Hero of the Penalty Area

Vol 5 Chapter 174: Where is the hero? (Second, ask for a monthly pass!)

Gary Neville deserves to be a player trained by Ferguson, this psychological warfare method is purely reusable.

Liverpool must also make a counterattack, but this counterattack cannot be made by current players. As long as Liverpool players or coaches stand up and respond to Gary Neville's nonsense, it will be a setback. No matter what Liverpool says, the other party can definitely find the topic to cut into, and then lead you to continue the topic.

Even if you worked hard at the end to prove that Gary Neville is also nonsense, you have already expended too much energy on this matter. And this result is meaningless.

So, the person who responded to Manchester United could not be Liverpool's current players, but should be famous.

For example, Dalglish is very suitable for this kind of thing.

Although when he was coaching in Liverpool, he had trouble with the current Liverpool management, but after all, he is the "king" of Liverpool. Before this kind of game, he must work hard to ting Liverpool. After all, he loves Liverpool, and has nothing to do with Liverpool's senior management.

Dalglish stepped up to attract firepower for Liverpool and acted as Liverpool's shield.

"Liverpool has a hidden danger? Ha, Gary, if you know anything, you can say it. There is nothing Liverpool can't say. But I bet you can't say it, because you don't know at all!"

Ginger is still hot!

With just that simple sentence, Gary Neville choked into speech.

Because Gary Neville really couldn't tell the truth. He was just talking nonsense. What evidence does he have? He doesn't know anything...

Dalglish asked him to say one, two, three, four, of course he couldn't.


Verbal warfare in football matches is very normal, which is a kind of psychological tactics. But if the war of words is too much, it will be overwhelming. Everyone turned their attention to it. In the water battle, but forgot the game itself. So much so that even the players and coaches on both sides ignored this point, and that would be troublesome.

A normal war of words should be like an aperitif before a big meal, which makes people look forward to the next dinner. The index finger is moved instead of having a big oily braised pork as soon as it comes up, and then everyone is tired of it. No matter how good the food is, I will lose my appetite.

The war of words before this game was just right. Gary Neville provoked the war first, and then Dalglish responded perfectly. Gary Neville didn't talk anymore, and it was not impossible to continue the fight. Everyone had a harder mouth than each other, and who had the thickest skin. But that would be meaningless and purely a farce.

So Gary Neville also shut up. At this time, everyone's attention naturally returned to the game itself.

In one day, the England national derby is full of expectations. Will Liverpool use actual actions to prove that there is no hidden danger inside them? Or did Manchester United use a victory to prove that a "time bomb" was indeed buried inside Liverpool?

The aperitif has already been enjoyed, let's have dinner now! The diners can't wait!


Needless to say, the match between Liverpool and Manchester United is too telling.

On the day of the match, the Anfield Stadium was packed, and various flags scolding Manchester United were flying in the stands.

Live broadcast. J is still leading Liverpool’s players, chanting: "If you hate Manchester United, stand up!!!"

In the shouts, everyone stood up from their seats.

"If you hate Manchester United, wave your hand!"

Everyone waved their arms.

"If you hate Manchester United, stomp!"

The entire Anfield stadium was shaking, like an earthquake.

Everyone can feel the enthusiasm of Anfield Stadium. This atmosphere will create a lot of trouble for opponents in the game.

But their opponents are not vegetarian.

Regardless of the Liverpool ball mi and the scene. How provocative, Manchester United players held high the paper model of the Premier League championship trophy, which read: "Thank you Liverpool!"

This slogan was very popular among Manchester United football mi after Manchester United won the championship last season, and smart businesses have produced Manchester United's championship commemorative t-shirts, which are printed with the silhouettes of all the top league championship trophies won by Manchester United. The most 〖中〗 Central is one of the biggest Premier League championship trophies with "Thank you Liverpool" written on it. It is said that this t-shirt sells very well, and knockoffs quickly appeared in China.


The players on both sides have already heated up the atmosphere, and everyone is waiting for the protagonist to appear.

When the players from both sides walked out of the court, the live broadcast began to loudly introduce the players from the home team.

Every Liverpool player received a lot of cheers than ordinary games before.

This is a way for home players to put pressure on the away team.

Chen Yingxiong and Gerrard are the players with the most cheers in the team.

They are the people who have high hopes from Liverpool football mi.

When the Manchester United players were introduced, Anfield's booing did not stop. However, the Manchester United players seem to be very calm. They have experienced this many times.

And when they played Liverpool at home last season, Manchester United played the same way against Liverpool players. So no one needs to be too hypocritical, it seems that it’s just like being booed and scolded by the ball mi.

Since it is an away game and the opponent is still a mortal enemy, they must have this kind of consciousness.


As Liverpool captain Gerrard won before the game, Manchester United won the kick-off.

Rooney kicked out the football against the boos of Anfield Stadium. The battle between the Red Devils and the Red Army kicked off!

Because it is on the road, Manchester United's tactic is to defend and counterattack.

Don't lose the ball first. Then try to score goals.

The result of loosing the ball first in the away game may be a disaster.

Ferguson is experienced and knows what this means. As long as Liverpool were not allowed to score in the first half, Manchester United scored a lot from the victory.

But the question is will the Liverpool people allow Manchester United to get what they want?

Martin O’Neal’s attacking tactics have not been made public. Perhaps someone has pointed out that all Liverpool’s tactics are based on advanced goals. But no one has formed a systematic tactical theory.

