Harry Potter’s Strongest Senior

Chapter 331 Home was stolen

"Is your group okay?" Sean asked. "It's not bad. Although I met other groups on the way, I avoided them without any conflict. I just don't know which evil person set up a trap." Joseph described how he was deceived by fake wood. It sounded like It was not harmful, but seemed like a prank. "Is it Leno?" Cedric felt embarrassed in Leno's hands and naturally thought of him. Sean couldn't deny it, "It could be someone else." "The foundation of Leno is near the green timber point, about one kilometer from here." Joseph said. "It's really lucky that your group didn't get into trouble," Penello said. Then the two groups exchanged information about the wood points. Sean's group's order was red, blue, purple, orange, green, indigo, yellow, and Joseph's group was green, orange, yellow, red, purple, blue, indigo. . "Great, our fourth layer is red. With the wood points you provided, it will be completed soon." Joseph said happily. "I really didn't expect red to be so close to our group." Sissi Aibo said at the side. I don't know whether their group was lucky or not. Although they didn't encounter any conflicts, the progress of finding wood was really slow. Sean's orange on the fourth level. He also obtained wood points from Joseph. He originally planned to act as a group, but now the plan has changed. "Cedric, you need to act alone." Sean took out the Firebolt he had just captured. Compared to Harry, although their Quidditch skills were similar, Cedric was older and had better mental quality than Harry. Better too. "Well, I'll be careful. I won't pay attention to anyone I see this time." Cedric said. "Here's this for you, come and get it." Sean also cast an invisibility spell on a piece of white cloth so that Cedric could hide when he was transporting the wood blocks. Cedric, who was in the invisible state, took the invisible white cloth from Sean's hand. Joseph looked at it and asked in surprise, "Do you have so much magic power?" "Basic operation, no need to make a fuss." Sean said and handed Joseph a magic power recovery potion. Joseph recognized the blue potion in the ampoule, opened his mouth and asked doubtfully, "Isn't this a violation?" "Don't worry, there are so many surveillance crystals here, they have seen me use it a long time ago. If it is a violation, I can still Are you here?" Sean explained. Sean did not shy away from it. When he discovered that the forest was full of surveillance cameras, he deliberately drank the first magic recovery potion in front of a surveillance crystal. Cedric went to the orange wood point alone, and Sean and the four were ready to explore farther west. Now, except for purple, the locations of the other six colors were known, and they seemed to be in order. There are indigo, red, and blue to the east, yellow in the middle, orange and green to the west, and the remaining purple is most likely in the far west. Cedric's Firebolt flew very fast. One person could move much faster than Sean and four others. It flew towards the orange wood point for about a minute. "Joseph didn't say that the foundation of the Furong group is here." Cedric saw the members of the Furong group putting up the fourth layer of green wooden blocks. It’s not that Joseph didn’t tell them, but their team never discovered that there was a foundation near the orange wood point. Cedric didn't look much and avoided flying away. Sean had told him to just transport the orange wood back to the foundation on this trip and not to worry about anything else. Sean flew with the three invisible men for a while, and saw the foundation of the Leno Group that Joseph mentioned. "This cunning Lenno is disguised so well." Sean looked through the lush branches. He had seen Krum and Joseph's foundations, as well as their own. Although there were trees blocking the foundations, they were certainly not as dense as those in Leno. Lenno used a transformation spell to plant several large trees next to the foundation. The wooden structures were completely covered with dense occupations. You would definitely miss this place if you didn't look carefully. "Sean, their fourth floor is purple!" Chris whispered. The Leno group has completed the construction of the fourth floor, and two pieces of the fifth floor of Indigo have also been put up. "Indigo, it's near our foundation. Will they find our foundation?" Penello asked worriedly. Sean said calmly, "This is inevitable. Look, we also discovered their foundations. It seems that there are wood points near the foundations of each group, so it is inevitable that the foundations will be discovered by other groups." Harry said , "Isn't there an invisibility spell cast by Sean on our foundation? It shouldn't be discovered." Sean shook his head. He knew that a skilled wizard would not be fooled by the invisibility spell. An experienced wizard could even detect the incongruity in front of his eyes. Discover the existence of the invisibility spell. "I can't guarantee this 100%. I hope you won't be so unlucky." "Can we just move their purple wood blocks away?" Penello said. Sean opened his magic eyes, looked around, and then said, "It was delivered to your door, of course you have to move it." Except for a few large trees transformed by the transformation spell, there were no other traps beside the foundation, and the team members had not yet return. The four people, one person at a time, fled the scene of the crime as quickly as possible. When Leno returned to the foundation, he found that all the wooden blocks that were finally erected collapsed. The wooden blocks were scattered on the ground, and the fourth layer of purple ones was gone. "Don't let me know who it is!" Leno gritted his teeth and said angrily. At this moment, Durmstrang's Grimm brothers appeared in Lenno's field of vision riding on a broom. "Don't get me wrong." Dusana saw Leno's hostile face and said quickly, "We know who stole your home." "Who?" Leno asked with a frown. "Shaun Grylls of Hogwarts." Watson said from behind Dusana. "How do I know if you are provoking me? Maybe it was your people who did it?!" Leno warned.

"You must have discovered our foundation, right near the purple wood. Do you think we have to go to such great lengths to send people to snatch it from you?" Dusana said. Leno indeed discovered the foundation of the Grimm Brothers early. Although they had not yet built the purple color, there was no need to come out to grab it. The purple wood was the closest wood point to the Grimm Brothers. The foundations of him and the Brothers Grimm are so close that even if they want to make some moves, they have to endure it. "Let me tell you another piece of news. What is the name of your team member?" Dusana forgot his name for a moment. Watson answered, "Jesse, he was knocked unconscious by Sean Grylls, probably near the red wood." "Okay, Sean Grylls, he's starting to take revenge, right?" Nuo's eyes seemed to be on fire. "Sneeze." Sean sneezed. The four of them have returned to the foundation. Fortunately, no one has come to cause damage. "The third floor is completed, and Cedric also brought back a piece of orange." In the auditorium outside the Black Lake, Fred looked at the scene in mid-air and said, "Sean has offended both families now." "He There should be a plan, right?" George said. The audience thought it was too reckless that Shawn was the one who attacked Krum's foundation and now robbed Rhyno. "Leave the orange to Cedric, and we'll transport the green on the fifth floor." Sean said. At this time, there is one hour left. If everything goes well, the remaining four floors can be built in half an hour. ----------------------------------Wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival~~

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