Twain's purpose in exposing the scandal of Louis C. K. was very simple. He wanted to make the name of the New Universal Group famous and attract the attention of the entire United States!

As a result...the news was published.

His purpose has also been achieved.

All major newspapers, magazines, TV stations, and Internet media in the United States launched follow-up reports on this matter.

Some media even made high-profile declarations that they should follow in the footsteps of Dunn Walker, just like opposing Hollywood's old vice of "red sofas" in the 1980s, and completely eliminate sexual harassment incidents in the entertainment industry!

After Tang En heard about it, he shuddered a few times.

This is not his original intention, he is still enjoying the pleasure brought by the red sofa.

There can be unspoken rules of the "red sofa" as you like, but what he opposes is the means of coercion.

Louis C.K's sexual harassment incident was just the first fire that Tang En established after he established New Universal and ascended the throne in Hollywood. If there is a spark, it's enough to show off his muscles. He didn't want to make a big fuss.

However, scandals in the entertainment industry are like dry wood, which ignites instantly when it encounters a raging fire.

Jim Waite, CEO of Louis C.K's agency WMA, personally called Tang En, "Tang En, you have not considered this matter!"

Tang En frowned, "That's a bastard, and he deserves his stigma."

"A mere actor is not worthy of my personal appearance." Jim Waite said in a heavy tone, "This matter must be resolved quickly, otherwise it will be difficult to control."

Tang En raised his eyebrows and realized something, "What happened?"

"The matter of the entertainment industry... I don't need to talk about it, you understand that Luis' sexual harassment is not worth mentioning. But now, you have exposed Luis, and many artists who have been hurt more seriously are ready to move .” Jim Waite said in a deep voice.

Tang En's complexion changed, "No, it can't be enlarged!"

The entertainment industry... just like the country, is also an imaginary community.

Even if the inside is dirty and messy, it is necessary to create a healthy, beautiful and positive image to the outside world.

This concerns the interests of all parties.

For now, a little Louis C.K is enough, and more similar news must not be exposed!

Otherwise, the entertainment industry would be in complete chaos.

It is true that workers work for capitalists, but workers united can also overthrow and sanction capitalists.

Tang En is now a capitalist in the entertainment industry, and artists are workers in the entertainment industry.

They must not be united!

Maintain stability, must maintain stability!

Jim Waite manages WMA, the largest brokerage company in the United States, and also belongs to the ranks of entertainment capitalists. He and Twain are allies on the same front, saying: "I have already dealt with it and issued a strict order to ban any artist under WMA , express opinions on this matter. But the brokerage company in the United States is not only WMA!"

Tang En took a deep breath, "I see, I will deal with this matter immediately."

Jim Waite nodded, "They...should have noticed it too."

After hanging up the phone, Tang En's face gradually became ugly.

He really didn't expect that the entertainment circle had been suppressed by the scandal to such an extent that it was almost on the verge of breaking out.

Casually releasing a piece of news almost ignited the explosive keg!

Once it explodes, the consequences will be disastrous!

Just like Hollywood in the previous life, once this wave is not controlled, it will be a disaster for the entire Hollywood economy, image, system, and power structure!

Even HBO's scale has shrunk, and actresses can't show up casually.

This is so ridiculous!

Luckily, Louis C.K. was just a little guy.

Although things are fermenting fiercely, they are still under control.

Tang En was also a little thankful.

If Harvey Weinstein was exposed directly in a flash of enthusiasm, it would really be out of control.

Freedom of speech in the news media is impossible to control.

Even Murdoch cannot completely control the content of his newspapers.

However, insider information can be controlled.

How would outsiders know about Hollywood?

Even if there is news, it must be revealed by insiders.

As long as Hollywood is under control and people in the circle don't talk nonsense, this matter will not expand.

Tang En's thinking is very simple, the media can report and ferment casually about Louis C.K.

However, the scope of influence must be controlled and cannot be expanded!

No more people can be involved!

Tang En immediately sent emails to Warner Bros., Disney, Sony Pictures, CAA, UTA and other Hollywood companies, warning them that artists should be controlled and they must not speak casually in front of the media.

At this time, we should be thankful for the agent system of American artists.

