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Chapter 176 It's Interesting to Sow Discord

This year, Tang En Pictures invested in many films.

Steven Soderbergh's "Drug Network" started shooting in early April, and according to the schedule, it will be finished in another month. The specific release time should be at the end of December this year, or early next year.

"The Chronicles of Narnia" directed by Ann Lee has been approved as a project at the end of April and has entered the preparatory stage. Although there were some changes later, the producer Jerry Bruckheimer withdrew and Warner participated in the investment, but it did not affect the progress of the project.

Now, "The Chronicles of Narnia" has completed the casting stage. At the end of July, the crew will go to New Zealand to start filming.

It is worth mentioning that because George Lucas is preparing for "Star Wars Prequel 2", Industrial Light and Magic is very busy; James Cameron also has a new film, and Digital Domain Special Effects is very busy; "Lord of the Rings" 3 Part 1 is still in post-production, Weta Technology is very busy...

Finally, after coordinating with Warner Bros., the post-production of "The Chronicles of Narnia" will be jointly completed by Weta Technology in New Zealand and Rhythm Special Effects Studio in the United States.

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith" has just been approved, and the two leading actors, Mel Gibson and Sophie Marceau, are undergoing gun training, dance training and action training.

So that Sophie Marceau was so tired that she collapsed into a ball every day, and she didn't even have the strength to make out with Tang En. Fortunately, there were two Brazilian beauties, their charm and charm, they tried their best to please, making Tang En feel like falling into the clouds.

The script of the movie has been revised 7 times, and Tang En and Luc Besson are not satisfied, and the script is still being revised. The actual shooting of the film will take at least August.

In addition, the crew of "Band of Brothers" has already traveled to Europe, where gun instructors and military instructors took the actors through a series of militarized training.

The producers of this TV series are Steven Spielberg, Dawn Walker, and Tom Hanks. It can be described as a gathering of celebrities and big names!

However, Spielberg and Twain are both named producers, and to put it bluntly, they are investors.

The real producer is Tom Hanks. He is the initiator of this project. All the leading actors and directors are selected by him. He will go to Europe, live with the crew, and participate in the creation of the series together.

It is even heard that he will personally direct one or two episodes.

As for now, the movie Tang En Pictures is most concerned about is the upcoming "Spider-Man"!

Countdown to release, 8 days!


Disney's live-action movies are the biggest weakness.

Fortunately, after the acquisition of Touchstone Films and Hollywood Pictures in the 1980s, there were some turning points. Especially in the 1990s, he launched a series of cooperation with the ace producer Jerry Bruckheimer, and launched many successful films, including "Ransom Storm", "Peerless Catastrophe", "The Sixth Sense of Spirituality" and other works .

The breakthrough in live-action movies made Joe Ruth, the chairman of Touchstone Pictures, become the confidant of Disney chairman and CEO Michael Eisner, and was promoted to the position of president of Disney's film department, in charge of all Disney's live-action movie business .

In order to achieve better performance, last year, he ordered Bruce Willis to fire a cannon, satirizing "Wedding Crashers", in an attempt to get the audience to buy tickets to watch "The Sixth Sense".

Although there was a lot of conflict with Tang En later, Joe Ruth was not afraid.

Can a small Tang En Pictures threaten Disney?

What's more, Twentieth Century Fox also made a move.

Joe Ruth had some friendship with Tom Rothman. When Twain didn't know what was good and what was wrong, he decisively chose to cooperate and join forces with Fox to sanction Twain Films and "Spider-Man", which will be released this year.

Because Joe Ruth is Michael Eisner's confidant, he applied to mobilize Disney's propaganda force to smear Dunn during Twain's public relations crisis, and he was also granted permission.

Unexpectedly, the situation changed suddenly!

Tang En not only successfully survived the public relations crisis, but also reached the height of fame and influence under the joint promotion of several aspects!

Next, Joe Ruth was in trouble.

In order to sanction "Spider-Man", he changed the schedule of Disney's summer blockbuster "Sixty Seconds", trying to team up with Fox's "Titan A.E." to deal a fatal blow to Twain.

But now it seems that everything is a joke!

"Spider-Man" has not yet been released, but it has already become a hot topic in the United States, even more popular than "Mission: Impossible 2" starring the superstar Tom Cruise.

Such a movie, even if Satan comes, he can't stop it!

Joe Ruth and Tom Rothman are in a completely different situation, though.

Before Joe Ruth, Disney's live-action movies were a vacuum, he was the hero, he had the biggest support from the big boss Michael Eisner; Tom Rothman was brought out by Bill McNick for four consecutive years North American box office champions "Independence Day", "Titanic", "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", and "Star Wars Episode 1" followed.

