He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(532)

"It's better to go back," the young woman felt helpless and urgent, almost shyly wiping her greasy hands on her apron and repeated with a choked voice, "Okay, okay...it's better to go back."

A long wind gradually surged around the fields, spinning gently in the plains. This wind blew away the stationary wine flags and blew the dilapidated door curtains into flying light. Riding on the aroma of wine, the smell of tea, and the age accumulated on the old wooden table, The lingering smell of oil and the faint fragrance of shaving oil... rose high into the sky. The sky was as clear as blue, with only a small, soft white cloud floating slowly.

Liu Fuguang straightened up. The wine shop was empty except for him and Yan Huan.

"Finally left," Yan Huan stretched his waist, "After all the talking, the obsession implanted in them by the 'Holy Sect' is really deep-rooted."

Liu Fuguang smiled: "But 'homesickness' is also a powerful obsession. A person's longing for his hometown is enough to compete with the imperial edict of the same emperor."

"Let's go." He finally said, "Go to Wancheng."

The two of them reached the city gate with familiarity. This time, without Yan Huan making any noise as an excuse, the soldiers at the city gate interrogated them. When Liu Fuguang asked about the situation of the city lord, the young soldier blushed under his gaze and told him hesitantly that the city lord had disappeared a long time ago, and Wangcheng never sent anyone to replace him. All matters big and small are now taken care of by Zhou Mu.

Liu Fuguang thanked him for his answer. The moment they stepped into the city gate, he suddenly smiled.

"What's wrong?" Yan Huan asked.

Liu Fuguang replied: "I thought of a way."

On the street, he took out a long jade pole and hung a string of dark blue evil-warming bells on the top of the pole. Then he took out the Sunlight Pearl and held it high at the top.

The street was bustling with people. Seeing the young man's magic-like movements, a group of people had already gathered around him, watching his every move curiously. Seeing Liu Fuguang holding out a dazzling orb, everyone was amazed in unison, not knowing what he was going to do.

As he walked, he shook the melodious jade bell. The street was crowded with people, and at the same time, he followed this unattractive-looking young man as he walked. The brilliance of the bright pearl of the sun shines in all directions from afar, and Liu Fuguang sings in a low voice: "The Qiang soul wants to return home, why should it forget to rebel for a moment? With Xiapu behind, I think about it to the west, mourning that the sun is far away from the old capital..."

The lyrics are very short, only four sentences, but it is really a very clear and gentle song. Anyone who hears it will feel an extremely deep feeling of nostalgia in their hearts.

They couldn't help but begin to miss their homeland, which had long since faded in their memories, and the warm palms of their parents' hands. It's like a tired traveler who has been wandering for a long time, facing a long-lost soft bed. There are rustling chaff pillows, washed white bedding, and a distant and hazy fragrance.

"...Climb the big tomb and look far away, chatting to soothe my worries." The bell rang loudly, and Liu Fuguang walked non-stop through the streets and alleys, "I am sad for the peace and happiness of the land in the state, but sad for the legacy of Jiang Jie..."

Yan Huan knew what his lover was going to do. He was no longer a human body, but turned into a slender little dragon that moved in the wind and mist, like a bright silk ribbon, wrapping around Liu Fuguang's sleeves, loyally protecting him. .

The concern and attachment to the homeland always flows in everyone's blood. This is an extremely powerful bond. It does not have to be a specific place name, it can be a house, a river, a period of time, or even one or several people. The citizens of Wuping may have died in endless reincarnations, but this bond firmly follows all sentient beings and will never be eliminated in vain.

The song is so sad and touches the hearts of living beings so compassionately. At dusk, there was a warm breeze floating in the sky, and there were as many light spots as dandelions. The entire Wancheng was immersed in the brilliance of the pearl. People walked out of their homes one after another and listened quietly to the songs describing their homeland.

Yan Huan gently opened one eye and stared at Liu Fuguang's unexpressed face, with his brows splayed out.

At this quiet moment, he suddenly thought of many things. He thought of the past days. Sometimes, Liu Fuguang read those obscure Taoist canons that were far beyond his cultivation level like a guessing game. For many days, Yan Huan had to find his exhausted and sleeping body on the stone steps and by the lake. He picked him up and put his arms around his shoulders. Every inch of his skin was burning as if it had touched lava. He was so painful that he felt panicked but refused to let go.

He thought of Liu Fuguang always reading storybooks written by mortals late at night, his long black hair falling down and brushing against the pages of the book, forming a shadow that made him unhappy. In fact, Liu Fuguang doesn't like hair that is too long. It is difficult to manage, easy to get messy, and it is as strong as the lush willow branches in spring. He had proposed many times that he should cut his long hair short, but Yan Huan did not want to witness this farce with his own eyes. At this time, he knew it was time to take action on his own. Liu Fuguang was immersed in reading, so he combed the other person's hair, pulled it up with a hairpin, and then put the disturbing hair into the temples. At first, he did it very clumsily, and his bun was a little crooked. Later, as he became more proficient, his bun became much smoother and neater.

I'll do anything for you, he thought, anything. Since killing, despicable, and bloody struggles are all what I am good at, but you don't like it, then I will give up these powers. If you want to save some people's lives, of course I can accompany you; if the situation of mortals will affect your happiness, then they can live until old age and death without illness or disaster; if you want to watch the colorful and ridiculous Flowers, I want to blow the wind by the water, I want to watch the "ten feet of mortal world" of the short-lived human race, I want to see those stupid children who have not yet developed their intelligence, running around shaking crude wooden toys - even if it is meaningless and noisy Harsh - Then I am willing to be by your side, even if I just sit silently and bask in the sun, not talking is fine.

In fact, there are many things I have not confessed to you: this feeling is still completely unfamiliar to me, and it makes me fragile, delicate and easily hurt. I need to know where you are at all times, whether you are safe, healthy, and happy, even though I know clearly that I am the source of all your suffering and pain. It drilled holes in the seams of my bones, making me itchy in pain, but there was nothing I could do. How terrible!

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