Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 511 Truth or Dare

Another week passed.

The weekly box office of "Spider-Man 2" has fallen below $2 million, and the weekly box office of "Pirate League: The Curse of the Black Pearl" has also dropped below $20 million, including $4.5 million contributed by imax theaters.

In the past 5 weeks of "Pirate League" being released, IMAX theaters have contributed 23 million US dollars in box office!

This is the box office record for an imax movie!

When the overall popularity of the film is declining, "Pirate Alliance" is still being released in imax theaters!

No way, there are too few sources of imax movies now, except for documentaries, they are science and education films, and "Pirate Alliance: The Curse of the Black Pearl" is the only commercial film.

However, this situation will soon be reversed.

Because of the popularity of "Pirate Alliance", imax format movies have officially entered the mainstream attention of Hollywood. "The Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers", which was released on Christmas, has contacted imax to urgently convert the imax version.

In addition to "The Lord of the Rings 2", Twentieth Century Fox also intends to convert "Titanic", "Star Wars Episode 1", and "Star Wars Episode 2" into imax format, and re-screen it once to save the profits. squeeze dry.

Although this is suspected of grabbing the market with Tang En, he is happy to see it succeed.

There are more sources of imax movies, so there are more imax theaters!

And these films are converted into imax versions... Hey, imax can get at least 50% of the profits!

Nominally, the conversion cost of an imax film is between 2 million and 3 million US dollars, and an imax film copy costs about 50,000 US dollars, such as "Pirate Alliance: The Curse of the Black Pearl".

But this is all external publicity and external bidding.

The real cost is actually less than half.

This patented monopoly technology can make a lot of money for imax.

Due to various reasons, Twain is of course willing to see more imax movies appear.

The box office growth of "Spider-Man 2" and "Pirate Alliance" gradually slowed down. Fortunately, on August 2nd, another movie from Tang En Pictures was released - "Tian Zhao".

With Mel Gibson in the lead, there's little need to worry too much about the box office.

Sure enough, in the past week, "Signs of the Sky" won a first-week box office of 60 million US dollars in North America!

Looking at the entire summer file, the opening results of "Tian Zhao" are second only to three big mountains: "Spider-Man 2", "Star Wars Episode 2", and "Pirate Alliance".

Tang En Pictures' outstanding box office performance in the film market made Tang En pay more attention to the acquisition of Blizzard.

Only with the acquisition of Blizzard, can he successfully launch the filming plan of the American drama "Warcraft"!

Then led the STA TV network to rise again, leaving HBO and SHO far behind.

"Twain, haha, good news!"

Michael Eisner called Tang En enthusiastically.

"Good news?" Tang En asked with a smile, "Why, the first episode of "Wise and Brave Breakthrough" came out?"

"American Idol" ended at the end of June, and the young female singer Kelly Clarkson became the first champion of "American Idol" and successfully got a contract worth 1 million US dollars from Universal Music.

Just last night, "Smart and Brave Breakthrough" also successfully landed on ABC TV station!

Michael Eisner in a good mood, "Surprised!"

"Oh? How?"

"The average ratings exceeded 23 million!"

"It's only 23 million? It's not good." Tang En frowned, slightly disappointed.

The last episode of "American Idol" averaged over 40 million viewers!

What is this concept?

The average viewership of this year's Oscars ceremony is only 41 million.

In contrast, the results of "Smart and Brave Breakthrough" are not outstanding.

Michael Eisner laughed and said: "Twain, you are too impatient, don't forget, this is the first episode. Besides, "Wisdom and Braveness" is a regular program, and if it can maintain the ratings of 20 million, just It is already a miracle. I am very confident in this show, and will gradually put all the resources of "Millionaire" into this reality show."

Tang En nodded, "Well, that's fine, I'm very relieved to entrust "Brave of Wisdom and Bravery" to you. By the way, the opposition within Disney is much smaller now, right?"

Michael Eisner said: "Of course, with the establishment of "The Chronicles of Narnia 2" and "Dumbo" and the hit of "Breakthrough", the entire Disney has seen the benefits of cooperating with Tang En Pictures. E. Disney's argument ... is too empty."

"Oh, all right."

"Hehe, by the way, how is your negotiation with Vivendi? I'm out of energy with Comcast."

Tang En smiled and said: "It's almost there, you can hold on for another month. Except for a little disagreement, the big framework has been agreed upon, and these small problems have been resolved, and then we can talk about the price."

"Can it be done in a month?"


Tang En was full of confidence.

After hanging up the phone, Tang En narrowed his eyes and thought for a while.

At this time in 2002, reality TV was still a relatively new form of programming.

Very funny!

If so, how about planning a reality show for Starz TV station!

