Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 1214 Withdrawal?

Industrial Light \u0026 Magic has done a lot for Hollywood.

It can be said that the current Hollywood blockbusters cannot do without direct or indirect cooperation with Industrial Light \u0026 Magic. Even Weta Digital hired Dennis Mullen as general consultant for special effects.

The acquisition of Lucasfilm is equivalent to the acquisition of Industrial Light and Magic. This will further deepen New Universal's role as a mainstay in Hollywood.

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility.

Industrial Light \u0026 Magic was a special effects consultant throughout Hollywood.

For almost every Hollywood blockbuster, Industrial Light and Magic will provide talent consultants and contract most of the film's special effects work. Of course, Industrial Light and Magic only produces highlights, and most of the special effects work is outsourced to overseas special effects companies.

For example, there has been a lot of publicity recently, a Korean special effects blockbuster "Han River Monster", which has been marketed to the United States, is known as the rising masterpiece of Korean special effects!

99% of the film's special effects are done by local Korean special effects companies, and only 1% are done by American special effects companies. Because some Korean students were studying at ILM, it happened that ILM also sent a young special effects artist to participate in part of the production.

During the promotion process of the film, all kinds of bragging said that the level of special effects in South Korea is no less than that of Hollywood! The picture of "Han River Monster" is no worse than those Hollywood blockbusters!

99% of the special effects are made by Koreans themselves. How amazing is this?

South Korea's nationalism is so strong that Hyundai cars are everywhere in South Korea, and there is no market for German and Japanese cars in South Korea. Why can't Koreans afford beef? This is of course an illusion. Koreans are very patriotic and only eat Korean yellow beef. The supply exceeds the demand, which leads to the extremely expensive price of meat, and everyone has to save money to eat it. In fact, the price of imported beef is very low.

Because of such factors, "Han River Monster" will raise the strong sense of national pride of the Korean people, as if the level of special effects in South Korea is really comparable to that of Hollywood.

In fact, that 1% is the core technology, which is the most critical part, and the remaining 99% of technology is not difficult, and Hollywood is not rare at all. Even for Hollywood blockbusters, only 1% of them are studied locally, and most of them are outsourced overseas.

After leaving Industrial Light \u0026 Magic, Illa Fisher, the secretary, excitedly said to Tang En: "With Industrial Light \u0026 Magic, do we have the means to sanction them?"


"Hmph! We can target Warner, or Paramount and Disney. If they fight against us again, ILM will not accept their orders, and they will not be able to make blockbuster special effects movies!"

Isla Fisher has been following Dun En to inspect Industrial Light and Magic, and feels that she has discovered a big secret.

Tang En said dumbfoundedly: "What are you thinking? How can it be so simple?"

Isla Fisher raised her head, a little strangely, "Isn't it?"

"Of course not!" Tang En shook his head and said, "The MPAA will submit the tax rebate policy for blockbuster special effects films to Congress because Hollywood has reached a consensus on this point. The biggest beneficiary of the tax rebate policy is Industrial Light \u0026 Magic. Help us? Because Industrial Light \u0026 Magic wants to promote the development of the entire Hollywood special effects industry."

"Really?" Isla Fisher was confused, as if she didn't understand.

Tang En paused for a moment, and said solemnly: "The reason why Industrial Light and Magic is unique is because we can receive the most orders. If we set up obstacles ourselves, take the initiative to reduce order volume and reduce innovation, even Industrial Light and Magic will be rejected again." It is possible to exceed. In the final analysis, this is a highly variable industry, and there is no capital to act recklessly."


Natalie's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and it's about 7-8 weeks before she goes into labor.

During this period of time, Tang En was very quiet. After work, he mainly spent time with her.

Because Lucasfilm is about to be merged into New Universal, Twain also made some pre-adjustments to the head of the film and television entertainment department.

Nina Jacobson, the former director of Marvel Pictures, will become the chairman and CEO of Tang En Pictures, and concurrently serve as the vice president of the film and television entertainment department, which is regarded as a promotion.

The power of Marvel Pictures naturally fell into the hands of Kevin Feige.

In addition, Kathleen Kennedy, the head of Rose Films, is leaving to become the CEO of Lucasfilm. Her first job in Hollywood was as secretary to George Lucas, and her film career is closely related to "Star Wars". She was recognized by both Tang En and George Lucas as the candidate to take over Lucasfilm.

