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Chapter 580 Congratulations from the Old Cowboy

On February 16, the nomination list for the 75th Academy Awards was announced, and the newly established new media giant, New Universal Group, once again shined in the entire film and television entertainment industry!

Best Supporting Actress nominations: Catherine Zeta-Jones for "Chicago," Kathy Betsy for "About Schmidt," Meryl Streep for "Adapted Screenplay," Quinn for "Chicago" Latifah, Julianne Moore of The Hours.

Five nominations, three of which are exclusive to New Universal!

Best Actress nominations: Nicole Kidman for The Hours, Rachel Weisz for Chicago, Julianne Moore for Far From Heaven, Salma Hay for Frida Yeke, Diane Lane of Unfaithful.

With five nominations, New Universal takes the second!

Best Director nominations: Roman Polanski for The Pianist, Martin Scorsese for The Vice, Rob Marshall for Chicago, Pedro Almodovar for Tell Her, The Hours by Stephen Daldry.

Out of the five nominations, New Universal holds four of them!

Best Picture nominations: "Chicago," "The West," "The Hours," "The Pianist," "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers."

Out of the five nominations, New Universal holds four of them!

In addition, for the best actor nomination, New Universal won the second place; for the best supporting actor nomination, New Universal won the second place; for the best adapted screenplay, New Universal won the third place; for the best photography, New Universal took the third place; and for the best costume For design, New Universal won the fourth place; for best film editing, New Universal won the fourth place...

Viewing the entire nomination list, New Universal has almost monopolized the Oscars with its four films "Chicago", "New York City", "The Hours" and "The Pianist"!

Add "Spider-Man 2," "Pirate League: The Curse of the Black Pearl," and two films from Universal Pictures.

This year's Oscars, New Universal received a total of 45 nominations!

Among them, "Chicago" received 13 nominations, "New York Vice" received 10 nominations, "The Hours" received 9 nominations, and "The Pianist" received 7 nominations!

Although these 45 nominations are from Rose Films, Dunn Films, Focus Films, Marvel Pictures and Universal Pictures, they are different film companies.

But everyone understands that behind these film companies comes from a group company, that is New Universal!

This kind of situation where the Oscars are almost monopolized by one company has never happened in history, but it was in the golden age of Hollywood, decades ago.

In Hollywood back then, MGM monopolized half of the country. In each Oscar, almost half of the nominations would go to MGM.

But times have changed, and MGM has long since lost its former style.

Could it be that……

New Universal's influence in the film industry is already comparable to that of MGM back then?

As soon as the Oscar nomination list was announced, it immediately caused an uproar in the industry.

Newspapers and magazines including "Film Review", "Hollywood Reporter", "Complete Movie", "Entertainment Weekly", "Village Voice", "Audio-Visual Club", "New Yorker" and other newspapers and magazines have written articles to analyze this shocking result .

Even comprehensive magazines such as "New York Times", "Wall Street Journal", "Washington Post" and "The Times" have focused on reporting this extraordinary event.

It can also be seen from this incident that the influence of the Golden Globes is still slightly smaller.

A month ago, New Universal's films were invincible at the Golden Globe Awards, and did not cause such a big shock.

But the announcement of a nomination list for Oscar immediately ignited the powder keg.

Oscar and New Universal have become the hottest topics at the moment!

Many people in the Hollywood industry, if they don't agree, they can only accept it, and if they don't accept it, they can only grit their teeth and accept it.

Dunn Walker, a young man, has been in the industry for just a few years. He has not only swept everything in the box office market, but also extended his hand into the awards season.

Young people are awesome!

Epigenetic terror!

MGM, which was invincible back then, has already flowed into the auction market, waiting for acquisition.

But things change.

Today's New Universal is no less powerful than MGM back then!

With the announcement of the nomination list, Tang En's congratulatory phone calls never stopped.

Some filmmakers who were not familiar with or had low qualifications congratulated Tang En through emails and text messages; those filmmakers with seniority and prestige in the industry directly called.

"Clint, congratulations, I've had too many calls, you know, I don't care about the formalities."

Tang En received a call from director Clint Eastwood, and stopped being perfunctory like the few calls just now, and deliberately started a conversation.

Eastwood is 73 years old this year. He is still in good health, full of energy, and vigorous. He is still active in the front line. He makes a movie every year. His efficiency is higher than that of Spielberg, and he is the best in Hollywood!

