Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace

Chapter 684 She's Not Beautiful, But She's Charming

Let the passing people, traders, and pawns watch and laugh.

This humiliation, for other people with a bit of backbone, would probably kill themselves in shame and indignation.

However, is Shinkai Shizi a man of integrity?

Obviously not.

He didn't feel ashamed and angry because of being whipped and surrounded, and he didn't have the idea of ​​getting himself into a crack in the ground and never going out to see people again.

The reason why he couldn't sleep was that he was thinking about how to get revenge and how to take the extremely beautiful princess as his own.

That's right, even in this situation, he still wanted to possess Jiang Ning.

His highness, who is addicted to sex, is destined to become the dead soul under the beauty's pomegranate skirt.

After a whole night of hard thinking, as soon as it dawned, Shizi Xinhai couldn't wait to get up and change his clothes, and beat the little maid who was a little slower by the way.

After blowing out his anger, he walked out of the room refreshed, and went to the elder sister in the side hall first.

After these few days of meditation and the delicious meals brought by the princess from time to time, Princess Zhenming's body has almost recovered.

Today is New Year's Eve, and a grand banquet will be held in the palace.

In addition to Silla, there are more than a dozen small vassal states, all of which have also sent envoys to pay tribute to them.

However, the envoys sent by other small countries were all princes and ministers, far less important than the envoys sent by Silla, so the royal family also valued Silla the most.

The royal family ordered someone to send a complete set of dresses and jewelry early on, all of which were made according to the highest standards of Silla.

Although Zhenming is a princess, the resources and national strength of Silla Kingdom are far from those of Dasheng, and there is no such exquisite silk and superb embroidery techniques there.

Princess Zhenming put on the dress sent by the royal family. The patterns embroidered with peacock gold and silver threads on the skirt flickered, shining brightly.

The maid put on makeup for her, her face was pink and red, her lips were bright red, and under her thin eyebrows was a deep pool of clear green.

Princess Zhenming, who looks a bit dull, does possess a rare and excellent figure.

And after putting on makeup, the blandness on her face was completely covered up.

At this time, Princess Zhenming stood gracefully, and she would never lose to any beauty in the world.

Shizi Xinhai walked over, pinched his sister's chin, and kissed her on the lips.

The surrounding maidservants just silently lowered their heads and did not look at it, but they did not show any shock or unusual reaction.

It seems that this has long been commonplace.

Although Princess Zhenming and Shizi Xinhai were not born to the same woman, their fathers were indeed the same person.

No matter how you look at it, this kind of thing is by no means commonplace.

Prince Xinhai licked the rouge left on his lips, and said gratifiedly: "My sister has taken care of her, and she has indeed regained her beauty. I don't know how many men my sister will fascinate when I enter the palace for a banquet today."

A bit of a woman, obviously her facial features are not that outstanding, but she is very charming.

Possesses an aura that makes men fascinated.

Princess Zhenming falls into this category.

There are also some who are obviously beautiful, but they don't make people feel that they are stunners who can be played with. Crown Princess Jiang Ning is probably in this category.

And there is a kind of woman who is born with beauty and has the ability to charm the world.

This time he went to Dasheng as an envoy, and Shizi Xinhai brought such a woman with him.

That woman's name is Jin Man.

Of course, it's not the time for the stunner Jinman to appear on the stage yet, but when she does, she will definitely amaze everyone.

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