Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 587 Borrowing Flowers to Offer Buddha

"Xiaoyou will work hard, Baodujiang, you should also pay attention to your health, you can't take any more risks."

"Well, I see."

After saying goodbye, Tang En finally finished the overseas call with Yu Aoi.

He is also very helpless.

Since the shooting incident that shocked the world on Saturday night, Tang En has been "harassed" by various phone calls this weekend. It is called concern, but in fact it only brings him annoyance.

The Los Angeles police reported that Twain had captured the thugs alive, but the details were not disclosed.

It inevitably aroused the curiosity of many people, and they inquired about the details one after another.

How did Tang En respond to this?

It can't be said that I was so scared and stupid at the time, I couldn't turn around, so I had to bite the bullet and rush forward, right?

You can tell the truth with Natalie, but with others, you have to gag.

There are too many calls, so I am naturally irritable.

On Monday, after Tang En went to work, the Japanese side heard the news again and began to express condolences.

Fortunately, Yu Aoi was well-behaved and obedient, and instead of entangled in the topic of "capturing thugs alive", she talked about a lot of changes in her recent situation.

She seems to be the eldest sister of the Burning Office, and wherever she goes, everyone is watching her.

Top-level equipment, nanny car, assistants, brokers, bodyguards, nanny, everything. I live in the most upscale apartment in the urban area, and even in the suburban Nagano County, I own a top-notch Japanese-style villa in Japan. Every day All weekend, go there to rest.

This day, don't mention how comfortable it is.

Even the several presidents, when they saw her in the company, completely lost the arrogance they used to, and were as polite as subordinates. In this case, even Japan's top actresses are impossible.

Many fellow artists don't know what happened behind Yu Aoi, but from the attitude of the senior executives of the firm, they can tell that Yu Aoi has climbed a high branch and made a fortune!

After hanging up the phone, Tang En's mouth curled up slightly, with a satisfied expression.

One is because Yu Aoi, the daughter of Yu Aoi, talks too much inside and out to please her, she is sweet and coquettish, and her voice is crisp to the bone, she is worthy of a generation of voice actors.

It is estimated that her life has changed too much, and she has felt Tang En's amazing influence, enjoyed it, and wanted to stay with Tang En, a Hollywood boss, from the bottom of her heart.

The second is because Tang En is very satisfied with Zhou Fangyuxiong, the president of Burning Office.

This person is really amazing!

Not only did Yu Aoi receive the best artist treatment in Japan/Japan in just half a month, but he also bought the top Japanese-style villa in Nagano prefecture.

This kind of villa is priceless!

As the president of Burning Office, Zhou Fang Yuxiong is the number one master in the Japanese/Japanese entertainment industry, and he can also personally arrange life for Yu Aoi.

To give Tang En face like this is almost to endure humiliation. He is indeed a person who can do great things!

No wonder he was able to dominate the Japanese/Japanese entertainment world in just thirty years.

Tang En quickly thought of the Japanese/Japanese movie "Letter from Iwo Jima" he wanted to invest in, and this was an opportunity to deepen cooperation.

Japan/Japan has a population of more than 100 million, superior economic conditions, and good intellectual copyright protection, which can be called the best in the world!

Not to mention piracy, not even counterfeit money.

This is definitely a market that New Global Group needs to focus on developing in the future.

For example, Netflix's streaming media business, imax movie theater promotion, Blizzard games, movie peripherals... This is definitely the biggest profit point outside of the European and American markets.

Of course, if Zhou Fangyu Xiong could cooperate, it would be a good choice for Twain to unify Japan Entertainment in addition to Hollywood.

Dunn contacted Warner Bros. President Alan Horn and explained that he would cooperate with Clint Eastwood to adapt the book "Flags of Our Fathers: Heroes of the Battle of Iwo Jima".

Alan Horn was not very happy, and said displeased: "Clint has always been Warner's partner."

Although the old man's movie is not very profitable, he is famous enough to be Warner's pillar.

Was this dug up by New Universal? Or team up with DreamWorks?

Alan Horn was not satisfied.

He made an agreement with Eastwood that Warner will continue to invest in the next film and support him in the filming of "Million Dollar Baby".

Tang En also briefly stated his thoughts, "2005 is the 60th anniversary of the victory of the world's anti-Japanese war. It is necessary to release an anti-war film as a gift and as a reflection."

After inquiring and learning about the situation, Alan Horn learned that they were going to split the book "Flags of Our Fathers: Heroes of the Battle of Iwo Jima" into two parts, the US and Japan, and make it into a "combined movie" from two perspectives. ", I became interested immediately.

After a simple consultation, Alan Horn made his final statement, solemnly saying: "Warner can temporarily put aside the next project, and develop the two films "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima" first."

After a pause, he said without doubt: "However, Warner wants to participate in the investment!"

Upon hearing this, Tang En almost burst out laughing.

I wish for it!

These two films, "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima", are not profitable.

In the previous life, the two films invested a total of 110 million US dollars, but the box office was miserable.

With an investment of US$90 million, "Flags of Our Fathers" had a box office of only US$65 million; "Letters from Iwo Jima" had an investment of US$20 million and a box office of only US$68 million.

