Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 469 Science and technology are the primary productive forces

Imax's DMR conversion technology has successfully applied for a patent, and Tang En Pictures is also promoting the appearance of the first Hollywood commercial blockbuster in IMAX format - "Pirate Alliance: The Curse of the Black Pearl".

"Spider-Man 2" and "Pirate League: The Curse of the Black Pearl" are both super big productions released by Tang En Pictures this summer. The former will be released on May 3, and the latter will be released on July 3.

In order to promote "Spider-Man 2", Twain and Natalie specially recorded a song and spent 5 million US dollars to create a super MV.

Of course, Twain can't favor one over the other. He is the producer of both films, and the core of promoting "Pirate Alliance: The Curse of the Black Pearl" is the imax giant screen!

Even if it's just a post-production conversion, imax is imax, and after 20 years, it still has a shocking viewing effect, let alone it's only 2002 now.

It is conceivable that once it is launched, it will definitely cause a sensation in the United States!

Tang En will give the third gift to Hollywood after "Assorted Platter Investment" and "Burst Explosion Strategy" - an imax format movie!

As soon as imax becomes popular, it will definitely bring out more imax theaters, and there will be higher ticket prices, which means more box office.

This time, Tang En was really sending money to Hollywood!

New order, new model, new force, new Hollywood!

To change Hollywood, Twain must do it himself!

The post-production of "Pirate Alliance: The Curse of the Black Pearl" was completed 4 months ago. The current director Tim Burton is paying attention to the conversion of the imax format on the one hand, and on the other hand is deeply studying the imax camera. .

He has already obtained part of the film that has been successfully converted, and watched the effect in an imax theater, which is not at the same level as an ordinary theater!

Tim Burton is also a technical control, basically the first person in stop-motion animation in Hollywood today. But in front of the imax giant screen, he sank.

When Tang En came to inspect, he immediately said: "The next "Pirate", I will shoot directly with an imax camera!"

Tang En said with a smile: "That kind of clumsy and heavy camera is not easy to operate."

Tim Burton said with a half-smile: "Didn't you talk about the highlight special effects? I have already thought about it. The highlight shots will be shot with an imax camera, and the rest of the ordinary shots will be shot with an ordinary camera and then post-transformed." .”

Tang En was choked, and shrugged, "Well, it seems that my hot money theory has really gained popularity."

Tim Burton's temper was very weird, and he suddenly lowered his voice, "Twain, the imax effect is really amazing. I'm sure that Hollywood in the future will be inseparable from this technology. But the imax camera is too bulky. Why don't you improve on it?"

Tang En deliberately shirked, "Although imax was acquired by me, it has the right to operate independently, and I will not participate in the specific operation of the company."

Tim Burton shook his head and said: "This is not good! The camera technology is too complicated. Imax is a small company. In my opinion, the main direction is service and technical support. The research and development of photography equipment is the most important thing. It’s better to work with a big company like Sony, their camera technology is better.”

Tang En was so angry that he wanted to kick him twice.

Of course he knows that cooperating with Sony will rapidly improve the technology and upgrade the imax camera. No more bulky cameras, easy to control by directors.

But this is tantamount to sharing the top secret technology.

This is a patent! It's money!

A major profit point for imax in the future is the patent fee and the sale and lease of imax cameras.

If you cooperate with Sony, who will get the money?

Besides, Tang En donated a "Dawn Walker IMAX Technology Research Center" teaching building to USC, and the school also specially opened technical courses in the direction of IMAX.

It's impossible for the saplings Tang En planted to let others enjoy the shade, right?

Tim Burton was a smart man, and he also knew Tang En's thoughts. He said disapprovingly, "You have enough money. In my opinion, what can you do if you donate the imax technology? Besides, if the imax camera is really Will the revenue of imax company be less if the traditional video camera is replaced by the camera?”

"Enough!" Tang En's face darkened, and he was very rude, "Tim, do your own thing!"

"Hey, capitalist." Tim Burton shook his head in disappointment.

Tang En said angrily: "Please use the technology of capitalists to pursue your film art, Director Burton!"

Tim Burton froze for a moment, then laughed, "That's right, it makes sense."


Next, Tang En was going to Sillywood Animation Studio, and Tosca Musk strongly asked him to inspect the production of the cartoon "Bone Treasure Adventure" and provide advice.

He sat in the car, closing his eyes and thinking.

Today, when various entertainment activities are flourishing, new film technology is the best way to bring audiences back to the cinema.

Tim Burton just converted an imax film, and he became very interested in imax technology.

In many cases, film directors play a key role in the development of Hollywood.

George Lucas pushed computer CG technology to the mainstream stage; Robert Zemeckis introduced the revolutionary technology of "motion capture"; Christopher Nolan made imax images a sensation all over the world; James Cameron made 3D The movie shines; Michael Bay is the first time to use the imax3D format for direct shooting...

