Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 552: The Key of the Zodiac

In a large mansion in Azure Fort.

Freighton Stitch walked into the steeple building, and at the same time ordered the attendants, "Close the courtyard door and refuse all visitors. If anyone intends to break in, you just kill it."

"Obey, Master." Seven or eight men in black bowed their heads at the same time.

He climbed all the way to the roof attic, locked the entrance door, then walked to the window, raised a corner of the curtain, and looked out of the yard.

It was almost dusk at this moment, and the sun had dipped into the Dragon's Saliva River a little bit, reflecting this meandering waterway orange-red, like a rushing blood vein embedded in the earth. Standing on the roof of the building can not only enjoy the rare scenery, but also have a panoramic view of the situation around the yard.

"Someone is following, master." A blunt voice suddenly came from behind him.

It was a monster like a stone statue, with gray-black skin, a pair of bare wings and a sparrow-shaped head, and even its voice was mechanically mechanical.

"It's from Azie." Fleidon immediately saw a few "vagrants" who were watching around the gate of the courtyard.

"Gucci can, eat them."

"Hold on." He closed the curtain, "at least not now. The Holy Wing Islands are very afraid of alien species that can fly. You can only leave the attic in the middle of the night."

The monster stopped speaking, as if it had become a real statue.

Fleidon came to the table, took off the mask on his face, and carefully took out the metal bust obtained at the auction from the leather bag on his waist.

Bidding on all the auction items is just a cover, all he really wants is this item.

It has another name called "Resonator", which is essentially a magic weapon. There are eleven statues like this in total, and together they are the key of the zodiac.

The Holy Palace regards it as a handicraft, not because they have too little knowledge, but because the existence of this kind of thing is rarely known, and the method of activating it is also very special, and most people will not regard it as a magic weapon.

"Hope this thing isn't broken."

If it breaks down, I'm afraid I won't have time to wait until the information on the next statue comes out.

Fleidon took a deep breath and took out a transparent glass tube from the safe under the table. Although the clean and flawless crystal glass has been mass-produced in the country of sand boats, only a few top craftsmen can make it into such a light and thin shape.

But no matter how precious the glass tube is, it pales in comparison to what it contains.

It was a tube of scarlet blood.

Once the blood of a mortal is separated from the body, it will solidify and turn black within a short period of time, but this blood has been preserved for about two hundred years, and even after several transfers, it is still as crystal clear as a ruby.

It comes from its creator, Matron Stitch.

Fleidon uncorked the cork, and a seductive aura rushed over his face, even making him feel dizzy uncontrollably. It was with great perseverance that he restrained this desire, and carefully dripped a drop of blood on the statue.

This is also the only way to activate obsidian artifacts.

Just like the name of the statue, it can resonate with those with the same bloodline, indicating its location, including the original owner of the bloodline.

That's right, the creator has disappeared for more than two hundred years.

As long-lived species, it is not uncommon for them to fall into a long deep sleep, so the things that show their identity are not gold, silver and jewelry, but various hidden tombs.

As one of the most noble founders of the bloodline, the mistress naturally has many tombs, which also makes her whereabouts a mystery - no one knows where she fell asleep and when she would wake up.

The Key of the Zodiac was created for exactly this situation.

If the situation comes to a critical moment, when it is necessary to rely on the strong power of the creator to overcome the difficulties, the younger generations can allow these statues to find their sleeping positions.

But two hundred years is too long.

As a result, most of the inheritance families were buried by the long river of time, and even the key of the zodiac was lost together. Fleidon used all the news networks to find out about a resonator with great difficulty, and tracked it all the way from the Sandboat Kingdom to Azure Fort.

Fortunately, he finally got it.

Everything may be too late.

Fleidon secretly calculated in his heart that no matter where the creator slept, even in the sea of ​​dawn and dusk, he would find him within a year and invite him back to Siristi.

Under the moistening of the blood, the statue gradually turned bright red, and then the woman's upper body slowly turned. She raised her lotus-like arms, and pointed her five fingers towards the south. At the same time, a dazzling red light burst out from her palms!

Fleidon stood up abruptly, flipping the seat behind him with such a big movement——

His eyes were full of disbelief!

The intensity of the light means the resonance distance, the farther away, the weaker the light, and vice versa. The way to find the tomb is not complicated, that is, to move towards the direction of the statue's finger, and then drop blood at intervals to confirm how far there is between the two. A bottle of blood can be used about 20 times, so it is best to travel a long enough distance for the first search, such as half of the endless sea, and then conduct a second test to ensure that the destination position can be judged more effectively .

But he never expected that he could see such a dazzling light at the first resonance!

This means that the place where the mistress sleeps is in the Azure Fort area.

The question is...is this really possible?

For a moment, Fleidon didn't know whether to be excited or worried.

For the founder of the noble bloodline, the tomb is a symbol of status, and it usually comes in whatever way is strange and hidden. For example, the famous Dracula III once built a tomb at the vent of the volcanic island. Although it was completely destroyed in a volcanic eruption, it was discovered by explorers because of this, and soon became a A topic that the empire loves to talk about. Undoubtedly, this kind of site selection highlights the background and taste of an ancient blood noble.

Azure Fort is obviously a counterexample.

Two hundred years ago, this place was still a fishing village, and it took advantage of the east wind of overseas trade to transform it into a passable city. From Fleidon's point of view, there is no essential difference between it and the countryside. It has no characteristics of its own. Anyone can enter and exit. There are hooligans everywhere. How can the honorable mistress value such a place?

Could it be a malfunction of the magic weapon?

He moved the statue slightly, and the statue quickly adjusted, turning his fingers a few degrees, still pointing steadily to the south.

Everything seems to work fine with this thing.

Feleton thought for a while, but finally he was reluctant to shed a second drop of blood.

He planned to go to the south of Azure Castle first, and then make a decision on the next step.

And all of this has to be done in top secret.

The creator was sleeping in the small town of the four-clawed dragon demon that was full of filth—if this news got out, it would probably become a stain that the mistress would never be able to erase for the rest of her life.

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