Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 457 Quidditch Selection

"Harry! Mike! What are you two doing? Let me go! I'm going back to writing my paper!"

Hermione struggled as she screamed.

However, this is all useless. After a long period of exercise and the nutritional supplements given by Sirius, Harry's height has gradually surpassed Hermione, not to mention Mike, under the support of these two big men. Hermione's feet were off the ground in an instant, and the so-called struggle could only be a pointless kick.

"Come on Hermione, forget about those damn papers, what you need now is relaxation. Besides, it's Ron's Quidditch tryout day, so you should really take a look."

"Don't bullshit Harry! I really have things to do!" Hermione kept begging, but Harry was unmoved, and in desperation, Hermione turned the target to Mike and said, "Mike! Don't talk to me! Harry doing such a childish thing, put me down!"

"Sorry," Mike raised an eyebrow at Hermione, "I'm on Harry's side this time, you really need to relax."

After saying that, Mike and Harry smiled at each other, and then continued to walk out of the castle with Hermione on.

Hermione, a girl, was naturally less stubborn than Harry and Mike, so after struggling for a while, she finally gave in and asked Harry and Mike to put her down and let her go.

There's nothing to do otherwise, the three of them are about to leave the castle, and if those girls see her being carried away by two boys, rumors will definitely be flying when they go back.

Mike and Harry naturally agreed to this request, they put Hermione down neatly, and pretended to take over the heavy stack of books in Hermione's hand with good intentions.

In this way, as long as the textbooks are still in their hands, even if Hermione runs away halfway, there is no way to go back to do homework!

Hermione was naturally aware of their caution, she rolled her eyes but said nothing, and continued to follow the two of them towards the Quidditch pitch.

She was indeed a little too busy during this time, and even because of the lack of sleep time, the acne on her face began to break out.

She really misses the time twister at the moment!

When the three of them came to the Quidditch training ground, the place was already full of people. Although this was only the selection of Gryffindor Quidditch players, almost all the school team members from the academy also came, except for those who were purely watching the fun. got here.

They came to investigate the enemy,

Harry knew this very well.

He placed Mike and Hermione in the stands, before putting on a Quidditch suit.

On the field, dozens of players of different ages were already waiting for him.

Among them, there are only five or six official Gryffindor players, which is a good difference, because only their protective gear is fitted, and the Quidditch protective gear of the rest of the students is mostly tattered and crooked.

Although Mike himself is not interested in Quidditch, it can be seen from the number of candidates who do so, Quidditch is really popular at Hogwarts.

Of course, Mike believes that many of them don't really like Quidditch that much, they just simply want to join the Gryffindor school team.

This is easy to understand.

You must know that in the loose education schools with club culture like the United States and the United States, the members of the sports club are always superior and the most popular.

For example, the school football players and basketball players of the United States, the school football players of the United States, the kendo club and baseball team members of Neon.

These people will always belong to the top of the class within the students, so you may not understand.

Let’s make an analogy then.

As long as you are an official member of these sports clubs, and you are not ugly, then congratulations, as long as you want, you will never lack a girlfriend.

The same goes for Hogwarts.

The regular members of the Quidditch school team are also some of the most popular in their respective houses.

Like Ravenclaw's Autumn Zhang.

Do you think she's called Ravenclaw's Pearl simply because of her exotic face?

No, that's only part of the reason.

Most importantly, she became a Seeker for the Ravenclaw varsity team.

Thinking of this, Mike shook his head with a smile, and drew his gaze back to Hermione beside him.

Their task today was to let Hermione relax, which he hadn't forgotten.

It's just that Hermione's state didn't look very good. Her legs were tightly folded together, her hands were clasped together, and her body was involuntarily leaning away from Mike.

This is typical nervousness.

Mike decided not to be silent anymore, he opened his mouth and said:

"This is Harry's first rookie selection since he became Quidditch captain. Do you think he can recruit players that satisfy him?"

"Ah? Ah! Of course, Harry's standards are so low that he even wants to admit Ron directly."

Hermione was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Mike was talking to her, speaking very fast.

