Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 1184 Strategic Adjustment

Scott Swift has always had a calm look.

No way, you have to keep a low profile.

If you want to fight against Michael Eisner, you must not reveal that Twain is the mastermind behind him. This is tantamount to giving the other party an excuse.

Tang En and Disney are hostile after all.

Once the relationship is exposed, it is impossible for him to obtain the approval of the majority of shareholders in the general meeting of shareholders. After all, he only holds 6.7% of Disney's shares, which means 6.7% of voting rights. If you can't attract more shareholders to join, this voting weight can't shake Michael Eisner at all.

It wasn't until Roy Disney was mentioned that Michael Eisner really felt the difficulty of the problem.

Scott Swift is Disney's largest shareholder.

Roy Disney, the representative of the Disney family, is the most influential boss in the shareholder meeting.

The combination of these two people may really set off a stormy sea!

Michael Eisner didn't dare to underestimate it anymore. He realized the seriousness of the situation and humbly asked for advice: "Yes, it was Roy who brought me to Disney back then. I think it has been more than 20 years. It's a pity that he Has now resigned from the Disney board."

After finishing speaking, he had a sad expression on his face.

It's as if Roy Disney was "out" of the board and had nothing to do with him.

Scott Swift was unmoved, and said lightly: "He told me a lot, he said that in recent years, Disney's brain drain has been very serious, which is due to your arrogance and lack of responsibility spirit. Of course, I don’t necessarily agree with this point of view, but these are indeed what Roy said.”

He ignored Michael Eisner's look of pig liver, and continued to concentrate on himself: "When the company is prosperous, the glory belongs to you; when the company is unlucky, the responsibility will be shifted to the subordinates. He even pointedly Point out that Hollywood is an industry where everyone in the top management wants to be a 'star'. But Disney only has one star position, and that is you, the CEO. This is hegemony."

Michael Eisner took a deep breath and said with restraint: "I think Roy may have misunderstood me."

Peter Murphy also hurriedly said: "It is true. Scott, you can observe patiently for a while. If you know him long enough, you will definitely be impressed by his personality charm. He will be the CEO of Disney. The perfect choice."

"Really?" Scott Swift asked back, shaking his head lightly, "Whether Roy's words are true or not...It is indeed open to debate, but it is a fact that Disney's board of directors has huge problems. Currently, half of Disney’s 16 directors are current and former executives of Disney, and some of them have business dealings with Disney. In some form, these people can’t play a supervisory role, they are just symbolic decorations .Why doesn’t anyone or institution hold more than 5% of the stock in Disney? Why did Buffett clear the stock early? I’m afraid this is the reason.”

Michael Eisner said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Minority shareholders cannot effectively restrict his power, but Scott Swift, who holds 6.7% of the shares, is different. He has the strength to do it.

As long as you reach an agreement with Roy Disney, stand up and shout at the shareholders' meeting, and gather about 40% of the voting rights.

Then, among the 16 directors of Disney, half of them will be replaced!

Michael Eisner's power will be severely curtailed, and even removed from his chairman seat.

Scott Swift said solemnly: "Disney can no longer sit still, and must come up with a countermeasure to raise the stock price! It must be responsible for all shareholders!"

Michael Eisner said in a bad tone: "Disney's current cash flow is not sufficient, and it is unrealistic to want to buy back shares."

In his view, Scott Swifts is a financial expert.

The usual method used by such Wall Street-born capital masters to raise stocks is large-scale repurchases.

"Repurchase? No, I never thought about it that way." Scott Swift immediately vetoed.

"Then you are?"

"Of course through strategic adjustments!"

Scott Swift said without hesitation.


Both Michael Eisner and Peter Murphy were terrified and blurted out in unison.

Strategic Realignment?

This is the job of the board of directors!

Although you are a major shareholder, you do not have this right!

Scott Swift naturally understood what they meant, and said lightly: "I am the major shareholder of Disney, and I am the only one who can best represent Disney's interests. I believe that the shareholders will give me great support in the shareholders' meeting. support, including Mr. Roy Disney."

"You're going to ruin Disney!"

Peter Murphy felt a tinge of fear, and that was what he said from the bottom of his heart.

He even felt a bit of a Wall Street corporate sniper from Scott Swift.

This group of people are completely laymen, but they can always use financial means to quickly increase the stock price in a short period of time, and then cash out, leaving a mess for the company.

Michael Eisner's heart is also full of worries, this worry is even more terrible than his loss of Disney's power, he is really worried that Disney will be destroyed in the hands of such Wall Street jackals.

Next, I heard Scott Swift say without shame: "I have three ways to quickly increase Disney's stock price. First, split the ABC TV network! The merger of Disney and ABC Group was originally a Wrong. Second, sell loss-making businesses such as music and publishing, and lay off employees accordingly; third, ease the relationship with New Universal, especially to retain the popular reality show "American Idol"!"

Michael Eisner and Peter Murphy looked pale.

The first two are completely the routine of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot and quenching thirst by drinking poison. This is a standard Wall Street game!

The third is even more impossible.

The current Big Five alliance has turned against New Universal. Disney dares to come to sue for peace at this time. Isn't this a break with the Five Big Alliance?


"My dad said he wanted to have dinner with me."

As soon as school was over in the afternoon, little Taylor rushed to Tang En's office, looking very nervous.

Tang En waved at her and said with a smile, "It's a good thing, you don't have many chances to be together."

"But..." Little Taylor hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

"He said... He said he wanted to talk to me about life issues." Little Taylor blushed slightly, a little embarrassed.

Tang En was also slightly taken aback, a little shocked, "Life problem?"

Little Taylor squeezed to sit next to Tang En, threw his bag on the desk casually, and said with a bitter face: "He already knows, I've moved out now, it's my mother who accidentally let her slip. "

There was a black line on Tang En's forehead, and he was speechless.

"What should I do?" Little Taylor was very anxious.

"Tell the truth!" Tang En was a little helpless, "What else can I do?"

"Huh?" Little Taylor opened his mouth wide in surprise.

Tang En waved his hand and sighed, "Scott is such a smart person, he probably already guessed something. But it doesn't matter, we are inseparable partners, he will understand me and you."

Scott Swift is currently in charge of the Swift Fund with a total value of more than 50 billion US dollars.

Among them, Tang En Capital holds 80% of the shares, and Scott holds 20% of the shares.

In other words, Scott Swift is already a billionaire!

At this level of monopoly, the higher the level... the lower the life. Except for a few people, most of the rich at this level have already looked down on family, friendship and love, and paid more attention to interests.

And Tang En is the fundamental guarantee for his personal interests.

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