So it can be said that O'Neill's set of things is actually not well known.

After all, the new season has only started for a month and a half. Not counting this derby, Liverpool only played four games.

Everyone may think that Liverpool always scored first is luck.

But this is for the vast majority of people, some people, they have a keen sense of smell and insight, they can find what they need from many complicated traps.

Although Liverpool only played four games, Ferguson smelled danger from it.

Especially the match between Liverpool and Real Madrid. Facing Mourinho's Real Madrid, why does Liverpool insist on attacking? There is no intention to defend at all.

For what?

Isn't it just for the first goal?

How important the advanced ball is, let alone a world-class coach like Ferguson, it is an ordinary ball mi. It is very clear.

The one who gets the first goal has the initiative!

So the focus of this game is whether to allow Liverpool to advance the ball.

Manchester United must not allow Liverpool to advance the ball.

However, there are two understandings of this concept, one is not to lose the ball first, and the other is to let us first.

Ferguson chose the first one.

Because he feels that it is too difficult to score first on the road, and may pay a high price. What if you let your opponent get the ball before you have it?

Taking the initiative to pursue goals means huge risks.

Ferguson intends to be more cautious and seek stability.

Stay fast!

At the very least, you can't lose the ball in the first half. Make adjustments during the intermission-this second half is no longer within the scope of "not allowing the opponent to advance the ball". Even if the opponent scores, he can still break the boat and tie the score.

x silt x

Liverpool is facing a defender Manchester United.

This makes the neutral players and the commentators very dissatisfied, because they were expecting a fierce game, a wonderful confrontation, and even a classic duel that can be recorded in the annals of history.

But from the ten minutes of the game, they couldn't see this sign at all.

After Manchester United used the kick-off to organize an attack, everyone consciously shrank in their own half. Rooney, the top center forward, had to retreat frequently to the second half.

When Liverpool attacked, they had to face a total of eleven Manchester United players and their solid defense.

"Ferguson really has the courage to get older! Where is the old man who dared to attack Barcelona?" After seeing this scene, the neutral ball mi couldn't help complaining.

However, these people are not the subject of Ferguson's consideration, and their opinions have never been within the consideration of the man at the helm of Manchester United.

As long as he can win the game, he doesn't care if he plays well or not.

Because today's Manchester United team is really no longer qualified to pursue good looks. Although they are still Premier League champions, they are the overlords. But their competitiveness in the Champions League has gone from bad to worse, because this Manchester United lineup is far from "strong".

Only Wayne Rooney is a world-class star in his prime, and he is much inferior to any Manchester United before him.

Now Manchester United, as long as it can continue to suppress Liverpool in the number of championships, it is the most successful team in England.

The 70-year-old Sir Alex has now accomplished his biggest goal to **** Liverpool. All he has to do now is to hold onto the victory.


The scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

At this time everyone turned their attention to the strongest tall man on the court.

He is a man who can always create miracles.

It may not be a miracle to break Manchester United’s deadlock, but he is a guy who will not let down, is he?

The relentless booing of Manchester United players was temporarily stopped in the stands at Anfield Stadium.

They found this practice useless.

They began to choose a more effective method.

"Hero! Hero! Where is our hero?!"

Tom, the leader of the giant red bear in the stands, shouted in a loudspeaker.

The other red xiong members chanted very cooperatively: "He is there! He is there!" While they chanted, they pointed their fingers at Chen Yingxiong on the field.

In fact, this is just a common practice for players to cheer for their favorite players.

However, the next action caused the entire Anfield to utter a huge cheer.

In full view, Chen Yingxiong slowly raised his right hand. The five fingers stretched out, and then in the next second, his slap was clenched into a fist!

Tom in the stands was taken aback for a moment. He was surprised by Chen Yingxiong's actions, but he quickly reacted. He shouted: "He heard it! Our hero heard our call! Guys!!!"

He roared, his eyes suddenly moist. It is a tradition for the players to chant a player's name in the stands. But a player made such a clear response. All of a sudden, he felt that what he had done was right, and the contribution was meaningful. He really deserves to be a hero! That is, the hero will respond to us so directly!

When Tom was full of emotions, the crowd around him suddenly burst into huge cheers.

"Hero! Hero!!"

This wave of cheers soon spread from the Glory Centennial Stand to the entire Anfield Stadium.

For a while, there was only this voice over Anfield Stadium.

"Hero! Hero! Hero! Hero!!!"


"The hero made an action! He raised his arm high, obviously he also heard the call from the stands! When his team needed their hero the most, the hero came out! Heroes never Let people down because he is,

hero! ! ! ! ! "

In the roar of the old Liverpool commentator, the Liverpool players in front of the TV also waved their fists, yelling Chen Yingxiong's name hysterically.


Martin O'Neill saw this action of Chen Yingxiong off the court, and he slammed his fist in the palm.

When we faced the opponent's iron bucket formation, but couldn't find a way to crack it, the person who should have stood up the most.

Military spirit... stabilized!


"The hero challenged the Manchester United striker! The hero who was unexpectedly silent and low-key before the game finally did what he should do and what everyone wants him to do!"

"This is a hero, this is a hero! This is just a hero! Only a hero can do such a thing! He responded to the cries of the players in the stands, and he told his supporters, don't worry! I am here! Hear the cheers from Anfield! Are you ready for Manchester United?"! .

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