Jiang Ning held a mouthful of mooncake in her mouth, neither swallowing nor spitting it out.

That's like a stuck in the throat.

After hesitating for a moment, she choked, barely swallowed, and started to hiccup.

Jiang Yi watched the whole process in shock, until she was startled by her loud burping sound, making a goose cry.


"Jiang Sanlang, I hate you!"

Jiang Ning grabbed the tea cup and poured water, but still couldn't suppress the hiccups.

Jiang Yi suppressed laughter and patted her on the back: "Drink slowly and hold your breath. You'll be fine soon."

Jiang Ning followed her instructions, drank it all in one breath without taking a breath, and sure enough, the hiccups stopped.

"Third brother is awesome."

"Average, average." Jiang Yi chuckled.

Jiang Ning saw that he was grinning wildly, not looking like a palace maid at all, and she couldn't stand it: "Brother, you'd better go back quickly, don't be discovered."

"Yes, I have to go. It's all your fault for being so ridiculous and making me forget the time."

"Is it your fault?"

Jiang Yi touched her: "Stay in the East Palace and don't run around. As long as you are safe, my family will rest assured. By the way, this is for you."

He touched his body and took out a stack of banknotes: "Take it."

"What, I don't want it."

"This is money, you fool. You don't even recognize it. You have been spoiled and become a fool! Come on, let me teach you. This one is five thousand taels, and this one is..."

"...Brother, are you serious?"


"Do you really think I don't recognize banknotes?"

"Then you still ask..."

"I mean, I don't want your money."

"I am your brother, and it is only natural that I give you money to spend. Take it!" Jiang Yi forced the money into her hand, "You have many places to use money in the palace, don't be frugal, and don't be stingy when it's time to spend it. , buy whatever you like. If you don’t have anything else at home, you have enough money.”

Jiang Ning lowered her voice and asked, "With so much money at home, could it be that daddy got it from corruption?"

"Bah, what are you talking about? Dad doesn't bother to do such low-level things."

"Dad's salary isn't very big, right?"

"The family has property, fields, and shops, all of which can make money." Jiang Yi said with a smile, "Aunt Liu has been taking care of the shops these years, and she has made a lot of money."

"Can't you tell, Aunt Liu is still a good businesswoman."

"Dad is busy with court affairs, and mother is like that... Even when mother is well, she has always been aloof from the world and will not go into business." Jiang Yi said, "As for myself, I also have my own way of making money. FaZi, don't worry about it. It's impossible for a family like ours to have no money to spend."

Jiang Ning said: "Then I won't be polite."

"You're polite to me, brother." Jiang Yi smiled fondly, "I really have to go, my parents are waiting for news from me."

"Third brother, don't forget what I told you. You must pay attention at home."

"Don't worry, I remember everything."

Jiang Yi waved his hand and walked out.

Unexpectedly, Gucheng's voice came from the door: "His Royal Highness."

Jiang Ning was startled and subconsciously looked at Jiang Yi: "Brother, go to my bedroom and take shelter."

"In case he goes to the bedroom, I can't tell. It's okay." Jiang Yi reacted very quickly, immediately picked up the tea tray on the table, lowered his head, and pretended to be a palace maid who came to serve tea.

Li Hongyuan's voice came from outside: "Where is the Crown Princess?"

"The princess is not feeling well, please rest." Gucheng said.

"Oh? Then I'll go in and see her."


The isolated city blocked it.

Jiang Ning told him to guard, so no one could get in.

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