The "sages" passed the Congress long ago and promulgated the "Broker-Artist Act", using legal means to customize a set of procedures for maintaining order

If an artist wants to speak in front of the public, he must communicate with his agent about the content of his speech. If there is a work, he must negotiate with the producer and distributor.

The "rights to privacy" and "rights to speech" of artists are different from those of ordinary citizens.

At this time, as long as Tang En reaches an agreement with all the film companies and brokerage companies, the influence can be kept to a minimum.

After working hard for two or three days, I finally got it done.

In the final analysis, the community of interests in Hollywood is the key.

As long as the "workers" do not join forces, the "capitalists" can rest easy.

However, this is a dynamite package after all.

The more scandals in the entertainment industry accumulate, the stronger the resistance will be.

After a long time, sooner or later, it will become uncontrollable and explode.

"It's better to be blocked than to be sparse."

Tang En sighed.

It is impossible for the entertainment industry to be free from scandals, just as it is impossible for the Yellow River to be free of silt.

Always increase the height of the dam, sooner or later it will collapse.

The real way is to find a way to drain.

Let the oppressed "workers" have a channel to vent.

Tang En has great ambitions. In the future, the New Universal Group must be the master of Hollywood!

There can be no hidden dangers.

It's time to plan ahead.


The 54th Emmy Awards will be held on September 14.

It will honor the excellent TV programs in 2001-2002. New Universal's "Six Feet Under" and "Band of Brothers" have been nominated and are very popular.

This was Tang En's first appearance at the Emmy Awards, and he was dressed formally.

He has rarely been less formal.

Not even accompanied by beautiful women.

Walking through the red carpet, he came to the interview area naturally.

Unsurprisingly, the question that the reporters paid attention to was the scandal of Louis C.K: "Mr. Walker, do you have any more opinions on the sensational events in the entertainment industry?"

Tang En showed a compassionate expression, a little helpless, and a little bit resentful, and said: "I know that there are different sexual harassment incidents in all walks of life, in the workplace, in the hospital, and even in the campus. I sincerely hope that such things will become less and less, and our society will be better and better. Many sexual harassment incidents may seem small, but the blow to the victim's heart may be a lifetime."

"Are you going to expose more scandals?"

"Maybe, maybe not!" Dunn paused, "Speaking of which, I would like to give a special compliment to the American media. Regarding the sexual harassment incident of Louis C. K., the media stuck to the bottom line of news and did not overdo it. Exaggerated and inaccurate reports. There are victims of sexual harassment incidents, and we must pay attention to the words and influence when reporting on the news, so as to prevent them from being hurt again."

The reporter hurriedly asked: "Then will you continue to expose scandals in the entertainment industry?"

Everyone knows that there are countless scandals and filth in the entertainment industry.

Just like the political circle.

It's just that the control is good, and the outside world doesn't hear too much news.

Tang En said in a deep voice: "As I said just now, there are victims in scandals. We can't just consider breaking the news and punishing the perpetrators, without considering the feelings of the victims. If it hurts, then I'd rather not break the news."

The reporter frowned: "But only when it is exposed, can more people's attention be drawn, and those bastards be punished."

Tang En nodded, "You are right. Sexual harassment and sexual assault are all crimes. We cannot condone such behaviors. However, the media cannot condone reports at will. We must consider the impact behind these things. We must resist Crime, but also to protect the victim."

In his previous life, Tang En had seen too many "whistleblowers" on the Internet.

Some people, indeed out of social justice, have fearless sentiments. Some people are complete assholes, and they rely on selling other people's pain points to attract traffic, attract attention, and even spread rumors.

The reporter finally asked the final question: "Mr. Walker, what do you think should be done about the scandals in the entertainment industry? Or... In addition to creating social wealth, what kind of social responsibility will your new Universal Group undertake? value?"

Tang En looked serious, and said solemnly: "New Universal, the focus is on the word 'new'! I don't deny that there are such and such shortcomings in the entertainment industry. However, we have to get rid of the old problems and embrace the new environment! Louis C. The matter of K is just the beginning, in the future, I will take more measures to make the entertainment industry better and cleaner!"

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