Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 513: A Genius Among Geniuses

In Tang En's view, the two reality shows "Face Changing" and "Flyover" are far from enough.

In order for STA to completely defeat HBO and SHO, so as not to fall into a situation like "Band of Brothers" where subscriptions dropped severely after it was broadcast, more high-quality content must be released.

Vivendi has agreed to sell Blizzard, which is a good thing.

Tang En has informed the screenwriting department to contact the person in charge of Blizzard to start creating the script for the American TV series "Warcraft".

However, after all, "Warcraft" is an American drama that has never appeared in the previous life. Even if it spends a lot of money to create it, there is a risk of failure.

Twain also needs a safe American TV series to guarantee the bottom line.

His choice was The Walking Dead!

When "Game of Thrones" was popular all over the world, "The Walking Dead" was the only American drama that could compete. Even in the competition for the Emmy Awards, "The Walking Dead" repeatedly took the lead.

The AMC movie theater chain under the Rainbow Media Group could no longer survive and was sold to Wanda, but the AMC TV network... became one of the most famous cable TV stations in the United States because of "The Walking Dead", and its performance soared.

AMC television network also called the backbone of Rainbow Group.

Now, it's time to bring out The Walking Dead and contribute to STA!


"The Walking Dead" is a zombie film with horror elements, but AMC TV station is a basic cable TV station with limited scale and cannot show more shocking scenes.

STA does not have this constraint. As a professional cable TV station, there are almost no scale constraints, and it can better express the visual sense of "The Walking Dead".

As for the director of "The Walking Dead", of course it is the original director, the famous Frank Darabont!

This name may not be prominent.

But when it comes to "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Miracle on the Green Mile", it is a household name.

Frank Darabont directed and wrote both films!

Tang En checked through the "sunglass system". Frank Darabont's screenwriting ability is as high as "92", which is higher than James Cameron and George Lucas among the well-known Hollywood directors. Second only to "93" Woody Allen and "94" Quentin Tarantino.

"Frank, come and sit!" Tang En warmly invited Frank Darabont to his office, sighing repeatedly, "Thanks to your help, otherwise the script of "Ghost Rider" would not be like this Write it quickly, and it's so good!"

The script of "Ghost Rider" encountered many difficulties in the process of writing, and later spent 1 million US dollars, and Frank Darabont was invited to help, and it was finally done.

Zach Schneider has already got the final script and is drawing the sub-shots. The film is expected to start shooting in September.

Frank Darabont did not dare to win in front of Tang En.

Now it has spread throughout the United States that Tang En wants to buy Universal Pictures, Mifflin Publishing House and other assets from the hands of the French!

This is a good thing for the whole country to celebrate.

Universal Pictures can be regarded as a "national brand" of the United States, and the American people do not want to see such a company with a long history controlled by foreigners.

But in Hollywood, people in the industry were even more afraid of Tang En's strength and influence.

He is likely to be another Hollywood king after Barry Diller and Michael Eisner!

"Mr. Walker, you are too polite." Frank Darabont said modestly, "I enjoy this cooperation very much. I really didn't expect that Tang En Pictures would have a group of talented screenwriters. People are amazed!"

Tang En smiled slightly, quite proud.

This is natural. The screenwriters of Twain Pictures are all selected by him from the "Sunglasses System", and their "screenwriting" ability is above "85". Even the other two major screenwriters responsible for the script of "Ghost Rider"— ——Deacon Whistler and Jonathan Nolan, the screenwriting ability is "98" and "97", which is more outstanding than Frank Darabont, almost the best in Hollywood!

"I won't say too many polite words. I invited you here to ask you, do you still want to be a director?"

With Tang En's current status, there is no need to say too many polite words, just get straight to the point.


Frank Darabont was slightly taken aback.

Before that, he directed 4 films in total.

"Buried Alive", "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Green Mile" and "The Movie Life", the box office was... miserable!

In particular, last year's romantic comedy "Movie Life," starring comedian Jim Carrey, cost Warner Bros. $72 million to produce.

But what happened?

The global box office of the film is only 37 million US dollars!

Worse than "The Shawshank Redemption" back then!

"The Shawshank Redemption" can also be classified as an art film, and there are reasons for its box office failure. "Movie Life" is a real commercial comedy, but it's a mess.

No matter how well-known Frank Darabont is in the industry, it will be very difficult for him to have the opportunity to direct a movie again, so he should obediently become a screenwriter in the future.

Anyway, he is famous and capable, and he can get 1 million US dollars in salary for a script.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Dunn Walker, who is almost a god in the field of commercial films, would throw an olive branch.

