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Chapter 235 Commercial Film Concept

Tang En's work is proceeding step by step, and has not been affected by the two companies' fierce banning orders at all.

After completing the acquisition and reorganization of Focus Pictures, Twain came to Boston, Massachusetts, where he will complete the filming of "A Beautiful Mind" in a university town in Cambridge.

The movie's leading actor, John Nash, works mainly at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Princeton University. Tang En chose to finish the principal shooting of the film at MIT for the simple reason that it is very close to Harvard.

Even many of Harvard's experimental courses are set at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which is only ten minutes away by car, which is convenient for Natalie to visit the class.

On the first day of shooting, most of the relatively simple short shots and long-range shots, from simple to difficult, gradually let the staff adapt to the atmosphere of shooting.

In order to better capture the texture, the crew also invited Mr. John Nash, who is over seventy years old.

The old man looked dull and moved slowly, but his cloudy and shrewd eyes seemed to have the wisdom to see through the world.

Tang En was very humble in front of this respected mathematician. After finishing the day's filming, he took the initiative to say hello, "Mr. Nash, tomorrow's scene will mainly be filming the scene of receiving the Nobel Prize. The staff are setting up Auditorium, do you have any comments?"

John Nash shook his head, "This is your story."

Tang En looked embarrassed, and quickly explained, "Mr. Nash, the movie is based on reality, but it is higher than reality. It is true that more than half of the content of the script is fictional, but this kind of plot arrangement will have more impact."

The novel "A Beautiful Mind" is an autobiographical novel authorized by John Nash, which truly describes his legendary life.

However, for the sake of the movie effect, Dunn made substantial changes when writing the script, adopting the life structure of Mr. John Nash, that is, from genius to schizophrenia, and then to the Nobel Prize, and based on this he constructed a Semi-fictional story.

Even when the script was submitted for trial by the Writers Guild of America, the title awarded by the Writers Guild was not the adapted version of "screenplay_by" in the conventional sense, but "written_by" in the original sense.

From this point, it can be seen that the script of "A Beautiful Mind" has been seriously separated from the original material and has been creatively written.

This is also an unavoidable choice.

John Nash's life was legendary, but not very glorious. When he was in his twenties, he had an illegitimate child, and he wandered between bisexuality for a long time. Because of mental problems, he had many absurd scandals.

And in his later years, his wife Alicia, who was blessed and respected by many people, chose to divorce him...

"A Beautiful Mind" is a literary film in name, but in essence it is a commercial promotional film that flatters mainstream American values ​​and promotes the American dream. Especially the schedule will be after the "911 Incident", beautiful, inspirational, legendary, and full of appeal must be the creative concept of the film.

Even when John Nash's mental illness was severe enough to split his personality, the story in the script created a "patriot" image for him, allowing him to help his country collect intelligence during the Cold War.

In short, this movie presents the most perfect and touching side. After the "911 Incident", it moved the entire United States and comforted the people's spiritual trauma.

John Nash's expression was the same, dull as if he was demented, but there was no problem with his head, "You are the director, and the film is based on you."

Tang En breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Nash."

For such legendary scientists, most of them have weird personalities. If he would rather destroy his screen image and conform to the facts, then Twain would be in trouble.

"I'm just curious, why did I imagine three characters?" John Nash discussed with Tang En in a rigorous scientific manner, "I don't understand these three characters at all."

Twain has now "mirrored" the ability of biopic legend Oliver Stone, and his insights into the structure of the film are naturally high enough.

"In my opinion, the most important thing for a film to attract audiences is to establish a 'satisfactory' interpersonal relationship with the audience." Tang En directly expressed the core of commercial films in one sentence.

John Nash was calm and expressionless.

Tang En said slowly: "In the 1950s, social psychologist William Schutz proposed a three-dimensional theory of interpersonal relationships. He believed that the model of interpersonal relationships can be roughly expressed by three types of interpersonal needs, namely, the need for tolerance, The need for dominance and emotional needs. And this is also my main direction of controlling the rhythm of commercial films."

