He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(142)

Ugo, the god of the sky, sighed sadly: "Mother Goddess, what is this for?"

——That is a Saga, a Saga that cannot even be described with the shallow word "huge". Every part and every movement of him is majestic and vast that mortals cannot understand. Apart from his painful roar, there is no other sound in the world.

Whether on Earth or here, sea otters have a habit of choosing a smooth stone they like, using it as a dining table, then placing the shells they find on it, then lifting the stone to smash it.

At this moment, Kaleva continent can be said to be Sakya's "dining table". Although there is nothing on it and there is nothing he wants, he only needs to lower his arms and the whole piece of land is as rootless as duckweed. , can be smashed into three pieces by him!

"Negotiate, go talk to him!" The Earth Goddess struggled hoarsely, trying to arouse a trace of sympathy from Saga, "Lord of the Ice Sea, I beg you for mercy! Didn't I give my monsters to your command? Didn't we? I have kept my promise and have never disturbed your peace from then on! We don’t know what we did wrong, I beg you for mercy, I beg you!”

"Give him back to me..." Every word that came out of Sakya's mouth was like a hundred thousand thunders roaring in unison, "Give him back to me!"

"Then give it back to him!" the Earth Goddess roared hysterically, "Whoever took it from him, give it back to him, give it back to him immediately!"

In the middle of this chaos, the wind spirit who couldn't bear the pain of burning finally screamed and told the answer——

"Lord Luo Xi!" it shouted, "It's Lord Luo Xi who snatched a human from that island!"


In the Storm Palace, Yunchi was still looking around.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m homesick. Although the shrine is beautiful and carefully crafted, it’s just like that after seeing it too much. No matter how amazing the artwork is, it can’t compare to the simple furnishings in the strange house, because It was a home he selected with his own hands and decorated with Sakya.

Here, there is no difference between day and night, only a specific moment that continues to exist here for a long time. At this time, the sun was setting outside the shrine, and the sunset glow was like the remains of a burning fire, covering the sky sadly.

According to Yunchi's biological clock, this glow has lasted for more than seventy-two hours, and at least three days and three nights have passed in the outside world - unless the time flow rate in the shrine is different from the outside world.

Luo Xi went out for something, but unfortunately, the attendant he left behind still followed Yunchi loyally, refusing to relax even a step. In the past period, it was not that there were no gods' favored ones who came to trouble him, but they were all pushed to the side by Yunchi one by one.

"If you don't want me to be an eyesore here and attract all the attention of your God Lord, then you can point me to a clear way out of here. We will not offend the river." Yunchi squatted down and watched the person being beaten by him. The favored one lying down asked softly, "How is it? My request is reasonable."

"...Even if you say that right now, sooner or later you will change your mind." The God's Favorite held it in for a long time, uttered these words, got up and ran away.

I will change your head.

Yunchi stared at the other person's swiftly running back inexplicably, feeling very angry.

No matter what, wherever he went, the guards behind him would follow him. Yunchi was very irritated, but he couldn't think of a way to get rid of them for a while.

Along the long corridor of gold and ruby, Yunchi turned left and right, and his vision suddenly became clear, and a thick door that was different from the gorgeous style of the shrine appeared in front of him.

According to Yunchi's eyes, this palace is beautiful, but it is too exquisite and luxurious, which makes people tired of looking at it. However, this door is completely different. The bronze relief is ancient and simple, interspersed with pure silver. The craftsmen use unparalleled skills to depict the world's experiences on it. The wind spirit wanders through forests, mountains, rivers, seas, and also passes through the mundane world. All the stories of joys and sorrows, life and death, are condensed in the door panels, accepting the test of time.

Yunchi walked over involuntarily: "What is this place?"

The guard behind him hesitated for a moment, then thought it was okay to answer, so he whispered: "This is the palace where the divine calendar is stored."

Divine calendar?

Yunchi became interested.

"I want to go in and take a look," he said. "Can you let me in here?"

The guard didn't answer immediately, so Yunchi said to himself: "I'll just treat it as letting me in."

In order to impress Yunchi and show his strength and power, Luo Xi did issue an order to allow Yunchi to enter any corner of the palace, so the guards must fulfill Yunchi's wish and open the door for him.

The bronze door made a heavy muffled sound, and a crack opened for people to pass through. Yunchi walked over and saw that the thickness of the door was nearly ten meters. If it were suddenly closed, it could completely crush the group of people walking inside into pulp.

The craftsmanship of the Age of Gods is truly unmatched by human power...

He entered the inner room and saw tens of thousands of dotted lights swaying on the candlesticks, like a dim sea of ​​stars, illuminating the towering giant mural behind it. The murals carefully depict the detailed process of Luo Xi's rule in the domain as the god of storms. Thousands of painters were rising and falling in the clouds, working day and night, until a line of pure gold paint splashed out on the ground near the mural.

Looking closer, Yunchi could actually see himself in the content of their paintings - Luo Xi, wearing a feather crown, snatched a young man wearing white clothes and a gold seal on his ear from an island with vague terrain. Against the strong wind, he was rushing towards his own shrine with the spoils of war...

"This is actually real-time painting?" Yunchi asked in disbelief.

"Yes, the divine calendar records the history of the gods, and naturally it must be synchronized with the actions of the gods." A woman with rolled up cuffs came next to him, covered in gold paint and silver powder, with her long hair tied neatly, "I am Luo Lord Xi’s royal painter, are you his bride?”

"Whatever you say, I'm not the one anyway." Yunchi looked around. In Sakya's treasure house, he also saw such murals on the wall, but they were all about important events, not something like this. An exhaustive account.

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