Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 300 Person of the Year!

2000, the first year of the new century, was also a legendary year for Dunn Walker.

Since 1927, "Time Magazine" has selected the "Man of the Year" at the end of each year.

In 1998, President Clinton led the US economic recovery. In 1999, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, opened the era of e-commerce. By 2000... For the United States, this is a general election year, and the new president is usually honored on the list .

However, this year, Tang En was awarded the title of "Stock God" and created a legendary story on Wall Street; "Spider-Man" was released, setting off a frenzy of American-style heroism around the world; , has become the most popular friend of women...

With amazing achievements in the three major fields of finance, film and television, and ideological trends, Twain has become the well-deserved number one darling in the eyes of the public media!

Tang En took the opportunity to replace the new president, George Bush Jr., and became the "Person of the Year" selected by "Time Magazine" in the world in 2000!

This is a great honor!

Take a look at who's been on the list for the past ten years...

President Bush, who led the United States to victory in the Gulf War;

Ted Turner, a media tycoon who insists on freedom of speech and criticizes current politics;

In the general election, he defeated the prestige Bush Sr. and successfully elected Bill Clinton;

African Peacekeeper Nelson Mandela;

Pope John Paul II who restored relations with the Jews;

Newt Gingrich, the Republican leader who ended the 42-year dominance of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives;

Dr. Ho Dayi who invented the "cocktail" therapy to treat AIDS and achieved amazing results;

Andy Grove, the CEO of Intel who invented Pentium and Pentium II technology and brought computers into a new era;

President Clinton, who was on the list for the second time because of the recovery of the U.S. economy and had an extramarital affair, participated in the investigation of the Watergate incident and the derailment of the president by independent prosecutor Kenneth Starr; (two in 1998)

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who created a new business selling model...

In 2000, in Time Magazine's selection of the man of the year, Hollywood director Don Walker, who influenced the Internet bubble crisis, set off American heroism, and sparked feminist trends, defeated his competitors President Bush Jr. and Bill Gates, successfully elected!

As for the other list, the selection of the most influential figures in Hollywood, the suspense is lost.

In this year's Hollywood, besides Dunn Walker's name, is there anyone else who can be compared with him?

Michael Eisner?

Give me a break!

For Disney, 2000 was definitely the beginning of the downhill.

Animation within the traditional framework is no longer novel, and people have visual fatigue for this patterned storyline. The rise of 3D animation has led to the inevitable decline of Disney, which takes 2D animation as the core of its creation.

According to the world brand value ranking by BusinessWeek/lnterbrand, Disney is still ranked in the top ten by virtue of its long history of popularity and the strength of consumer products, but its brand value has declined.

Strategic reform and internal adjustment are issues that Disney must face.

This point has been raised by many financial magazines, and Disney's decision-makers are of course aware of it.

It's just that Michael Eisner's influence in Disney is too great, and it's definitely not a small trick by Twain that can eliminate his power of the past two decades.

At this time, an email Tang En sent earlier played a key role. He received a reply from Roy Disney, Disney's second boss and vice chairman, expressing his interest in finding some opportunities to chat with Tang En.


In a blink of an eye, it's the new year again.

A new book, without much publicity, is on the shelves - "The Lost Lover"!

Once this crime, thriller, and suspense novel was released, it was placed in the most prominent bestseller position by major bookstores.

No way, the author's signature column of this novel is marked with the name of "Dawn Walker"!

But Tang En didn't care about it, he didn't even participate in any new book promotion, his energy was in Hollywood.

Also on January 1st, the videotape and DVD of "Spider-Man" will be officially released to the market!

Video tapes are a bit outdated, but now is definitely the golden age of DVD disc sales!

Because of the joint investment with 20th Century Fox, Twain obtained a lot of financial documents within Fox, among which he saw the CD sales of "Titanic" and "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace".


The disc of "Star Wars Episode 1: The Menace of the Phantom Man" only went on sale in February last year, including regular edition, hardcover edition and collector's edition. A total of 12.87 million sets were sold, with sales reaching 280 million US dollars!

