He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(179)

The author has something to say:

Unknown eyes: *Slow, accented, full of majesty* Mortal, I order you to quickly exit this world that does not belong to you, disappear, disappear...

Yu Mengzhou: *draws out a huge weapon, threatening to break every eyeball of it*

Unknown eyes: *Speaking immediately sped up as fast as the wind* Because you will make us very unlucky. We will be hit by vases when we walk on the road. You shouldn't come here and disappear. Disappear. Don't hit me...

Demon War Horse: *All of them burst open the door, pretending not to see Yu Mengzhou without clothes* There is an intruder, where is it! *Then he saw that the intruder actually had so many pairs of eyes that could be used for peeping. He was very angry and immediately rushed up and stamped on him with his horse's hooves*

Unknown eyes: *ran away immediately, shed tears with the remaining eyes, and cried*

Chapter 79 Dark Sky Reserve (14)

The horse hoof is a delicately structured part, with tendons and ligaments connecting the hoof bones, hoof pads and hoof joints. Compared with the hard hoof wall and hoof sole, the inner structure requires extra careful attention.

Yu Mengzhou could knock out the outer copper nails and pull them out, but he felt powerless when faced with the nails that were already embedded deep in the hoof bones.

Although the cataclysmic hoof crusher has a terrifying shape, the core supporting it only has a long and thick beam. As long as it can be unscrewed, it is basically half the battle. However, these torture instruments distributed on the ether's hooves are all independent individuals. Catastrophe may only have to endure the piercing pain once, but the ether has to endure it many times.

Yu Mengzhou sighed countless times, fortunately they were all demon horses and could withstand such fatal torture...

"Aether?" Yu Mengzhou suddenly thought, "Have you ever, I mean, you were all born from the magma in the core of the earth, and you can control flames, right? Have you ever tried to melt these nails?"

"We have tried," Eita said dullly, "We have tried every method you can think of, but once the cursed nails are driven in, unless their owners are willing to give up, there is no way to break free with external force."

Yu Mengzhou nodded and pried off the cursed nails on its hooves one by one.

Ha, he is becoming more and more proficient in dealing with cursed nails. According to the custom of hell, he should be given a title like "Conqueror of Cursed Nails", right?

"Try again now?" he asked, "these remaining nails are all driven into your bones. You touch...oh you can't touch them. Anyway, I feel them growing dead. You can burn them." Maybe we can burn them?”

Aether hesitated for a moment: "Then you get out of the way."

Yu Mengzhou stood far away as he was told, and a white-gold fire instantly ignited on one of Ether's front hooves. Its temperature was so high that it even caused the surrounding flowers and trees to scorch and shrink, and the moist land quickly dried and cracked.

The copper nails made an unbearable, squeaky melting sound. With sharp eyes, Yu Mengzhou could see signs of softening in them at once.

"Okay, okay! It works!"

The fire gradually extinguished. He braved the afterglow of the billowing heat wave and rushed forward with his pliers like a firefighter charging. It was like holding an easy-to-shape jellybean. Yu Mengzhou pulled the red-hot copper nail. With just a little force, it was convenient. Pulled it out.

"That's right," Yu Mengzhou was overjoyed, "This trick works!"

Ether swung his tail and was very energetic. Yu Mengzhou opened his hoof and took a closer look, and found that after removing the magic circle composed of copper nails, a circle of dense holes remained on it, still in the shape of the magic circle.

However, this is much easier to handle. He took out the hoof knife and went over the hoof surface cleanly and thoroughly, smoothing out all the holes caused by the torture instruments until the clean cuticle underneath was exposed. Then he scraped out two brand new hoof forks, and finally, he used the hoof scissors to The pliers trim the shape of the hoof tip and create a non-sharp arc, which can make the horse's hoof lift off the ground easier and faster.

Following the same pattern, he and Ether divided the work and quickly finished the remaining three hooves.

The chlortetracycline ointment has long been used up, and the medicine the magic horses found for him is a green translucent ointment. Yu Mengzhou tried to rub it on his hand, and it felt very refreshing. It should be a good medicine that could not be missed, so he squeezed a lot of it into the wound without hesitation, and then wrapped it with thin gauze cut into strips - in the palace There were such fairy-like white gauze floating everywhere, and Yu Mengzhou was really happy to see them. Now, there are expensive replacement bandages!

"In the past two days, the wound must not be exposed to water, and you must not..." While bandaging, he habitually instructed the demon horse. Before he could finish speaking, Aether answered: "You can't run or jump either, so as not to damage the wound. Good for healing, right?”

Yu Mengzhou smiled: "Yes, you are right."

After being released from the shackles that had lasted for thousands of years, the bad-tempered and bad-mouthed demon horse immediately moved into his arms and rubbed his chest and cheeks gratefully. Yu Mengzhou couldn't bear such strong force, so he smiled and sat back on the stone bench, stroking its big head.

The fur of the demon horse is like fine fine satin, which is tight and fine. If they had not endured so many inhumane tortures, when they run under the light, they should be rolling with waves, shining like ocean waves.

"Can you not leave?" Yi Tai lay down and put his head on his knees, tilting his head and looking at Yu Mengzhou with one big eye. After extinguishing the flames, the demon horse's red eyes actually looked a little watery, "Just stay here... stay with us, okay?"

"Me?" Yu Mengzhou laughed dumbly, "How can I stay? This is not my world."

"Isn't it good here?" Aether breathed hot air, "The Demon Realm is not a world for ordinary people, but it has everything you need. You can have whatever you want. Look at the palace here. If you think it is not suitable for your needs, then There must be a more perfect residence than this! All your desires can be realized here... Why do you still want to leave?"

Yu Mengzhou sighed, not knowing what to say.

"Look, you also said that my world is a mortal world." He stroked the demon horse's forehead and mane, "That's the problem. For me, time is an uncrossable gap. People's birth, old age, illness and death, The distance is only a hundred years, but to you, a hundred years is just the blink of an eye."

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