Even if there is a pocket budget of the Ministry of Defense, it is impossible to generate profits within 3 years.

It must go through many years of long-term copyright operation.

The reason why Twain rushed to invest was mainly because he didn't want to see "Million Dollar Baby" and "The Departed" competing at the Oscars.

Now, Warner took the initiative to be the backer, and of course he readily agreed.

In fact, for Twain, the maximization of profit is that he only invests in "Letter from Iwo Jima", and let DreamWorks and Warner jointly invest in "Flags of Our Fathers".

The movie "Letter from Iwo Jima" made a lot of money, but it couldn't make up for the big hole in "Flags of Our Fathers".

However, this idea only flashed in Tang En's mind for a moment before being ruled out.

It is also a war movie, the reason why the budget of "Letter from Iwo Jima" is so low, besides the low salary of Japanese/Japanese actors, the main reason is that the "big scenes" that need to spend a lot of money to create are all borrowed from "Flags of Our Fathers" shot.

These two films must be bundled and customized, and cannot be split.

However, Dunn still won enough benefits with Alan Horn - distribution rights!

"Flags of Our Fathers" is a big production, with more scenes of war scenes, costing 90 million US dollars, and has the prospect of a big hit. "Letter from Iwo Jima" is too shabby. It tells the story of a group of Japanese/Japanese soldiers. At first glance, there is no market space.

Therefore, in the competition for the distribution rights of the two films, Twain took the initiative to "give way". He only asked for the global distribution rights of "Letter from Iwo Jima" and "Flags of Our Fathers" to be operated by DreamWorks and Warner Bros.

Soon, Tang En and Alan Horn reached an agreement.

Universal Pictures, DreamWorks, and Warner Bros. are each responsible for an investment of 30 million US dollars. In addition, they applied to the Ministry of Defense for a military budget of 20-30 million US dollars to invest in the two films "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima";

The North American distribution of "Flags of Our Fathers" is handled by DreamWorks, while Warner Bros. is in charge of overseas distribution, and Universal Pictures has obtained the global distribution rights of "Letters from Iwo Jima";

After removing 10% of the distribution costs of the two films, Universal Pictures, DreamWorks, and Warner Bros. will each get 30% of the profits, and the remaining 10% of the profits will be paid by the copyright owners of the novel, Spielberg and Evans. Sterwood carves up...

The cooperation between the three companies, Tang En and Alan Horn, was quickly confirmed within 10 minutes of talking.

There is no need to think about DreamWorks at all.

As long as they don't squeeze the interests of DreamWorks, they have no possibility of refusing.

After finishing Alan Horn on the phone, Tang En called Zhou Fang Yuxiong, "President Zhou Fang, I am very satisfied with your arrangement for Youjiang."

"Mr. Walker, you are too polite. This is what I should do." Zhou Fang Yuxiong was as humble as ever, with a polite voice.

It's hard to imagine that the person on the other end of the phone is a person whose status in the Japanese/Japanese entertainment industry is far higher than Tang En's status in Hollywood.

Tang En smiled and said: "We haven't been in contact for a long time, but we hit it off right away, especially since you helped me introduce a daughter, I am very satisfied. How about this, I will cooperate with Warner Bros. and DreamWorks this year to make a Japanese movie. When the time comes, you will know what to do.”

"What?" Zhou Fangyuxiong changed his voice in shock, "You want to make a Japanese movie?"

"That's right." Tang En smiled, "The investment will be between 2 billion and 5 billion yen. I need a lot of male actors. Besides Ken Watanabe, I also need a lot of male actors. As long as the acting skills are good, the newcomers will also No problem, I plan to hand over to your Burning Office.”

Zhou Fang Yuxiong took a breath.

2 billion - 5 billion yen?

Damn, it really is a big boss in Hollywood, that's just arrogance!

How much can it cost to make a Japanese movie?

This is more expensive than the Chinese martial arts blockbuster "Heroes", right?

"Hero" cost 30 million US dollars to publicize. In fact... there are many Japanese production staff in the "Hero" crew.

Zhou Fangyuxiong has also heard that the actual cost of "Hero" will not exceed 15 million US dollars!

Now, Tang En wants to invest in a Japanese/Japanese blockbuster movie. Doesn't this mean that "Hero" should be compared to "Hero"?

In the past few decades, Japanese/Japanese films have been far ahead of China, but with the death of Master Akira Kurosawa and the strong rise of director Zhang, Chinese films have a tendency to surpass Japanese/Japanese films.

Not to mention other things, it is impossible for any Japanese/Japanese director in this era to make a masterpiece "Hero"!

With Hollywood's help, the problem is solved.

No matter how powerful Director Zhang is, how can he be better than Dunn Walker?

"Great! Mr. Walker, I am very grateful to you!" Fang Yuxiong Zhou was very excited, "By the way, what is the theme?"


"War?" Zhou Fangyu Xiong's face turned pale, he was about to cry, his voice was trembling, "No...it won't be World War II, right?"

Tang En smiled and said, "Yes, it's World War II."


Zhou Fang Yuxiong rolled his eyes.

Almost vomited blood!

Make Japanese/Japanese movies about World War II?

Director Walker, do you want to slap all Japanese/people in the face?

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