Because of the longer sales period, "Titanic" has successively released multiple DVD versions such as regular edition, hardcover edition, collector's edition, extended edition, and behind-the-scenes footage edition. A total of 15.63 million sets were sold, and the sales volume was an astonishing 330 million US dollars. !

Even if 20th Century Fox wants to give 20% of sales to distributors as their profits, this is definitely a huge profit.

Because the cost of a DVD disc is less than 0.2 US dollars, including the exquisite packaging, it is 0.4 US dollars.

Now, "Spider-Man", which is as famous as those two blockbusters, is on the market. The producer Tang En Pictures and the distributor Universal Pictures are full of confidence!

"Spider-Man" will be available in two editions, the regular edition for $19.90 and the hardcover edition for $39.90.

Among them, the distributor Universal Pictures wholesale price to the distributor is 15 US dollars and 35 US dollars.

No way, this is the United States, where intellectual property rights reign supreme!

If it were in the past, Hollywood's attack would be even more ruthless!

Who would have imagined that just 20 years ago, when a movie was released in theaters, 90% of the box office had to be distributed to the distributor? Movie theaters at that time could only make money by selling Coke and popcorn.

"Boss, can I talk to you?"

Tang En was thinking about "Spider-Man", and Isla Fisher led Katherine Kennedy into the room.

"Oh, sit down, what's the matter?"

"About the director of "Juno"."

Tang En smiled and said, "Catherine, I told you, you are the producer of this movie. As long as the leading actress is Natalie Portman and the supporting actress is Rose Byrne, the rest is up to you to choose."

Katherine Kennedy shook her head, "I know, but... there are too few female directors in Hollywood."

"That's true." Tang En nodded, Hollywood's oppression of women is very harsh, "But it's not impossible, right?"

Catherine Kennedy said: ""Juno" is the first film of Rose Films, and...you have already announced that it will have a great influence when it comes to women's rights organizations. It is best to keep the bottom line."

To put it bluntly, I just hope to choose a strong enough female director!

"Anyone to choose?"

"I like Penny Marshall."

Tang En thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Indeed, apart from Cameron's ex-wife director, it belongs to her. I heard... Tom Hanks was also promoted by her?"

Katherine Kennedy said with a bitter face: "But she was rejected by Ms. Dargis."

Manola Daggis, an early member of Tang En Pictures, the chief art analyst, and Tang En's queen team, has high prestige and real power.

Even Kathleen Kennedy should be respected for her opinion.

"Oh why?"

"She thinks...Penny Marshall's directing style is masculine and commercialized, which is inconsistent with the theme of "Juno"."

Tang En said "Oh", "It makes sense. "Juno" is not only a feminist work, but also I need to show depth. To put it bluntly, this is an award-winning film designed for me, Nat."

"Awards? Oscar?" Katherine Kennedy opened her mouth in surprise.

Tang En smiled and said, "Even if you don't get the Best Actress, you must at least get a nomination, right? What Manola said makes sense. Since Mrs. Marshall is not suitable, let's replace it."

Katherine Kennedy looked puzzled, "There are only a few famous female directors in Hollywood, Katherine Bigelow is filming "Game of the Devil", Jane Campion is unwilling to make a movie written by someone else, even if it is Sofia Cole Paula, also working on a new script."

As she spoke, she sighed, "You can't use newcomers, right? It's too risky!"


Tang En raised his eyebrows.

He soon thought of the female director who once caused a sensation in Hollywood - Patty Jenkins!

In 2003, she filmed "The Devil", which pushed Charlize Theron to the Oscar queen throne;

In 2017, she filmed "Wonder Woman", making Gal Gadot the goddess in the hearts of men all over the world.

Patty Jenkins is now 30 years old.

After graduating from Cooper Union, she went to the American Film Academy, the host of the Oscars, to study further, and graduated last year. The short films she graduated from have a good reputation.

She's already making her way to Hollywood.

Now is the best time to give her a chance!

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