He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(509)

Therefore, when he cut out Liu Fuguang's heart several times, he really hoped that the other party could control everything about him. At this moment, his vitality was severely damaged and he lost another dragon heart, and it was really difficult to support him.

In an instant, Yan Huan lost consciousness.

The dragon's body could no longer maintain the posture of flying in the air. This huge giant was like a whale falling in the sea, wrapped in foam-like fire, falling aimlessly downwards. However, when it landed in the middle, the dragon body hovered strangely.

Like a puppet tied by invisible threads, it rises and rises again. At first, it shook its head and tail childishly, swinging uncomfortably in the sea of ​​light, as if it could not bear the high temperature of light and heat. After wandering like this for a while, it seemed to be more accustomed to it, and its flying form became more skillful. , then he left the blazing sun without hesitation, turned his head and tail, and flew away in another direction.

In the palace of Dongnum, Liu Fuguang was walking slowly in the palace, wearing his outer robe. As his health gets better and better, the time he can get out of bed and move around becomes longer and longer.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the faint morning sky. Liu Fuguang frowned for no reason.


Yan Huan slowly opened his eyes.

When his body gradually adapted to the light in this space, he was stunned.

At this time, he was facing a complicated and gorgeous mirror with steaming clouds and clouds.

This object is the most precious treasure of the immortal family, and is called the floating mirror. It is inlaid with seven gems on the outside and pearls and jade on the inside. The prosperity and beauty of the three thousand worlds are all reflected in the mirror. He remembered clearly that when he and Fuguang were newly married, he placed it above the bed on purpose to shake the Taoist monk's Taoist heart, which he had never met before.

The reason why he was stunned was obviously not because of an insignificant mirror, but because of the person sleeping beside him reflected in the mirror.


Yan Huan did not dare to turn his head. He only dared to stare at the mirror above and asked hesitantly and tremblingly.

Hearing his voice, the figure in the mirror moved slightly, turned half of his face that was flushed with sleep, and looked at him for a moment through the mirror.

Liu Fuguang chuckled, with a lazy nasal voice, and asked with a smile: "Why do you look at me like this, making me a fool?"

Yan Huan closed his eyes tightly. Even though he knew this was a false and unreal illusion, he was still heartbroken, his lips, tongue and teeth collided and trembled, unable to say a word.

"What's wrong with you?" There was a rustling sound of clothing rubbing against his ears. Liu Fuguang got up and pushed him worriedly, "Are you feeling unwell, or..."

Before he could finish asking, Yan Huan opened her arms and hugged him heavily to her chest.

Yan Huan smelled the breath in his hair, as clear as carefree clouds, his body temperature, pulsating pulse and heartbeat, healthy and strong body, and even the supremely good and extremely clean spiritual energy... Yan Huan said nothing. Fa, just holding him tightly, holding him as if there was no tomorrow, let alone a future.

"...Yan Huan?"

The person in his arms made a little confused sound. Yan Huan stared straight ahead with a dull expression. In his sight, the bed was like melting mist, the room was like scattered clouds and smoke, and the Dragon Palace was collapsing layer by layer. Like frost exposed to the sun, in the end, the surroundings were empty, leaving only a lonely and vast darkness.

"Yan Huan."

"Liu Fuguang" did not raise his head. In Yan Huan's airtight arms, he called him softly and gently.

In such pure silence and darkness, he still exudes a faint white light, like a sun that heats and shines by itself.

"Yan Huan," he said sadly, "What's wrong with you? Why did you destroy our nest? We live here, isn't it good?"

Yan Huan gritted his teeth and remained silent.

"Look, my injuries have completely healed. I have forgiven you and am willing to start over with you. We can continue to be husband and wife for the rest of our lives and Taoist companions for all our lives... Aren't you happy?"

As "Liu Fuguang" narrated, there really was a shining red thread, leading from his finger to Yan Huan's finger. After more than six thousand years, he felt the heartburn again. searing.

"...I am happy," Yan Huan took a deep breath, buried his fingers in "Liu Fuguang"'s hair, and suppressed his hoarse voice, "I am happy with a million, ten million happy. I...I am I really want to help Guang’s health get better, and I miss him and me


, to renew our alliance, I think our red line has not been broken, and he and I are still lovers named in the marriage book, but..."

He stopped and adjusted his breathing for a while, then continued: "...But, I don't want him to forgive me. For someone like me, I would really rather him hate me, hate me for the rest of his life, hate me so much that he It is best to drink my blood and chew my flesh. In this way, I will be first-class satisfied and infinitely happy."

The figure in his arms was silent, and Yan Huan whispered: "You are not him, you are just a shadow that looks very much like him...a shadow that comes from my heart. I should have killed you immediately, but you are so Like him, I don't want you to have a miserable life."

His arms hugged him tighter and tighter, and "Liu Fuguang" could no longer make any unnecessary sounds. It was like a cloud of dark dust, falling from his arms and scattering all over his lapel in an instant.

Facing the boundless darkness, Yan Huan raised his head.

"Come out, your tricks are of no use to me."

The silence lasted no more than a moment before he heard malicious laughter.

"Yan Huan, let me ask you, can Long Wuxin still live?"

The voice was familiar yet unfamiliar. Yan Huan's eyes were serious and he asked, "Even if the real dragon has no intention, why can't it live?"

The other party raised his voice and said: "Yes, True Dragon Wuxin is indeed alive, but... it won't be a happy life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Huan felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his nine half-blind eyes trembled sharply as his whole body melted. He spurted out a mouthful of blood mixed with fire slurry, and could no longer maintain his disguise. The handsome god's skin was like melted flesh and blood paint. After being scalded once, it turned into a pool of steaming liquid, which was flowing smoothly. It dripped down onto the broken tentacles and shrunken eyeballs, dripping all over the floor.

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