The Lord of Ling'an County was immediately overjoyed.

But out of reserve, she did not come forward immediately. Instead, she sat on another table. While the maid was greeting the waiter for tea, she kept looking out the window, but her attention was focused on the man on the other side of the river.

The man was drinking tea and reading a book in his hand. His profile, with his head lowered and his eyes downcast, was also strong.

The Lord of Ling'an County hated nerds the most, but the way the man in front of her looked at the book made her heart beat fast.

Especially when she thought about the feeling of being held by his strong and broad shoulders when she fell down the building.

His breath was everywhere in his breath.

It was such a reassuring and shocking feeling that she had never felt before.

After drinking a pot of tea, eating two or three plates of snacks, and feeling full, the widower who came to see me didn't show up.

The Ling'an County Lord's temperament, and the fact that he has persisted until now without flipping the table and leaving, is entirely because of the British man reading a book opposite.

Seeing him drinking tea slowly and concentrating on reading, County Master Ling'an felt that he could stay for another half afternoon.

But the problem is, she came here today for a blind date, how dare anyone dare to miss her date?

"Xiao'er." Ling An called the maid, "Go and ask why the widower hasn't come yet. He's so rude. Does he mean that he doesn't give me the honor of the county prince's palace and wants the county master to come to his door?"

The maid hurried out.

Not long after, she came back with a confused look on her face and said nonchalantly: "They said the husband of the Liu family has arrived."

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

"It's on the second floor." The maid looked around.

There was a private room on the second floor, with four or five tables of guests sitting there. Most of the others were talking quietly in groups of twos and threes, except for the man reading a book diagonally opposite, who was alone.

The maid seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly stepped forward and whispered a few words to the man in a low voice. Seeing her look of astonishment, the Lord Ling'an asked impatiently: "What's going on?"

Unexpectedly, the man put down his book and walked towards her.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to him, County Master Ling'an felt that he could no longer breathe and froze in place.

Until I heard his mellow voice coming into my ears: "Is the lady the Lord of Ling'an County? I, Liu Lang, came to see the County Lord as promised."


It turns out that he is the widower of the Liu family!

How could it be him?

He, he doesn't look like a widower at all!

In the head of Ling'an County, the widower should have a face of vicissitudes of life, gray hair, wrinkles on his face, and a thin figure.

Who knew he was actually a handsome and stalwart young hero!

A trace of joy rippled in the heart of County Master Ling'an.

It turned out that the person she had been thinking about all day was the man who wanted to propose marriage to her.

Is there any more wonderful fate than this in the world?

The Lord of Ling'an County suppressed his excitement and said: "I am Ling An. It's too late today. See you next time."

After saying that, he led the maid and his entourage and left in a hurry.

Liu Lang walked to the window and saw Ling An walking out the door downstairs. He looked back here and met his eyes. He couldn't help but look back in a panic and shyness. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Brother Jiang's method , it really works."


A well-dressed young man in a green robe came out from behind the screen, waving his fan, and said with a smile, "Contrast is the only thing that hurts. I've seen that incompetent man before, and then he was raped by a tall and handsome man like you." When a hero saves a beauty, doesn’t the Lord of Ling’an County need the Red Luan Star to move?”

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