Even Ann Lee, who knew nothing about technology, made bold innovations in the field of technology and launched a new concept movie with 120 frames.

All major directors with aspirations spare no effort to support new film technologies, even at the risk of failure, they will use their own films as experimental fields.

George Lucas' Star Wars succeeded, Robert Zemeckis' The Polar Express failed, James Cameron's Avatar succeeded, Ann Lee's Billy Lynn failed up...

Tang En's eyes suddenly opened, and he contacted James Cameron by phone.

Through "Unsinkable", Cameron received a dividend of 200 million US dollars. He was high-spirited and determined to show his ambitions. He went to study 3D technology with arrogance and arrogance, and planned to make a documentary.

Tang En told him that Tang En Pictures is willing to pay 500,000 US dollars per year for him to study 3D photography technology and pave the way for future 3D movies.

Cameron was ecstatic when he got the news, as if Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi had a sense of confidant.

He didn't care about the $500,000, but Dunn Walker's full support!

After making this call, he called Bill McNick again, "Bill, I found that directors are particularly interested in imax technology. The resolution of DMR conversion is lower, and part of the screen is cropped. I think Hollywood in the next few years , There will be more ways to shoot directly with imax cameras. This requires us to reduce the weight of imax cameras.”

Bill McNick was silent for a while, "I don't know much about technology, but I think that if imax can do it, they will definitely not design the imax camera so heavy!"

Tang En said: "I know, I didn't force it. What I mean is that film cameras must be heavy. If it is a digital camera, it will lose a lot of weight. Digital photography will become the mainstream in the future, and IMAX digital cameras must be developed quickly. In other words, imminent!"

In the previous life, the imax format would be so much ahead of the 3D format, except for the imax format, it was mainly because of the strategic mistakes of the imax company.

After the "Avatar" hit in 2009, 3D movies were in full swing, and major camera manufacturers began to develop 3D cameras one after another.

Instead of using two cameras to shoot at the same time like James Cameron filmed "Avatar".

The later 3D camera was a camera with two lenses, which replaced the way Cameron used two cameras to shoot, which greatly increased the convenience.

The imax company also developed a 3D camera, but what they developed was an imax film 3D camera!

The imax camera is already bulky, and the developed imax film 3D camera is even more bulky, like a hill, three people can't lift it!

To rely on the car to push!

How could this kind of camera be useful?

Even imax company thinks that this kind of video camera is very promising, and has specially designed two models, one is the 3D-15 model and the other is the 3D-30 model. The only use of these two cameras is to take 3D pictures for the Hubble Telescope, because they can stand still.

Next, the Hollywood film market naturally ignored this product, so that the 3D format and the imax format conflicted, and there must be a format to be converted later.

Hollywood film companies must choose to post-convert to imax format, because the effect difference between 3D direct shooting and 3D conversion is too great!

For four full years, the imax giant screen lacked film sources. Except for Nolan's insistence on "Batman: The Dark Knight Rises" being shot in imax format and later converted to 3D format, other movies were shot in 3D format and later converted to imax format.

As a result, the global development of imax naturally lags behind a lot.

It was not until 2014, after the imax digital 3D camera launched by imax company, that the weight of the imax digital 3D camera was greatly reduced, that there was finally a market space.

The imax format and the 3D format have a common carrier, and this has swept the world.

In this life, Tang En absolutely can't let imax make such a strategic mistake again, wasting 4 years in vain, which is the golden time for the development of new film technology.

We must let imax company develop imax digital cameras now, and later... directly develop imax digital 3D cameras, and let imax film 3D cameras go away! (Note)

Bill McNick said: "Okay, I'll go and talk to imax in person. The source of the movie determines the rise and fall of the movie format. With your support, I think they will figure it out soon."

"The source of the film determines the rise and fall of the film format! Bill, well said!" Tang En praised with a smile,

Bill McNick pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "Twain, have you heard the latest news from Columbia Pictures?"

"No, what's the matter?"

"Columbia Pictures has officially confirmed that "Bad Boys" is going to restart shooting a sequel. The producers and directors are Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay!"

Tang En's face turned cold for a moment, "Jerry Bruckheimer was fired by Disney, how dare Columbia Pictures use him?"

Bill McNick said: "Maybe it is for this reason that Columbia Pictures can launch this project more smoothly."

Tang En smiled coldly, "It seems that you really ignored my words!"

Bill McNick said in a deep voice: "This matter has been announced, and Sony Pictures has a firm attitude. "Bad Boys 2" must be launched. Even if you stop it, it may not be effective."

"Block? Why do you want to block?"

Tang En raised the corner of his mouth, snorted coldly, and his face showed a bit of sternness, "I have given them a chance, don't make "Bad Boys 2", don't use Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay Two people. If they don't listen, then it's no wonder I!"

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