Therefore, Joe Ruth's pressure is much less than that of Tom Rothman. When making decisions, he will be calmer and clearer, and everything is based on Disney's interests.

Because behind him stands Michael Eisner, who can carry everything for him.

"Spider-Man" is an unsolvable problem at the moment. It is conceivable that any movie that collides with "Spider-Man" will become cannon fodder, just like last year's "Star Wars Episode 1: The Menace of the Ghost Man" was released.

But Joe Ruth isn't desperate yet!

"Sixty Seconds" is not a bad movie. It is produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, starring Nicolas Cage and Angelina Jolie. It is a wonderful action movie.

No matter how popular and powerful "Spider-Man" is now, it's impossible to occupy all the market share, right?

Even if it is leftovers, it is better than starving to death in the end and losing everything.

Is "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace" a hit? When the film scheduling rate is the highest, it is only 70%, and there is still 30% of the film scheduling share.

Joe Ruth understands that at this time, no matter how powerful Disney is, it is impossible for the theater to adjust the film schedule and lower the screening level of "Spider-Man".

Then there is only one choice left for him, since the big fish "Spiderman" can't eat it, then eat all the small shrimps!

For the remaining 30% film scheduling rate, we should get as many as possible!

Joe Ruth called the secretary, "What are the movies released at the same time as "Sixty Seconds"?"

The secretary quickly found the information, "There are 13 movies in total. Except for some low-cost screenings and trial screenings, there are 4 movies that are the most competitive in the same period. On June 21, our movie "Sixty Seconds" , "Spiderman" by Tang En Pictures on June 22, the British cartoon "Chicken Run" released on June 23, and "Titan A.E." by Fox on June 24."

"Chicken Run?" Joe Ruth curled his lips. "What interesting things can the eccentric and stereotyped Brits do? And it's a different audience group. It doesn't pose a threat to our movies."

The secretary sighed, "Yeah, the real threat is Spider-Man."

""Spider-Man"?" Joe Ruth shook his head, "You have to understand that the people who can pose a threat to you must be people at your level. If the gap is too large and you are still worried, it means that you live in In a dream."

The secretary seemed to understand something, "You mean... the opponent of "Sixty Seconds" is not "Spider-Man"?"

"Of course! Our opponent is "Titan A.E."! As long as we grab the market share of "Titan A.E.", even if "Spider-Man" sells more at the box office, those diverted audiences will be enough for us to keep our capital."

"But we and Fox..."

Joe Ruth waved his hand, "Public is public, private is private, capital is capital!"


Tang En stretched himself, yawned big, and walked down the stairs.

Those two Brazilian supermodel beauties brought him endless pleasure and enjoyment, which was really good, but it also consumed too much of his energy.

Fortunately, Nicole Kidman has moved out of his house since returning from Cannes, ending this ridiculous 16-month cohabitation life.

After searching seven or eight rooms in a row, I finally saw the beautiful figure of Sophie Marceau in the gym. She was lying on a sponge mat and doing sit-ups.

"So hardworking?" Tang En was a little surprised.

Sophie Marceau looked back and smiled, "You need to shape your body, it's required by the art director."

"You really worked hard." Tang En yawned again, "Don't be too tired today, come back early, I'll sleep with you tonight."

Sophie Marceau teased: "Aren't you very powerful, two women can't stand it?"

Tang En said: "It has nothing to do with that. They are going back to New York today. They are models, and they work in New York."

"Oh." Sophie Marceau curled her lips, "It turns out that no one thought of me."

Tang En was not in the mood to argue with her, "Have you read the newspaper? What's the news today?"

In this era when the Internet is underdeveloped and there is no mobile news, newspapers are still the largest carrier of news.

"One thing, there are suddenly a lot of Drew Barrymore's scandals in the newspapers, and they are all watching Fox's new movie "Titan A.E." Sophie Marceau paused, looked at Tang En, "You didn't make it, did you?"

Tang En curled his lips in disdain, "Who else could have this kind of petty tricks other than Disney?"


Sophie Marceau was quite surprised.

"Have you forgotten how Disney smeared me a month ago? Forget it, you don't understand things about Hollywood." Tang En waved his hand, turned and left the gym.

Back in the study, Tang En immediately made a phone call, "George, send out the news about Bruce Willis immediately. Tomorrow at the latest, I will let the whole of America know about his affair!"

Now, Disney has begun to discredit "Titan A.E." for the box office of "Sixty Seconds".

This is obvious.

Dunn didn't know how Fox would respond, but taking action against Bruce Willis now could at least create a false impression for Disney—could this be Fox's counterattack?

Hey, sowing dissension is a very interesting thing!

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