Tang En smiled, "Frank, let me just say it straight, the structure of the movie is not suitable for you. Your story is too profound, and the philosophical connotation and human thinking in it are definitely beyond the reach of a two-hour movie. You You need a different way to express your thoughts."

Frank Darabont mused, "You mean... TV series?"

Tang En said: "That's right, it's a TV series! You need to give fans enough time to think about your story. The two or three hours of the movie are too short. This is the main reason why your movie's box office is not good."

"TV series..." Frank Darabont frowned, "I don't think TV series can meet my needs."

Tang En couldn't help laughing, "Frank, have you forgotten "Band of Brothers"?"

"Band of Brothers?" Frank Darabont was shocked.

Tang En said: ""Band of Brothers" has opened another window for TV dramas. High-quality TV dramas with big production and big investment have a market space to survive. STA TV Network provides an excellent platform."

This time, Frank Darabont understood, "Mr. Walker, are you saying that you want to invest in a big-budget American drama, and let me be the director?"

Tang En nodded with a smile, "That's right, not only the director, but also the producer and screenwriter. I'll give you an outline for the adaptations you can make, and play to your heart's content."

Frank Darabont had no immediate comment.

Even if the other party was Tang En, he didn't want to make a work he didn't like.

Tang En was very confident. He took out a booklet from his desk, then took a thick document and handed it to him.


Frank Darabont was a little surprised.

Is it a comic TV series?

Tang En said with a smile: "This comic is called "The Walking Dead". I collaborated with Robert Kirkman, a cartoonist from Marvel. I provided the outline and he enriched the specific details. Another document, It's my whole idea for the whole Walking Dead series, and you can check it out."

Frank Darabont looked at Tang En in disbelief, and took a breath.

This Dunn Walker is omnipotent!

In the past few years, he made an astonishing fortune in the stock market, earning an astonishing fortune. He was once titled "Stock God".

Later, he invested in several Internet companies, but what happened?

Google is now the largest Internet search engine;

PayPal is the largest online payment platform at the moment. It is said that the e-commerce giant EBay intends to spend huge sums of money to acquire it;

Although Netflix is ​​still crushed by Blockbuster in the market space, it has turned losses into profits, and the online DVD rental business is booming...

Because of this, Dunn was awarded the title of "Angel Investment Expert".

Last year, he co-authored another book "The Lost Lover", which added the title of "Best-selling Author".

In April of this year, he released a single album with Oscar winner Natalie Portman, and the sales volume broke multiple records in one fell swoop, and he became a popular singer again...

Now, he is engaged in comic creation again. Is this the rhythm of becoming a cartoonist?

Frank Darabont boasted that he was brilliant, but in front of Tang En, he also had to admire secretly.

The success of this young man is by no means accidental!

He is a genius among geniuses!

Frank Darabont tried his best to control his shock. First, he opened the half-finished manga. After only a few glances, he couldn't help but see, "Zombie theme? And it's realism." Zombies, hmm! This is a lot of room for exploration!"

The content of the manga is very short.

This is just a small part of the first season, the first episode.

He briefly flipped through the comics, and then looked at the outline manuscript provided by Tang En. The more he read, the more complex his face became, sometimes joyful, sometimes sighing, and sometimes solemn.

Tang En was not in a hurry and waited slowly.

The original "The Walking Dead", because AMC TV station has no confidence in Frank Darabont, the cost budget is not high.

But Frank Darabont, through his amazing screenwriting talent, vividly created an apocalyptic scene that many Hollywood blockbusters can't match.

The focus of the film is not on the special effects shots that stimulate the senses, but on the torture of human nature with doomsday feelings.

Through the portrayal of human nature, the lack of special effects is made up for.

But if Tang En wants to shoot, it will definitely not be a joke.

On the basis of the shaping and mining of human nature, the philosophy and thinking of doomsday feelings, and the sense of sight of a commercial blockbuster!

The original version of "The Walking Dead" has a mediocre visual effect compared to post-apocalyptic films such as "I Am Legend" and "Hell Detective".

Tang En hopes to create a hit!

For example, "Band of Brothers" has both the humanistic feelings behind the story, and the magnificence of the war scenes cannot be ignored.

Stimulation of the senses is very important!

It's just that Frank Darabont is not a professional director. His directing style is more like an old-school film director, and his control of special effects and colors is a bit mediocre.

Tang En narrowed his eyes, thinking secretly: "It seems that it is necessary to find him an assistant who is good at creating visual effects..."

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