"Movie audiences usually have two motivations in the process of watching movies. One is to be attached to themselves, trying to find the life they are familiar with and love in the movie images; the other is to contact the images with the eyes and assimilate to the movie characters To rebuild within oneself the object one has lost, to hold within one's own the object one has not had."

"In real life, even the longest-sleeved and slickest person in the eyes of the world will definitely have the experience of being misunderstood and deeply lonely. Therefore, almost any audience can find the truth that has existed in life for a long time in the male protagonist. loneliness, and then together with him, get the satisfaction and agreement of psychological compensation in the recognition, need and dependence provided by the three hallucinatory characters."

The corners of John Nash's eyebrows twitched slightly. He devoted his life to academics and rarely watched movies.

Listening to Tang En's remarks now, I discovered the complex relationship between film and social psychology. No wonder everyone said that film is a comprehensive art.

"Mr. Walker, your success is not accidental." John Nash praised sincerely, "I have already understood that the first hallucinatory character, roommate Charles, meets the needs of tolerance; the second hallucinatory character, defense officer William ?Pacher fulfills the need for dominance; the third hallucinatory character, the little girl Marcy, can arouse strong emotional resonance from the audience, which is an emotional need.”

Tang En smiled and said, "Mr. Nash, your understanding is the greatest luck in our work."

John Nash waved his hand and looked at the sky, "I have a party with some old guys from MIT tonight, will you come with me?"

Tang En was amused.

This Mr. Nash really has too much academic research, and he is not good at worldly sophistication.

A few old guys are discussing academic research, what is he going to do?

As far as his cognition about sociology, film studies and psychology is concerned, that is, he is fooling around in front of laymen, and academic discussions are not qualified at all.

What's more, since the Cannes Film Festival, Nicole Kidman has moved out of Tang En's house, and he has long been itching to think about that Australian mermaid.

There is no doubt that by taking the opportunity of filming, the two will relive their old dreams.

Sure enough, at this moment, Nicole Kidman had finished changing her makeup. She was glamorous and radiant, with flowing hair. How many men are fascinated by it.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Nash, I've already made an appointment with someone else." Tang En said apologetically, and then said half-jokingly, "By the way, you are familiar with this area. Are there any suitable places for dating around here?"

John Nash put it succinctly, "Four-thirty at Harvard."


"It's the Harvard library."

Only then did Tang En suddenly realize that his face was purple, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

This John Nash is really... really funny!

Tang En heard from Natalie early in the morning that Harvard students are very hardworking. In Harvard's library, the lights are still brightly lit at 4:30 in the morning every day, and Natalie often studies until midnight.

Nicole Kidman suppressed a smile, and with a scent of high quality, she lowered her voice next to Tang En's ear, "I think Mr. Nash's proposal is very good."

Tang En smiled mischievously, said goodbye to John Nash, and then said viciously: "If you want to be eaten by those college students, you can go to the library for a walk!"

Even college students at Harvard have to be excited and manic in front of Nicole Kidman, a big star and beautiful woman.

Nicole Kidman pursed her lips for joy, bit her red lips with her white teeth, and glanced winkingly, "Go to the library and be eaten by the students, and go back to the hotel and be eaten by you. What's the difference?"

Tang En couldn't help laughing, "It is precisely because I have eaten it that I know which dish is the most delicious!"

Nicole Kidman rolled her eyes, "Better than Charlize Theron and Sophie Maffey?"

Tang En laughed loudly, "Stir-fry and cold dishes are mutually beneficial; soup and barbecue have their own strengths."

Nicole Kidman shot him a look, "You are really greedy, I don't believe you dare to tell Natalie this."

"Why not?"

"That's fine, if I find a chance, I will definitely forward it to her intact."

Tang En disapproved, shaking his head and said: "Nate is a vegetarian, she is only interested in green vegetables. And me... Hehe, I want to enjoy all the delicacies in the world!"

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