Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace

Chapter 598 Want to impress everyone

Jiang Ning moved over and said: "This professional thing still has to be done by professional people. If the embroidered wedding dress is not good-looking, it will lose the face of our Jiang family."

Jiang Yuan became angry from embarrassment: "How do you know that I can't embroider well? I have also been a needleworker since I was a child."

Jiang Ning said: "It's only a few days before the wedding date. You've been burning your eyes every day, your face has turned yellow, and your eyes have been swollen. When you get married, people will take a look. Oh, whose old lady is this? I'm afraid there must be someone else. Are you forty?"

"You—" Jiang Yuan stomped her feet, "Third brother, she bullied me!"

Jiang Yi folded his hands and watched with a smile, as if he was watching from the sidelines.

With Lin Zizi around, neither Aunt Bai nor Aunt Liu dared to say anything.

Jiang Yan whispered: "Fifth sister, don't be angry. Seventh sister said this for your own good. Didn't you stay up all night yesterday, and your eyes were red when you got up early."

"You turned your elbow out again!" Jiang Yuan glared at her.

"Xiao Wu, what are you talking about?" Aunt Liu caught sight of Lin Zizi's displeasure, and hurriedly scolded her daughter, "What do you mean turning your elbows outward? The princess is from her own family!"

Jiang Ning didn't care about it at all, and said with a smile: "As the saying goes, a married daughter is water that is thrown out. In a few days, the fifth girl will become an outsider."

Jiang Yuan pouted.

Jiang Ning said: "Ah, I suddenly remembered that there is an embroiderer who is famous for her embroidery skills in the manufacturing bureau. It is said that the dragons and phoenixes she embroiders are auspicious and vivid. Under the sun, they almost seem to come alive. They are extremely gorgeous!"

After Jiang Yuan heard this, she couldn't help showing envious and fascinated eyes.

"Do you want to ask this embroiderer to embroider your wedding dress for you?" Jiang Ning asked.

"...The embroidered lady in the palace, how can I have the right to order you around?"

"Isn't there still this princess?"

"No, I can embroider myself."

"Oh, forget it then. Just wear your own embroidered wedding dress and get married." Jiang Ning turned to talk to Lin Zizi, ignoring her.

This made Jiang Yuan worry.

Once in a lifetime event.

If she can wear such a gorgeous wedding dress to get married and go to the Earl's Mansion, she will definitely amaze everyone.

However, she couldn't say what she asked Jiang Ning to do, and could only watch her get into the carriage with the two little guys in her arms.


Back in the palace, Li Tingqian was waiting for her expectantly.

A small figure, standing on tiptoe.

Jiang Ning hurried over to hold his hand: "Is it freezing? Don't wait here."

Li Tingqian pointed his red nose and said, "Little aunt didn't return to the palace yesterday, so I'm worried about you."

Jiang Ning warmed his little hands and asked, "Didn't your Fifth Emperor come back?"

"I didn't see it."

"Hey, where did he go?" Jiang Ning was puzzled, and asked Li Tingqian, "Have you had breakfast?"


"You want to study every day, how can you do without eating?"

Li Tingqian pursed his lips and said nothing.

Jiang Ning knew that he didn't like the meals prepared by the imperial dining room.

"What do you want to eat? Auntie will make it for you."

"As long as it's made by my aunt, I love to eat it!" Li Tingqian had a happy smile on his face.

Jiang Ning rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen. Using the ready-made ingredients inside, he made some hot porridge and vegetables, and brought them to the table.

She didn't eat it herself.

Ling Zi and Wen Zan were already full, and went to play with the little eunuch.

Jiang Ning and Li Tingqian were sitting at the table eating when they saw Li Hongyuan open the curtain and walk in.

Li Tingqian hurriedly stood up to pay his respects.

Li Hongyuan hummed, looked at Jiang Ning, and asked, "Where's Mu Jian?"

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