Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 237 Escort

Terry Semel has long had an idea to leave Warner and join Yahoo!

The reason for the delay in leaving is that some conditions have not been negotiated.

It is estimated that the official resignation will take half a year until next spring.

Now Terry Semel is still the top decision-maker of Warner Bros., and his professionalism requires him to stand on the last post. While safeguarding Warner's interests, a qualified successor must also be selected.

One is the vice chairman of the board of directors, Barry Meyer, and the other is the president, Alan Horn.

Alan Horn is an expert in content. In the past few years, he has been the top person in charge of Warner Bros. film production business and has strong business capabilities.

Barry Meyer is responsible for administrative management, including business development, channel establishment, etc., and he has a richer network.

Terry Semel is more inclined to hand over the position of master to Barry Meyer, because Warner Bros. is not just a film production company. It also owns home entertainment, TV production, DC comics and TV stations, and needs a more balanced manager.

And in terms of friendship, Terry Semel and Barry Mayer have a better relationship.

The only problem is that Barry Mayer hasn't been in the business of making movies, which is Warner Bros.' core business.

Until a few days ago, Barry Meyer and Michael Ovitz met and proposed an extremely constructive way of cooperation.

Movie platter investment!

If everything can be achieved as Michael Ovitz said, and the previous cooperation relationship can be reached, it will greatly solve Warner's capital chain problem and provide the most favorable guarantee for the development of the film business.

Once this business is achieved, then Barry Meyer will be the best candidate for successor!

Michael Eisner's proposal to carve up Dunn Films is of course very attractive. But relatively speaking, platter investment is more valuable!

To carve up Twain Films, they only get a part of the film copyright at most, but for established studios like Warner, Fox, and Universal, there will never be a lack of creativity and copyright, and they care more about investment!

Only a giant like Disney with a shallow foundation in the field of live-action movies would be determined to win several copyrights of Tang En Pictures.

Terry Semel did not agree to Michael Eisner, but it was not false. He must choose a decision that is more in line with Warner. He called Barry Meyer and asked, "How likely is that incident?"

From his serious expression, Barry Meyer understood what he was referring to, thought for a while, "At least 80%!"

"Oh?" So much? Terry Semel's eyes lit up.

Barry Meyer nodded, and said meaningfully: "Terry, we must look at Dunn with equal eyes, and even... look at him higher."

Terry Semel was a little moved, and glanced at him, "You mean... behind Michael Ovitz, is really Dunn Walker?"

"I'm sure!" Barry Meyer's tone was very solemn, "The platter investment plan is too amazing. It doesn't look like Ovitz at all. Only Dunn, only those who are close to Wall Street and proficient in business Tang En, who invested, can conceive of such a strategy."

Terry Semel pondered for a long time, nodded and said: "No matter what, if the platter investment plan can be implemented smoothly, the whole of Hollywood will be grateful to Twain, but Disney..."

Barry Meyer waved his hand, "Twain must have anticipated Disney's counterattack, so he came up with the platter investment plan!"

"If this is the case, then this kid is really far-sighted." Terry Semel took a breath, "But we can't just listen to their one-sided words, Michael Ovitz is too good at negotiating, we have to maintain a sober Mind. Or rather... prepare with both hands."

As for the platter investment, it is best if it succeeds, and everyone is happy. Even if some companies fail to cooperate with Michael Ovitz in this regard, they will definitely take this path after seeing the benefits of platter investment.

But if platter investment is looking at flowers in the fog and castles in the air, then they will not be polite.

Anyway, the villains who are responsible for the blame already have Disney, and they can safely and boldly participate in suppressing Dunn Pictures with an unprecedented attitude and dividing up the profits.

In short, for these giants, it is definitely a good deal.

"There is only one problem now, and that is to hold Disney down!" Barry Meyer smiled like an old fox, "As far as I know, Ovitz has already gone to New York, and Tang En is also making a movie in the east. It's very close to New York. Since they really plan to introduce a platter investment plan for Hollywood, we must create enough time for them."

Terry Semel said: "Of course, we must not only hold back Disney, but also make a moderate move to solve part of the worries of Tang En Pictures. Compared to carve up the meager profits of Tang En Pictures, the platter investment plan is Hollywood. A twist of fate!"

Barry Meyer said: "At this stage, Disney will definitely do everything possible to encourage everyone to attack Tang En Pictures. We have the confidence, but we are afraid that some companies are short-sighted and rely on media giants, but only focus on immediate interests..."

He didn't make it clear, but Terry Semel knew that he was referring to Paramount under the Viacom Group!

Don't think that the relationship between Twain Films and 20th Century Fox was very tense in the past, but Fox has absolutely no problem with this critical moment.

Murdoch is an Australian tycoon. News Corporation in his hands is transferring assets from overseas to the United States, and has a very long-term macro layout.

The corresponding 20th Century Fox was also influenced by this idea.

Because companies also have personalities, which are closely related to leaders.

And Viacom's Redstone is rough and short-sighted, which is also a common problem in family businesses. It can be seen from the refusal to cooperate with Tang En Pictures to develop the children's channel.

As a subsidiary of Viacom, Paramount really lacks the vision and strategic layout of Hollywood giants.

When Viacom first acquired Paramount, Paramount was the largest film company in Hollywood at that time, but after ten years, Paramount has long since lost its glory.

In the previous life, it is true that Paramount created "Assorted Platter Investment", but Paramount actually thought of killing investors by smoothing out the profits of movies through industry operations.

For a meager profit, Wall Street and Hollywood almost went to war. I really don't have a long-term vision. This directly led to the fact that no more investment institutions were willing to reach a platter investment with Paramount after that, and the quality and quantity of films produced by Paramount plummeted.

In order to save the crisis of the film industry, Viacom urgently acquired DreamWorks, intending to unite with Paramount to regroup.

It's a pity that within a few years, Viacom and DreamWorks shareholders had huge differences of interest. DreamWorks broke away from Viacom's rule and turned to Disney's embrace.

Viacom's conservative strategy has failed again and again. It is ridiculous that it has transformed from a world-class media giant into a company with a market value of only more than 10 billion US dollars.

Over the years, Redstone led Viacom's acquisition, reorganization, split, and sale strategies, which are even more outrageous than Michael Eisner. Terry Semel said coldly: "In any case, we must Give Twain two months! Within two months, no one will touch Twain Pictures!"

Barry Meyer felt the same way. "The core industry of Tang En Pictures is movies. The recently released "Soul Shifting Girl" has a good reputation. Many film critics have even shouted that it is a strong contender for next year's Oscar."

"In this case, we can help him!" Terry Semelton thought for a while, and suddenly thought, "By the way, I remember Tang En has been clamoring to suppress Disney in the box office market?"

Barry Meyer couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah, Tang En... After all, he's a young man, he can't hold his breath."

"Calm down? If he continues to remain silent, Twain Films will be finished!" Terry Semel's lips curled slightly, "Let's wait and see how big a storm a literary film in Twain Films can cause."

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