.

  The big deal is slowly grinding! For him, there is time.

  There are many masters in the Kefeng clan.

  Emperor-level five floors are available.

   Danfeng said that there were many emperor levels in the Feng clan, and there were many in the late emperor level.

  After many years of speculation, Li Mu felt that Danfeng’s words were credible.

  The dying bird, there is no need to intimidate him before death.

  As for why the Feng Clan emperor-level master hasn't appeared yet, Li Mu guessed that he might be trapped somewhere.

  This world cannot tolerate the late emperor class.

  Perhaps before this world is broken, the Feng Clan may find a place to hide.

  If not, it is impossible to explain how many years of feuding with the Feng Clan, people ignore him.

  Speaking of it, my luck is too good.

   "The rules of the big world are chaotic, and the world is broken. The Feng Clan really has an emperor rank, where are they hiding?"

  Li Mu speeds faster under his feet, returning to Tianyao Domain in the blink of an eye.

  Xuantianzong's direction is peaceful.

  Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

  Divine Sense swept the surroundings, and confirmed that there was no ambush, Li Mu stepped into Xuantianzong.

  Half a day later, several thunder tribulations fell.

  Then the red clouds dispersed.

  Wei Yang condensed his breath, swallowed the last pill given by Li Mu, and found a place to start healing.

  "How could he be possible!"

  All the gods of the demon clan were speechless for a long time.

  Endless seabed.

  A few dragon clan emperor-level masters exchanged their spiritual knowledge.

  "This is all right, I really managed to get through it. Alas~"

  The fifth wife kept sighing.

  In the beginning, he wanted to use some means to kill the human being. But the five-clawed golden dragon and the ancestor disagree, thinking that the other party cannot survive the catastrophe. If you don't do anything else, you will fold yourself in.

   So he watched the human race through the catastrophe.

   "What can you do after the catastrophe? Now you are seriously injured, you really want to kill him, you still have time to make a move."

  Five-claw golden dragon yin and yang strange airways.

   "What do you mean? Am I afraid of death? I will replace the human race with the emperor-level master's life without losing my life. What's more, the possibility of success is very high!"

   "Really? I think it's worth it if I put it aside before. The Peng clan has an emperor-level master, and it succeeds in a short time. Who can guarantee that they will have a second emperor-level in a thousand years."


  The fifth wife frowned.

  The opponent of the Dragon Race is not only the Human Race, but also the Peng Race.

  The Peng clan hides in the dark and develops rapidly, which really makes them feel bad.

  If he destroys the emperor-level master of the human race, then the water race will really be immortal with the human race.

The battle between    and Xuantianzong will expand.

  As a result, the dragon clan will be dragged into the war, and the Peng clan grows rapidly.

Even if the war between   and the human race was won, the result was scarred. At this time, it was impossible to suppress the Peng clan.

  "What about the human race? The human race has already appeared an emperor level, and another emperor level has appeared in a short time. Isn't it necessary to return to the three-legged situation? The advantage that the ancestors used to fight for us before does not exist anymore?"

  The fifth wife is unwilling to express her heart.

   "We have a tower for refining the demon, and there is a master of the Phoenix clan in the Peng clan, and the human clan does not know what there is. The result is self-evident, it is really a tripartite."

  The big eyes of the five-clawed golden dragon showed confusion.

  The plan failed many times.

  The reason for the failure to sum up is that the human race has developed too fast.

   Suddenly an emperor appeared, which was unexpected. The Feng clan masters all died in the hands of this emperor, which made them unexpected.

After   , this emperor-level master actually broke through one after another.

  Everything exceeded their expectations.

  Mankind has been overestimated many times, and it turns out that they still underestimate it.

  Sure enough, humans are the most beloved creatures in the world.

   "Why is there no movement over the Feng Clan?"

  "This world is too fragile, even if the Feng clan wants to move, it is impossible. When the external demon attacked, the Feng clan directly escaped Wutong Mountain into the void and separated from the big world in order to avoid disasters."


  After seeing Wei Yang becoming an emperor, King Dark Dian Peng gradually bored his expression.

  The joy of becoming an emperor disappeared.

  There are three emperor-level human races and two human races. There is also an emperor-level four-tier master in the human race.

   And their Peng Clan was just a Emperor-level that he had just broken through, in contrast.


too weak!

   Of these two clans, if either party has evil thoughts towards their Peng clan, they will be finished.

   "Senior Hongmei, please continue to teach, my Peng clan is grateful."

  Diandian Peng Dynasty, Hongmei worshipped again.

   "I will try my best~ If there is something in the clan, it is impossible for me to help you."

  Hongmei Road.

  When I arrived at the Peng Clan, I knew how miserable the Peng Clan was.

   belongs to the Feiyu clan, and the same clan has the bloodline of super sacred beasts. Not to mention that it was compared with the Phoenix Clan, but it was far worse than the Dragon Clan.

  Now the strength of the human race is growing rapidly, and the power of the dragon race is also growing.

  As for the Peng clan, even if they want to grow, they have no resources and no genius.

  In the face of dragons and humans, it is impossible to protect their descendants.

  But the main opponent of the Peng clan is them.

  Hongmei couldn't bear it. Relying on the Peng Clan to provide more information, he only needs to hide in the Peng Clan to know the affairs of the world. Especially the matter of Xuantianzong.

  He wants to pay back this love point.

   "Thank you senior!"

   "You don't have to be polite between you and me. These days, the Xuantianzong of the Tianyao Region and the human race have been bothering with information."

  Hongmei Road.

  Fear of the Xuantianzong, Hongmei did not dare to go to Tianyaoyu to find out.

  All the information here can only be handed over to the Peng Now, there is one more clan.

  Thinking of going to inquire about the situation by oneself, it might not be the same as Danfeng and the others. Running around the world, sooner or later they will be found and killed.

  Wei Yang successfully survived the disaster.

  The whole human race is full of joy.

  In the Palace of Xia State.

   "Let's go down and hold a celebration banquet. Congratulations to Wei Yang's promotion to the emperor class. I want to have a big banquet for our human race."

  Not only Xia Guo and Xu's family.

  In the other cities of the human race, all the lanterns and colors are displayed.

  At first, many warriors did not know the situation.

  After being affirmed by the **** of transformation, the news swept the entire human race like the wind.


  Many human elders burst into tears on the spot.

   "Our human race finally has a second emperor rank, and it will never be bullied again."

  Cry and laughter are intertwined.

  (End of this chapter)

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