Reality shows broadcast on high-end pay TV stations like STA must not be noisy, cheaply produced shows such as "American Idol", "Smart and Brave", and "The Bachelor".

Either take the route of exquisiteness and high-end and invest huge sums of money in production; or take the route of large scale, where you can take off your clothes, you can be naked, or you can unscrupulously say a lot of dirty words that need to be silenced by public TV stations.

That night, Tang En, accompanied by Anne Hathaway, took a cold shower. In this sweltering summer, he was somewhat refreshed.

Then, the two wrapped themselves in towels and left the bathroom.

Tang En went directly to the living room and saw Scarlett and Penelope Cruz sitting on the sofa, watching TV with great interest.

"Huh? Where's Nat?" Dunn walked over and kissed Scarlett on the cheek.

She went to film "Lost in Translation" at the end of June and finished filming at the end of July. Sofia Coppola's speed is very fast.

Scarlett said casually, "Is it in the study? She's about to start school and needs to make up her homework."

Her beautiful eyes stared at the TV screen, as if she didn't want to miss a single shot.

"What program is so attractive?"

Tang En was suspicious in his heart, turned his head to look, and couldn't help laughing. It was "Six Feet Under 2" broadcast on Starz TV.

"Let's go, let's go find her." Tang En held Scarlett's hand and wanted to go to the study.

Scarlett pouted her lips, unwilling to say, "Why? I still have to watch TV, this is the last episode! How about you let Petunia and Annie stay with you first?"

Anne Hathaway couldn't help pursing her lips reservedly.

She just took a shower with Tang En, so she naturally had some intimate contact. Her mouth is still sore and tired, and her knees are still red. At this time, Tang En was definitely not because of that reason, Scarlett misunderstood.

Sure enough, Tang En pinched Scarlett's nose lightly, "What are you thinking about? It's business!"

Scarlett was taken to the study by Tang En with half-pushing, and sure enough, Natalie was also here.

"Okay, are you still pouting? Don't forget, "Six Feet Under 2" is a TV series I invested in, and I still have a set of DVDs." Tang En kissed Scarlett's cheek a few times, " I'm looking for you for business, didn't you see that I didn't even look for Annie and Petunia?"

Scarlett's beautiful eyes lit up, "Really? Do you have the disc of "Six Feet Under 2"?"

"Of course, after the TV series is finished, DVD discs will be released in early September. I'll bring them back tomorrow so you can watch them all!"


Scarlett happily jumped into Tang En's arms.

Natalie frowned slightly at the desk, "What's the matter?"

Tang En took a folder from the bookshelf, pulled Scarlett to sit on the sofa, and then waved to Natalie, "Come here."


"I'm going to plan a reality show for Starz TV. I've planned several projects. I'm a bit undecided. You two can help me out."

Natalie sat on the other side of Tang En, a little strange, "Let us serve as staff? Is that okay?"

Scarlett was also confused, "Yeah, reality TV... I don't understand at all? I haven't even watched "American Idol."

Tang En said indifferently: "It's okay, I say yes, that's fine!"

These ideas of his are all reality shows that were very successful in his previous life.

Let these two girls serve as staff, mainly to create an opportunity for them to deepen their sisterly relationship.

"This is the first project, called "Truth or Dare."


Natalie took the file.

Tang En stood up and changed seats with Scarlett so that she and Natalie could be next to each other, looking through the documents.

"This is a novelty-oriented reality show. Of course, it can also reflect some sharp social issues and reflections on human nature." Tang En was very happy to see the two beautiful girls leaning together to read the material.

Natalie looked at it briefly, a little strange, "A program that answers questions? What's so interesting about it?"

Tang En smiled and said: "Didn't you read it carefully? This is under the common attention of audiences and relatives and friends across the country. Answer 21 questions truthfully and truthfully, and you must pass the polygraph test."

Natalie's eyes widened. "You mean...to ask some personal questions?"

"Not just a personal matter, but an extremely personal matter."

When Tang En said it, he felt a little bit embarrassed.

In the program "Truth or Dare", as long as you answer 21 questions truthfully, you can get a huge bonus.

It seems that making money is easy!

But how is it possible?

The contestants came here with great enthusiasm, and many of them could not finish answering 21 questions, and would rather give up the prize money.

In the previous life, as soon as this program appeared, it caused a strong public opinion. In order to get the bonus, the contestants would give many shocking answers under the supervision of the lie detector!

For example, the host asked: "Do you want your wife's sister to sleep?"

And that's an understatement, if asking "Do you want to sleep with your wife's mom?"

Once the affirmative answer is spoken, let alone the contestants, even the group of relatives and friends will collapse and go berserk!

All kinds of cheating, gay sex, betrayal, death and other elements emerge in endlessly.

Such an interesting, controversial, and shocking show, how can it not be popular?

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