He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(436)

"It was your anger that ended the authority of the gods. I have nothing to complain about." Prometheus shrugged easily, "But for other gods, if they do nothing, they will die. Fighting for power year after year, watching helplessly as they are overthrown by their more powerful children - trapped in this miserable reincarnation, where will the end be worse than that of a mortal with a short lifespan? It is better to go to a new time and space, and seek new life there. Enlightenment of destiny.”

"What about the sun and moon, and the timing changes?"

Prometheus said: "There are new rules in place of God's control, and they will not be easily destroyed."

Xie Ning thought for a long time. Finally, he nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

At the moment when the gods left, Xie Ning closed the never-ending canvas and said goodbye to the gods of the past. He saw the sunset glowing like blood, the meteors falling from the sky to the ground, and rising from the earth to the sky. This lasted for seven days and seven nights. People marveled at such a miracle and left their homes one after another, walking into the endless wilderness to watch the magnificent and illusive scene.

Everyone thought that this showed a new glory, and that the greatest god should be born at the junction of heaven and earth. But Xie Ning knew in her heart that this was exactly the perfect scene before the end, a God's will that would never happen again.

The age of God is over.

After this, many years passed in the world.

Without the control of the gods, the sun, moon and stars gradually turned into rational and dead celestial bodies, only moving and rotating according to the rules, and the seasons rotated accordingly. Only the sea and land were a little more chaotic, because they found that the gods no longer responded to any calls from people. Many people believed that the desperate years had arrived, which triggered fierce wars.

Without the system of gods and the priesthood of "Witness and Narrator", Xie Ning is now just an immortal ordinary person. He was very troubled and asked Echidna: "What should I do now?"

Echidna spat out snake messages, wholeheartedly sharing his lover's troubles, and frankly suggested: "Shall I eat them all?"

Xie Ning looked at him expressionlessly, and after a while, she raised her hand and patted his head.

As time goes by, fortunately, ordinary people have a limited life span and there are too many things to remember in their lives. The issue of "whether gods really exist" has been no longer discussed by anyone after three to five hundred years. Human beings grew upright and barbaric on the earth. Countries rose and fell, ethnic groups migrated and settled. People of different skin colors spoke languages ​​with different accents, each with their own customs, preferences, hatreds and grudges.

"People change so fast!" Looking at the magic mirror, Echidena looked in it in surprise. Living underground in Sicily, he and Xie Ning would go out for a walk every hundred years, but the length of time has changed. It is difficult to define the efficiency of human change. "Look at them, they are as changeable as the clouds in the sky. They are close friends today, and they can become unrelenting enemies tomorrow; they are solid and gorgeous, and they have been created with the efforts of a million people." A palace can also be destroyed into ruins overnight. I know that since ancient times, creation has been more difficult than destruction, and the speed of destruction is far faster than creation. However, human beings have exaggeratedly magnified this nature. They Olympus There is a wonderful evil in gods and men, buried deep in their goodness.”

Xie Ning said: "That's just the way people are, and so am I."

Echidna sniffed the breath on his body. Too many years had flowed by like water, and Dolos was still the same young man riding on the clouds and fragrant breeze, gently floating to the top of his heart, without any change.

"You are who you are," he said. "You are not like anyone else."

Gradually, the course of human history gradually coincided with what Xie Ning remembered.

Emperor Mu of Zhou traveled around the country riding eight of the strongest horses in the world, feasting and singing with the Queen Mother of the West. Madam Maya from a small distant country passed by the Lumbini Garden and gave birth to the prince Siddhartha. In the future, he will be loved by more people. Called Sakyamuni; before being crucified on the cross, the son of the Virgin forgave the sins of all mankind. Hundreds of years later, the wise men from the East spread their cloths, sat on their bamboo baskets and sang, singing the arrogance that saints will never die and thieves will not stop; they followed. Following the iron hooves of the Mongolian army, the Black Death swept across the European continent. It was named after the Princess of Europe, and it also suffered the same misfortune and torture as her...

Humanities and art began to revive. After the son of Thetis passed away and the sea receded again and the land was revealed, humans once again opened up sea routes and called it a major geographical discovery. In the small and dark attic, the middle-aged man spread out many messy manuscripts and raised his head in a daze with shining eyes.

"The sun!" he trembled and whispered, "the sun...is the center of the universe!"

There is finally something new under the sun. The long span of evolution and change has condensed into a singularity with infinite tension in the short few hundred years of the development of the human world. The huge explosion of science and axioms is like the majestic fireworks that envelope the entire world, shining through the long night tens of thousands of years ago, mirroring the first spark ignited in the human world.

Xie Ning slept more and rarely went to areas where ordinary people lived. In the real time and space where gods no longer return, the underground palace in Sicily is more like a space beyond common sense, which makes the home where he and Echidena live cannot be discovered by anyone.

In order not to affect history, Xie Ning could only fall asleep as she was the butterfly that fanned the storm. Even when he wakes up briefly, he leans on Echidna in a daze and looks through the magic mirror to see what kind of drastic changes have taken place in the world.

"They invented steam-driven iron tools," Echidena looked at the mirror curiously, "and discovered how to use electricity!"

Xie Ning looked at it sleepily for a while, then felt a little more awake. He smiled slightly and said, "Let's wait a little longer, and I can go home."

With the arrival of the second millennium, "Xie Ning" was born.

The baby fell to the ground and let out a whimpering cry. Standing in the corridor of the hospital, standing in the constant flow of people, Xie Ning looked at the small ward and the young family with a silence of joy and shock. people

"You all listen to me!" The old man with gray hair and a strong body stood up, "Shui Mu Ninghui belongs to the Xie family... Well, Xie Ning! Xie Ning is a good name, so I'll call her Xie Ning!"

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