As for the CEO of Rose Pictures, Donna Langley, CEO of Universal Home Entertainment, will be in charge.

Plus Universal Pictures head Amy Pascal...

The heads of New Universal's three major film companies, Universal Pictures, Tang En Pictures, and Rose Pictures, will all be women!

Under the situation of feminist tide in Hollywood, New Universal is the promoter and practitioner.

Time has entered May, and the box office of "Thor" has reached 320 million U.S. dollars, of which the North American box office is 120 million U.S. dollars and the overseas box office is 200 million U.S. dollars. If nothing else, this will be Marvel Studios' lowest-grossing film.

It appears that the popularity of superheroes has slowed down.

Until Thursday, May 4th.

Another Marvel superhero blockbuster has appeared, this is the dark series "Daredevil 2: The Dark King"!

During the broadcast of the Oscars, "Daredevil 2" grabbed a 30-second commercial and played a trailer. The dark colors and majestic background music almost became ABC's most popular part of the night. advertise.

On the Super Bowl, Marvel Pictures also spent 3 million US dollars to buy a 45-second advertising space, and also sent a trailer for "Daredevil 2"!

You know, there are many blockbuster films released by New Universal this summer, such as "Cars", "Miami Vice", "Pirate Alliance 3", and even "The Avengers" directed by Dunn Walker himself!

None of these films got the precious Super Bowl advertising spot, and New Universal chose "Daredevil 2"!

This is a strong campaign!

Although Daredevil's reputation is not very big, but under this kind of powerful publicity, he finally opened up his reputation.

Especially the trailer edited by Nolan himself is really magnificent and majestic. Hans Zimmer's soundtrack softens the dazzling compactness of electronic music and the majesty of symphony, which is really shocking.

Early box office, 7.85 million US dollars!

Not too high.

But it will be officially released on May 5th, which really set off a carnival in the movie market!

Friday, 67.2 million US dollars, Saturday 47.8 million US dollars, Sunday 43.9 million US dollars... Counting the early stage, the box office of "Daredevil 2" in the first weekend exceeded 150 million US dollars!

$150 million at the opening weekend!

The release of this report card directly shocked the entire Hollywood.

It's as if they haven't felt this way for a long time.

Such a frenetic opening weekend box office... This is exactly the rhythm of a blockbuster blockbuster with a box office of 1 billion US dollars!


Oh, God!

When film critics and Hollywood industry insiders saw such box office data, almost all of them cried out in shock.

This is so shocking!

Previously, "Spider-Man 1" and "Spider-Man 2" grossed more than $1 billion at the box office. This is America's favorite superhero with many comic fans.

In addition, it was Tang En himself who won the box office of 1 billion US dollars. Although he was amazed, he was not shocked.

But Daredevil is different.

Although Nolan's "Daredevil 1" was well shot, the critics and fans rated it very high, and it is even the highest-rated superhero movie in recent years. On imdb, it is even better than Twain's "Spider-Man 1" "The score is still high.

But this cannot conceal Daredevil's innate weakness. This is just an unknown superhero on the 18th line.

Fan effect is bad.

When they heard that Marvel Studios spent $200 million to shoot "Daredevil 2" at all costs, many people in the industry even worried about it.

Unexpectedly, after the real box office data came out, everyone was surprised!

Not only is the box office impressive, but the film reviews are even more exaggerated!

Overwhelmingly good reviews!

"It's a comic book adaptation, but it's also a dark and highly complex drama! If you think it's purely a superhero movie, you're doing it wrong." -Newsday

"In the compact action plot design, more angles and wider perspectives are used to shoot, and the almost perfect picture shocks the audience. If you are lucky enough to enjoy the IMAX version, you will definitely be more surprised and more excited. "Night What's remarkable about The Dark Lord is that it tells the audience about a hero growing up amidst his life experience and his inner fears and nightmares." - The Hollywood Reporter.

"Don't be a hero, be better than a hero! Nolan has created the best comic movie in history!" - "Rolling Stone"

"He is not the hero in our minds, he is the king who travels in the dark night. This is Christopher Nolan's most breakthrough work. Art and technology, seriousness and entertainment, have achieved a perfect balance in this film. "--"New York Times"

"Penelope Cruz, the Spanish actress, created the most successful villain in history. She is an alternative superhero. I suddenly expect Marvel Studios to start the "Eleka" project as soon as possible." — —Los Angeles Times


While the whole of Hollywood was shocked by the amazing performance of "Daredevil 2", there was some chaos inside Warner.

