Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 410: His love words are very sweet 1

As for the reason for anger, it remains to be investigated.

Putting all the lines together to calculate, the greatest possibility is that six years ago, Ling Weifeng and Han Ling found a loophole in the process of searching for Tang Fengyang.

They were taken advantage of, and they used Tang Fengyang's news as an excuse to lead their mother and daughter into a trap.

This is the most reasonable explanation.

Although the authenticity is not certain, you can follow this line to check down and follow the vines, and perhaps more things can be involved.

I have to say that Prince Xi's IQ and reasoning ability are scary.

Just thinking about what you know can analyze such an important clue.

This reconnaissance ability is absolutely above Ling Weifeng!

After thinking about these things, prince Xi Gu immediately sent someone to investigate.

As for the year when she disappeared in the United States, wait for him to go abroad and check it yourself.

He didn't believe that he couldn't find it!

After arranging everything in order, his eyes fell on the bedside table on Ling Weifeng's side.

She has her cell phone on it.

After thinking about it, he took her mobile phone and entered his fingerprint to unlock it.

Sorry baby, look at your privacy.

He felt that Ling Weifeng was not alone when he came back.

Behind her, there are people helping her, and those people are not simple, they are likely to be a certain force.

From what happened to Ling Mengxi back then, it can be seen that she definitely has accomplices.

The most obvious are those photos.

The captured photos of him, her, and Ling Mengxi who went shopping in the mall must have been taken by someone arranged by Ling Weifeng.

While eating that day, he saw the flashlight flashing by, but he didn't see anyone.

At that time, it was suspected of being followed, but now it seems to be a fact.

It's definitely not easy for that person to hide from his eyes and follow them all the way.

However, I looked through Ling Weifeng's phone book, as well as all communication tools such as call records, messages, WeChat, QQ, and mailboxes after returning to China, but I didn't find anything unusual.

After thinking about it, he gently got up and took her mobile phone to the study.

Find the data cable, connect her mobile phone to the computer, and then turn on the hacker mode to enter the internal space of her mobile phone.

Restore the information and call logs she had deleted.

For a top computer genius like him, there are few secrets on the Internet.

Even if it is a deleted record, he can restore it as long as a little clue is left.

However, it disappointed him again.

Ling Weifeng is very cautious and must be a computer genius.

All the information she has deleted will be cleaned up further, removing the traces of it.

Prince Xi leaned back on the chair, rubbing his eyebrows weakly.

Headache, what a great girlfriend he has found.

The method of clearing the evidence was more sophisticated than him, really leaving nothing.

This is too cautious, there is no flaw.

On weekdays, they were stuck together almost 24 hours a day, and she had not seen any strangers.

Alas, this clue is broken again.

The next day was the weekend, and we gathered at the school gate at 10:30 in the morning.

Although there is no need to get up early, the biological clock of Prince Xi is very punctual, and he woke up at half past five.

His life has always been regular, and he goes to morning exercises almost every day.

Today, however, he did not go.

She was so excited last night that she didn't know if the last hypnosis was successful, if she woke up and remembered what happened last night, and he was not there, then she was much scared.

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