Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 479 Reelection

The Oscar ceremony is very long.

In addition to the awards, there will be performances, tribute art, and a "Remembrance" segment designed to commemorate those in the industry who have passed away in the past year. In this session, Kevin Spacey appeared and asked the audience to stand up in silence for the victims of the "911 terrorist attack".

This year's Oscars once again embodies the art of balance.

The major awards were divided among the four popular films "Moulin Rouge", "Unsinkable", "A Beautiful Mind", and "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring".

After Pixar's Monsters, Inc. won Best Original Song, with a related song sung by a singer.

A more interesting award is about to be awarded - Best Screenplay Award!

There are two Oscars for Best Screenplay, one for Best Original Screenplay and the other for Best Adapted Screenplay. The two awards are presented by the same group of presenters at the same time.

Interestingly, Twain was nominated for the Best Original Screenplay Award for "Juno" and nominated for the Best Adapted Screenplay Award for "A Beautiful Mind".

Last year, Tang En won the Best Adapted Screenplay Award for "The Girl Who Moved the Soul", which was his first Oscar statuette.

This year's situation...he is still the favorite!

The award presenters were Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow. The award for best original screenplay was announced first. ABC's camera first aimed at the crew of "Juno" and gave Twain a close-up. before turning to other nominees.

"Juno" is definitely the most popular film of the awards season, not only because of the heated public opinion caused by Twain's bombardment of the Golden Globes, but also in the box office market, "Juno" is also strong enough!

So far, the North American box office of "Juno" has broken through the 100 million mark, reaching 130 million US dollars! Although the response from the overseas market was flat, USD 50 million was recorded.

This feminist film with an investment of 8 million US dollars has been released for 3 months, and the global box office has exceeded 180 million US dollars!

It is even higher than the box office of the newly launched "Resident Evil" and "Chain Saw 2" this year.

Rose Pictures also became popular because of this movie!

Next, the entire critics are looking forward to "The Hours", "Chicago", "Gone Girl" and other films produced by Rose Films.

Feminists are madly promoting Rose Films.

Such a hot film "Juno" should win an award, right?

From the footage of ABC's broadcast, it can be seen that the broadcaster believes that the best original screenplay award is the only chance for "Juno".

Because "Juno" has only two nominations in total, Best Actress and Best Original Screenplay.

It's impossible to win the best actress, right?

Natalie Portman's performance is excellent, but she is too young.

And as we all know, Tang En and the Golden Globe Awards are in a big fight, and the key point is Natalie.

It is impossible for Oscar to add fuel to the fire at this time.

If the Oscar awards the best actress to Natalie, isn't this the face of the Golden Globes?

If this is the case, the Oscar Organizing Committee and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association will completely turn their faces.

Sure enough, I heard Ethan Horn read out the winners of the Best Original Screenplay Award: "Julian Fellowes, Gosford Park."

And the Best Adapted Screenplay award... was read from the mouth of the actress Twain hated, Gwyneth Paltrow, "Twain Walker, "A Beautiful Mind."

The same is to receive the screenwriter award, and the degree of recognition of the guests can be judged by the degree of applause.

The applause for Julian Fellowes was huge!

But when the name of "Dawn Walker" was pronounced, the applause couldn't be described as enthusiastic, just like the thunder before the storm!

Stand up, applaud!

A real full house!

Twain knew that the ABC broadcast screen at this moment must be firmly locked on himself. He stood up leisurely, smiled slightly, first kissed Natalie, and then talked with the crew of "A Beautiful Mind" one by one They clapped hands and walked slowly to the podium.

There was no excitement at all, and his face was calm, as if everything was as it should be.

This is in stark contrast to the way Julian Fellowes cheered and jumped up when he took the stage just now.


The chairman of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, Lorenzo Soria, received the news of Twain's award through television, and dialed Kirk Douglas almost immediately.

"It's just a screenwriting award. Why are you in a hurry?" Kirk Douglas certainly didn't want to see Twain win the award. He was already very irritable, but when he received a call urging him to die, his tone became a little impatient.

"This is Oscar!" Lorenzo Soria was very annoyed, "Didn't you say that you have a lot of influence on Oscar? Why can't even Dunn Walker be suppressed?"

Kirk Douglas gasped: "What are you talking about? I won't be able to suppress a brat? I told you, this is just a screenwriting award, it doesn't matter!"

Lorenzo Soria sneered on the phone, "It doesn't matter? Hehe, are you being confused, or are you pretending to be mean? That kid won the award, and he won the Best Adapted Screenplay Award! In the history of Oscars, there has never been He is already the first person to experience such an experience!"