What about "Batman 2"?

Two years ago, "Daredevil 1" and "Batman 2" were released at the same time. As a result, "Daredevil 1" won word of mouth, and "Batman 2" won the box office.

This made Barry Meyer very happy, and confidently stated that he would continue to maintain this advantage in the sequel!

Critics and word of mouth are nothing.

Box office is the most important thing!

Besides, this is Batman! Is America's number one superhero more popular than Spider-Man! Compared with Daredevil on the 18th line, isn't it crushed?

Therefore, Barry Meyer is full of confidence.

Don't look at the strong momentum in the early stage of "Daredevil 2", but "Batman 2" is not bad. Warner also bought the Super Bowl advertising space and put the trailer of "Batman 2".

Moreover, Barry Meyer also used a little trick in arranging the schedule.

"Daredevil 2" is released on May 5th, and the schedule of "Batman 2" is scheduled for May 19th, which is exactly two weeks later.

Generally speaking, a movie earns half of its box office in the first two weeks of its release.

"Batman 2" is scheduled for such a release schedule, and the intention is obvious, just to cut off the tail of "Daredevil 2"!

But now there is trouble.

"Daredevil 2" is too hot!

This is exactly the same as when "Star Wars Episode 1", "Spiderman", and "Pirate Alliance 2" were released! This is heading for the box office of 1 billion US dollars!

For such a blockbuster movie, the release period of the first two weeks simply cannot absorb the heat of the market. In addition, all the film critics applauded unanimously, and the IMDB website almost gave it a perfect score!

Yes, full marks!

In the past, "The Godfather" ranked first in IMDB's historical rating list, and all other films had to hold a candle to it. Until the appearance of "Daredevil 2", the IMDB website seemed to be in a system crash, and more than 1 million people rated it overnight, and most of them gave full marks. Pushed the score of "Daredevil 2" to 9.7 points, surpassing "The Godfather", the first in history!

Recently, New Universal seems to be shamelessly trying to take advantage of this and continue to build momentum for "Daredevil 2".

Warner has heard some wind here.

In terms of the perfection of the movie, "The Godfather" is the well-deserved number one in history, and it has a great reputation! It is an essential teaching material for all film schools, including the director's shooting techniques, and the actors' performance skills, including soundtrack, color, editing, etc.

Juxtaposing "Daredevil 2" and "The Godfather" will incite fans to discuss it, which will undoubtedly further expand the influence of "Daredevil 2"!

It's a shameless trick, but it works.

Now that the Internet is more and more developed, and there are more and more new media, inciting big discussions among movie fans is the most beneficial marketing method.

What should we do now?

Warner is sitting on pins and needles, especially the executives of DC Films, all of them are showing embarrassment.

They are scared!

"Daredevil 2" is too strong!

They also watched this Marvel blockbuster that kicked off this year's hot summer season. In all fairness, they were really shocked! They were really worried about Batman 2.

These two movies are not at the same level at all!

Without the Nolan brothers, "Batman 2" is just a regular superhero movie. Batman continues to play the heroic image of Wei Guangzheng in the movie, fighting against villains, and then there is a happy ending.

But "Daredevil 2" is different, this is a truly epic crime drama!

Alan Horn has already confirmed that his contract will expire in two months. However, he is still the president of Warner Bros. after all. Fighting. Now that Marvel is strong and DC is weak, we must find a way to develop ourselves first, rather than compete with them head-on.”

Barry Meyer held back his breath and said, "Adjust the schedule? How? June will be "Pirate Alliance 3", and July will be "Avengers". Those are blockbuster movies that have already booked a box office of 1 billion dollars!"

Alan Horne said: "Go to the Christmas stall!"


Barry Meyer almost died of anger.

A summer blockbuster promoted by Warner was forced to withdraw and go to the Christmas file to grab the market?

Do you still want your face?

Don't forget, this is Batman!

"No!" Barry Meyer waved his hand, his face turned cold, ""Daredevil 2" is very powerful, but "Batman 2" is not bad! The schedule remains the same! "Batman 1" can beat "Night" "Madman 1", "Batman 2" can also beat "Daredevil 2"!"

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