Harry Potter’s Strongest Senior

Chapter 267 Guidance Compass

【Harry Potter: The Strongest Senior】 【】

Two days ago, Chipem followed his teammates and smuggled themselves to the rocks near Alcatraz through the black market.

The twelve people in the team are all wizards from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is an extremely wealthy country in the Muggle world.

However, the level of their wizarding world is very average. After all, wizards do not engage in the oil economy.

If they give up their identity as wizards and are willing to live in Muggle society, then they can earn a lot of dollars and live a luxurious life.

But almost no wizards will live with Muggle society. Even if they are poor, they have to be poor as wizards.

However, even in the wizarding world, no one wants to be poor, and neither does Chipem.

Introduced by his friends, he got the opportunity to join this poaching team.

The goal of Chipem's team is the snake-head fruit. It is said that wealth can be found in danger. As long as they can pick two or three snake-head fruits, all of them will not have to worry about money for the rest of their lives.

But the reality is cruel. How many senior poachers died on Alcatraz Island, and the Ministry of Magic sacrificed a large number of team members in exchange for a safe route.

There were 12 people in his team, and within two days, he might be the only one left.

"When we landed on the island, we were divided into two teams. The captain and deputy captain each wore a compass." Chippem described the important prop to Dumbledore.

"We divided the two landing points on the island. The connection between the two teams depends on the compass. There are five pointers, four color areas and four numbers on the compass."

"The longest pointers of the two compasses are attracted to each other, so our two teams can know each other's movements. The short pointer in the middle is black and white. The black one is the captain's team, and the white one is my team. These two The root pointer represents the level of danger.”

"There are four color zones, blue is safe, orange is dangerous, purple is very dangerous, and red is extremely dangerous."

"The two shortest hands are also black and white, representing harvest. There are four numbers. 12 means no harvest, 3 means slightly valuable, 6 means a lot of harvest, and 9 means snake head fruit."

After describing the function of the compass, Chippem continued, "After we logged in, the needle was in the blue area for the first half hour, and then it stayed in the red area."

"Before meeting Chimeramon, the vice-captain said that the shortest black pointer stopped at 9. You should know what this means."

Dumbledore and the other three naturally understood. Old Deng said, "Your captain's team found the snake head fruit."

"In which direction are the snakeheads located?" Snape asked with a cold face.

"Say it quickly." Constantine was excited when he heard the hope.

Chipem said impatiently, "I said, the compass can guide each other. Now the compass and the deputy captain have been eaten by the Chimera beast. If you want the compass, kill the Chimera beast. I just want to leave here. "Alcatraz."

Chipem's five teammates were either eaten by man-eating plants, poisoned by poisonous insects, or torn apart by ferocious beasts.

Although he had been mentally prepared before landing on the island, he watched his teammates die one by one, suffered a nervous breakdown, and was so frightened that he wanted to escape.

He didn't want to die, but he didn't have the courage to go back the way he came, because the way he came was also full of dangers, so he could only hide in a tree hole that was relatively safe for the time being.

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【Harry Potter: The Strongest Senior】 【】

He originally wanted to fly straight out of the island, but when he entered the layer of fog that shrouded Alcatraz Island, his broom suddenly failed. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have almost died.

To get out of Alcatraz, you can only walk out. As long as your feet leave the ground, the fog will have a mysterious power to make you fall.

"I told you what you want, you have to take me away safely." Chippem put forward his conditions.

Dumbledore is a man who keeps his promises. He nodded and said, "I promised you that I will definitely fulfill my promise, but I have to wait until I find the snake head fruit."

"No, no, now, I want to leave now. I will never die with you." Chipem said in a panic.

If they want to get the compass, they have to find the Chimaira beast. In Chipem's opinion, this is a certain death. He has never seen such a powerful creature.

"How did you come to the island? Did you get the door key from the black market middleman? Give me the door key, give it to me!" Chipem's mind was spinning fast. Although he was nervous, his thoughts were still clear.

Snape stared at Chippem impatiently, as if he couldn't help but hit him the next second.

"Professor, there is no need to listen to him. We will take him with us when we return."

Dumbledore moved his lips and said, "Severus, take him out of the island first, and then find a middleman to get the door key back."

Dumbledore took out the elephant wood carving from the space extension bag. Although it was a two-way door key, it also had limitations. After Snape returned, the elephant wood carving would be useless and he could only get a new door key.

"Professor." Snape wanted to say something more, but Dumbledore stopped him.

"Go, go back quickly, and be careful on the road."

Snape reluctantly turned to Chippem and said, "Let's go."

Based on Dumbledore's direction prompts a few minutes ago, the three Seans are rushing to join him. They will join forces to deal with the powerful Chimaira.

Chimeras are dangerous magical creatures of the same fifth level as poisonous leopards and manticores and manticores.

The Chimera is native to Greece. It has the head of a lion, the body of a sheep and the tail of a fire dragon. The Chimera is evil in nature and bloodthirsty, making it an extremely dangerous animal.

There is only one known case in which a sorcerer ever succeeded in slaying a Chimera. The unfortunate sorcerer then died from exhaustion due to excessive exertion, and the dust fell from the pegasus at his crotch. Chimera eggs are classified as Class A non-tradable goods.

Flying high above the tree canopy, luckily no more flying animals were encountered, and Sean and the three of them reunited with Dumbledore safely.

"Where is Professor Snape?" After Sean landed, he found that Dumbledore was missing someone.

"I asked him to send the survivor away first, and he will come back to pick us up." Dumbledore said.

Constantine stepped forward and asked Newt, "Mr. Scamander, do you have any good ideas for dealing with the Chimera?"

Newt said bluntly, "No."

"Shit, then we have to fight hard." Constantine cursed.

"There will definitely be casualties if the few of us fight against Chimeramon," Newt said.

Although this statement is a bit demoralizing, it is also true. Chimera beasts and fire dragons belong to the same level. To hunt fire dragons, there will be a professional hunting team with at least 10 people.

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【Harry Potter: The Strongest Senior】 【】

There are five of them now, and Dumbledore may be as strong as ten, but in Newt's eyes, Sean's strength is just that of a student, an excellent student at best, and he is the one who is most likely to be here.

"What can I do? I don't have much time!" Constantine said impatiently.

Newt thought for a moment and said, "Dumbledore, when did the survivor lobbyist Myra attack them?"

"About four hours ago."

"In four hours, I have a way to get the compass without everyone taking risks," Newt said.

The other four stared at Newt, but Newt didn't show off and immediately gave the answer.

"Wait until he poops."

Constantine disagreed and said, "How long will it take? How do we know when it poops?"

"I can give it diarrhea."

"Good guy, he simplifies the complex and is worthy of being a zoologist." Even Sean was thinking about what violent means to use to defeat the Chimaira beast, and ignored such small details.

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