Kirk Douglas' veins popped out of anger, "What are you trying to say? I never promised you that I would suppress Twain in the Oscars! Don't forget, our goal is Natalie Portman, yes That little girl! Don't mess around!"

"I'm messing around? The Golden Globes were criticized by the media, and it's all because of you!"

Lorenzo Soria was bitter about it. He cooperated with Kirk Douglas to operate in secret on Natalie's nomination, which was the most regrettable thing in his life.

Kirk Douglas took a deep breath, suppressing his anger and irritability, "I repeat, the key point about the Golden Globes is that little girl, not Dunn Walker. As long as Natalie doesn't win the Oscar After all, there are 10,000 arguments for the Golden Globes. You don’t need to get angry about something as trivial as the screenwriting award.”

Lorenzo Soria said coldly: "From now on, don't even try to reach out to the Golden Globes again!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone very rudely.

Kirk Douglas listened to the blind tone of "beep" and slammed the phone hard.

"This bastard!"

He was furious!

On the one hand, his anger came from the quarrel on the phone just now, and on the other hand, it came from the face of Don Walker who looked like he didn't want to be beaten on the TV screen.

In the eyes of Kirk Douglas, Tang En's calm and understated smile was provocation!

He was very annoyed, very angry!

But after this anger, a bit of shock and fear also arose in his heart.

On the phone, Kirk Douglas told Lorenzo Soria that their target was Natalie Portman, just to prevent her from winning an Oscar.

But in fact, Kirk Douglas' opponent was Dunn Walker. He had already contacted the old guys in the academy in private and told them that he didn't want to see Dunn win the award.

But what happened?

Slapped in the face!

Tang En not only won the award, but also broke the record. He is the first consecutive winner of the Best Adapted Screenplay Award in Oscar history!

"Has his network expanded to such an extent? He's only 24 years old..."

Kirk Douglas murmured as he watched Tang En holding up the statuette on the TV screen.

He knew that some time ago, Tang En disclosed his exclusive secret recipe to Hollywood - the strategy of bursting money, and donated a teaching building with top-level equipment to USC, which established a good reputation and prestige.

But he didn't care.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually did it!

On TV, Tang En began to deliver his acceptance speech. Kirk Douglas' hearing had deteriorated, and he was not in the mood to listen to Tang En's nonsense, but a key word made him suddenly perk up.

"Here, I would like to thank one person in particular, Mr. Douglas, yes, Mr. Kirk Douglas. He is a senior filmmaker I particularly respect, and he also provided me with a lot of valuable experience in making "A Beautiful Mind" , I was able to win this award, and Mr. Douglas contributed a lot. It is a pity that he did not come to the scene, but I want to use the platform of Oscars to solemnly say, thank you, Mr. Douglas, without you, I would not be here today. I won’t win any prizes, thank you!”

ABC's rebroadcast shot cleverly focused on Tang En's face, instead of randomly cutting the shot to show the guests in the audience a close-up.

Because at this time, almost every guest present was in a state of dumbfounded astonishment.

The outside world may not know it, but people in the circle know it!

Tang En and Kirk Douglas, the contradictions intensified, irreconcilable!

Even the confrontation between Twain and the Golden Globe Awards was largely due to Kirk Douglas!

Now, when Tang En accepted the Oscar, he openly stated, "Thank you" Kirk Douglas. What does this mean?


Two months ago, when Tang En received the Golden Globe Award, he openly bombarded the Golden Globe Award Organizing Committee on the podium, causing public outcry;

Two months later, when he was accepting the Oscar, he openly provoked Kirk Douglas on the podium, which is God!


Well, Tang En's acceptance speech, in the eyes of outsiders, was indeed a sincere thank you.

But who in the circle can't understand?

Tang En is taking the opportunity of winning the award to provoke, slap and challenge Kirk Douglas aggressively!

Don't leave any sympathy!

This acceptance speech, in the eyes of people in the Hollywood circle, is almost the same pattern as the bombardment of the Golden Globes two months ago, exactly the same!

In front of the TV, Kirk Douglas is dumbfounded.

His eyes widened, and he stared at the TV tightly, as if he had lost his soul.

After Tang En waved the statuette high again and walked off the podium in high spirits, Kirk Douglas coughed heavily, and angrily and rudely spit on the floor.

Bloody sputum.

"This bastard!"

Kirk Douglas let out a heart-piercing roar.

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