Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 517 The Holy Wing Islands

After leaving the port, the White Sand headed straight north, followed the continental shelf to the edge of the Northland, then turned west, heading all the way to the "Endless Sea" that Olina called.

On the way, Xia Fan also saw the scene in the north of Qiguo—behind the mountains were patches of uncultivated dense forests and mountains, the area was almost half the size of Qiguo. Not far from Lingzhou, there is an obviously raised mountain. Not only is it not covered by trees, but its appearance is dark brown, which means that it is not an ordinary mountain, but an active volcano.

However, looking from the sea, Xia Fan always felt that its outline was a bit strange.

From the halfway up to the top of the mountain, there are some strange protrusions on the stone wall of the mountain, some protrude upwards, and some are straight. At first glance, it looks like thorns stuck randomly in the mountain. But considering the distance between the two sides, the size of this thorn is probably quite astonishing.

Xia Fan also asked about Qianyan.

The latter’s answer was quite casual, “You say this, it is not an unknown mountain. Yongchao once drew a map and called it Tianzhu—because it is located in the north-west direction, placed in the eighth genus Tuli happened to be the dry position. But later, for some unknown reason, its name was crossed out again.”

The name Tianzhu made Xia Fan quite concerned. If he remembered correctly, Kunlun Mountain had another name that happened to be called this. Of course, even Penglai Island has already appeared, and it seems reasonable to have Kunlun Mountain again, but what he doesn't understand is why Yongchao crossed out this name again, so that there is no sign of this mountain in the later maps.

"Has anyone in the Fang family been to this mountain?"

"That's thousands of miles away, and it's still in the dense forest. How can the Fang family do it alone." Qianyan pouted, "I heard that the third generation of King Yong wanted to organize a team to explore the border for some time, including those who came from A no-man's land that no one has ever reached, but in the end it's gone."

Xia Fan could only accept this answer with regret.

After all, Jinxia is obviously unable to go to the northern end of the mainland to find out at this stage.

It would be nice if the magnification of the lookout glass was a little higher, he thought.

Apart from admiring the scenery along the way, Xia Fan spent the rest of his time learning the West Pole language, and so did Li. It is impossible for Long Nu to follow them all the time, and sometimes it is very inconvenient to bring an extra translator, so learning a foreign language has become a necessity.

"Endless Sea, Narata; Twilight Sea, Alesta; Tranquil Sea... Tranquil Sea..."

"Iota." Li reminded.

"Okay, I remembered." Xia Fan sighed—he seemed to have returned to the desperate stage of high school, and had to recite a lot of vocabulary every day to deal with the fateful battle that determined the way forward. Fortunately, his memory has also improved a lot after feeling angry, and his brain is clearer than before. Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to learn Xiji, which has no textbooks, phonetic symbols, or shorthand manuals.

The talent gap is once again highlighted.

While he was still trying to increase his vocabulary, Li had already started trying to talk to the elves on the ship in West Extreme.

At times like this, Qian Yan would always laugh at him.

And Xia Fan was completely speechless.

Because the person in front of him is too old, he has already learned everything he can learn, including Xiji language.

Such days lasted for nearly a month.

Equipped with an astronomical instrument, the White Sand boarded much faster than similar ships. When the time entered June, a piece of gray land appeared at the end of the field of vision.

"Your Excellency, that is the Holy Wing Islands." The acting captain's tone was full of uncontrollable excitement. Although the Holy Wing Islands are still a long way from Nattating, the navigation is developed here, and there are ships traveling between the two places. They are everywhere, and he only needs to pay some travel expenses to return to his hometown on his own. "According to the scheduled route, we will enter the country at Azure Fort, and follow the inland river directly to the king's capital, Hilla."

Xia Fan also learned a lot about the situation of the Holy Wing Islands during this period.

First of all, the Sareni College that Olina is going to and the cathedral of the Church of Hera are both in the royal capital. Although the latter is not close to the sea, there is a big river connected to the endless sea. If they can pass the customs inspection, they can directly enter king capital.

As for the attitude towards the elves, the Holy Wing Islands are much more relaxed than Nattatin—it is true that a group of dragon descendants joined the fleet to conquer the World Island in order to earn imperial commissions, but the archipelago itself is far away from the World Island, and there is no Too many substantive disputes. The elves are at most second-class residents in the Holy Wing Land, as long as they keep their heads down and live carefully, they won't cause any trouble to their upper body.

However, the situation of "beast monsters" like Li is much worse.

Many kingdoms in the West Pole have great discrimination against half-beasts, believing that such monsters are a symbol of stupidity and ugliness, and are basically at the bottom of the "ecological chain". Because of this, the half-beasts in the Holy Wing Islands are either coolies or criminals. Some nobles will raise beautiful elves, but few people will treat beast monsters as pets.

In addition, he also learned from the acting captain and Olina that the half-beasts in the West Pole are actually very different from the monsters in the mainland-half-beasts cannot transform, and their ability to sense energy is also quite low. There is no comparison to a demon who can learn other alchemy techniques.

This may explain why the dragon monster has become the actual ruler, but other monsters still can't get ahead - compared to humans, they can give birth to an aura-sensing person from time to time, and then go to the mage tower for further training, half-beasts don't even have a way to rise , Strength determines its own status.

Ferlin Carter repeatedly reminded her that it's fine for Li to go out with Xia Fan at ordinary times. If she wants to go out alone, she'd better cover up her animal ears and other characteristics, so as not to be questioned or apprehended by the police.

The closer to the land of the archipelago, the more ships around.

The white sails form a silver-white "bedding" near the sea line, and the seagulls walk between the sides of the ship, appearing full of vitality. According to Olina, Azure Fort is only the third largest port in the archipelago. On top of it are Dragon’s Rest Castle and Sun City in the west. However, it is only the third port, and the number of ships passing through it has surpassed that of ships from the six countries. sum.

This is a kingdom that lives by sailing.

Of course, a first-class warship like Baisha still stood out from the crowd among the cargo merchant ships. The ships in front gave way one after another, for fear that they would be sunk by this huge monster. The sailors on those ships were lying on the side of the ship, pointing at the White Sand in surprise and talking about it—the speed and agility displayed by the latter seemed to have attracted the attention of many people.

At this moment, the figure of a dragon appeared in the sky.

In the direction of the harbor, a group of clipper ships also rushed towards the White Sand. Xia Fan found that the fleet's route seemed to want to slant across the bow of one's own ship, and at the same time, the other's gun doors were opened.

"Oops!" Ferlin suddenly whispered, "I forgot that this ship is Nattatin's warship. If you didn't inform the other party of your itinerary in advance, the Holy Wing Islands may think that you are here to rob the port!"

"Just this one ship?" Xia Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is the relationship between Natatin and the Holy Wing Islands so bad?

"This is a capital ship. Usually where it is, there are often a large number of warships behind it! Although Nattatin and the Holy Wing Islands have not fought directly, conflicts due to maritime trade are not uncommon..."

"Don't panic, I'll go and explain." Olina jumped off the top of the poop after speaking, transformed into a giant dragon, and flew towards the comer.

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