Tang En also knew that the old man was 90 years old, still insisting on making movies, still getting divorced, dating, and falling in love. He was a pure old cowboy.

"Twain, it was you who rejected my "Mysterious River"."

Mr. Eastwood's voice was slightly hoarse, but hearty and hearty.

Tang En said angrily: ""Mystic River"? Clint, are you kidding? Nat is an Oscar queen, she can't play a supporting actress in a movie!"

Last year, when "Mystic River" started filming, Eastwood invited Natalie to play a role, but Twain directly rejected it.

On the one hand, her studies are very tight, and on the other hand, there is really little room for her to play this role.

"Mystic River" is originally a male-dominated movie, and there is no room for female characters to play.

Eastwood said with a smile: "Just kidding, "Mystic River" is fine, but when "Space Cowboy" was released, I said that I would cooperate with Natalie Portman in a film, I think... ...the next film, there is a possibility of cooperation."

"Oh? Finished the post-production of Mystic River?"

"Not yet, but the next film is already planned."

"So fast?"

Tang En was taken aback.

This old man is indeed a famous fast gunner!

Making a movie is like an assembly line production.

"Mystic River" has just started post-processing, and the next movie is already planned.

Behind the astonishing efficiency of one movie per year, it really is the preparation of the projects that follow.

Eastwood said with a smile: "In fact, the next project has already been negotiated with Warner, and they will definitely invest."

After Tang En heard this, he curled his lips repeatedly, and said helplessly, "Clint, you know what I mean, I hope that New Universal can have a chance to cooperate with you, even if it's a movie!"

"What about the budget?" Eastwood asked.

Tang En said sincerely: "You are a film senior and a film master. Does the film you make need to have a budget limit? Just like the cooperation with director Martin Scorsese, I will not set any obstacles for him Don't forget, Clint, I'm also a director and an artist at heart!"

Eastwood pondered for a while, "The next movie... I also agreed, the partner and DreamWorks."


Tang En's eyes widened, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

This old cowboy, the process on the notepad is too advanced, right?

Are the shooting plans for the next two films ready?

Eastwood said: "In 2000, there was a war novel, as you must know, called "Flags of Our Fathers: Heroes of the Battle of Iwo Jima". After the novel was released, many people snapped up the film rights, and finally It was taken by Steven and I. After discussion, it was decided that the film adaptation of this novel would be supervised by him, directed by me, and completed together.”

Tang En's complexion was not very good-looking.

The copyright department of Dunn Films also tracked down the quotation for the adaptation rights of this book, but it was won by two master directors, Spielberg and Eastwood.

Tang En Pictures didn't have a chance to reach out.

Three years on, is the project coming back?

Tang En asked: "This kind of war blockbuster, the investment risk is very high, especially "Black Hawk Down" and "Windtalker" have failed at the box office one after another. Dreamworks...even if it invests, it is impossible to take the majority."

Eastwood said: "That's right, I discussed it with Steven. If we invest in this film, our plan is that DreamWorks will follow the investment, and Warner Bros. will lead the investment. If you have investment intentions, you can contact DreamWorks." .The copyright of the novel is in the hands of me and Steven."

Tang En said decisively: "No problem, DreamWorks is a partner of Universal Pictures. As I said, as long as it's your movie, no matter how risky or how big the investment is, I'm willing!"

In the past few years, the films produced by DreamWorks have been distributed by Universal Pictures.

However, since three years ago, DreamWorks has established its own North American distribution department.

Since then, the films produced by DreamWorks have been distributed by DreamWorks itself in North America, but the overseas market is still handled by Universal Pictures.

Spielberg and Universal Pictures have been friends for decades.

He became famous in Hollywood because of the opportunity provided by Universal Pictures, which allowed him to take on projects like "Jaws" at the age of 27.

Therefore, as long as Eastwood is settled, the film "Flags of Our Fathers" will definitely be able to settle in New Universal.


Tang En suddenly thought of something, and said out loud, "Clint, what type is your next director?"

Eastwood said: "It's a film about sports and boxing, with a small budget. The investment should not exceed 20 million US dollars."

After a pause, he asked strangely: "Tang En, don't you regret it? Don't think it's a small budget, but it's a female-dominated film, and it will definitely give your little girlfriend a good time." Showroom!"

Tang En's expression was a little strange.

Of course, he wasn't worried about Natalie, because the other party's film must be the famous "Million Dollar Baby"!

As Eastwood said, the heroine of the film is very challenging and has room to play.

What he was worried about was "The Departed Walker"!

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