"Oh? Then Ron should be very happy. I remember he always wanted to join the school team. This time he finally got his wish."

"No, Ron rejected Harry's offer, he decided to do it on his own."


Mike raised his eyebrows in surprise. To be honest, Ron's operation did surprise him, because Ron was not the kind of guy who didn't want to go through the back door.

Hermione was clearly interested in the topic too, she gushed to Mike about how Harry helped Ron train, and Mike listened quietly, smiling and echoing from time to time.

He had no interest in these things, just chatting with Hermione.

But thanks to Ron, the atmosphere between Mike and Hermione gradually became hot, and a smile began to appear on Hermione's face.

At this time, the selection of newcomers for the Gryffindor school team on the field also began.

Harry divided all the subjects into groups and had them fly around the field in small groups on broomsticks.

Mike had to admit it was a brilliant idea, because not long after takeoff, several students who seemed to be very young fell off their brooms, and thanks to Harry they stayed below and didn't fall. Seriously injured.

Seeing this, Mike couldn't help shaking his head. These people were obviously joining in the fun. Mike would bet that these people didn't even take Mrs. Hodge's flying lessons well.

The situation in the latter groups was also very bad. Except for those who came to join in the fun, there were even those who came to make trouble.

Just like the ones who are leaving now, the yellow bow ties around their necks have revealed their Hufflepuff identities.

And there are many people who pretended to participate in the Gryffindor newcomer selection like them, and Mike even saw Ravenclaw students inside.

He almost instinctively looked in the direction of the Ravenclaw stand, where a group of Ravenclaw players headed by Franklin were looking at the field with a smirk. Who was the culprit of all this was no longer said. And metaphor.

At the beginning of the selection, Harry still maintained restraint, and he politely asked those unqualified positions, but after encountering various strange things one after another, a good-natured person like Harry was completely irritated.

He roared and cursed at the non-Gryffindor newcomers so loud that even Mike could hear them.

It's just that obviously those people didn't take Harry seriously for a while, and they left the stadium jokingly.

"It's not easy being a good Quidditch captain, is it?"

Hermione sighed.

"It's really not easy, but Harry's doing pretty well so far." Mike nodded, "At least his selection method is very correct, if he chooses a non-Gryffindor player to become the school in the end. Team members, that would be a real shame."

"Do you really think so? I mean Harry's selection is good!"

Hermione's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and Mike nodded inexplicably.

"That's what I came up with!"

Seeing Hermione raising her head and looking like she was about to compliment me, Mike also smiled slightly and offered his compliments unceremoniously.

This made Hermione even happier, and the two had a great conversation, laughing and scolding while watching Harry and the others who were busy in the audience, no longer as awkward as before.

But at this moment, a scene on the field attracted the attention of the two.

I saw a complaining boy with thick blond hair riding a broomstick, circling over the stands, constantly greeting the audience.

When he got closer, Mike realized that this was a pretty handsome boy. He had a fairly handsome face, and at the moment, that face was brimming with a bright smile, giving people a very sunny feeling.

This is the type that is very popular with girls in normal schools.

Mike made a decision without hesitation.

The boy obviously knew this too, so he was a little puffed up.

He flew around the field, blowing kisses to the girls in the stands.

"Ladies! Will be the new Gryffindor goalie today, can you give me your contact details after the game?"

The boy was really popular with the girls, and his actions and words were greeted with cheers from the girls in the stands, and some girls in the lower grades were so excited that they almost fainted.

Later, he even flew to Hermione to show off, but after seeing Mike sitting next to Hermione, the expression on his face changed suddenly, and then he left at a faster speed than when he came. The stand here.

Seeing this, Mike snorted coldly, the boy was quite acquainted.

"Heh! Cormac McLaggen, a seventh-year Gryffindor and a member of Professor Slughorn's Slug Club."

Hermione introduced Mike with a sneer.

"What?" Mike asked. "You don't like him?"

"Everyone who knows his true face doesn't like him!" Hermione curled her lips in disgust, "He cheated a lot of girls on the basis of his handsome looks and money, and he is a famous flower at Hogwarts. Son, scumbag!"

Mike's eyebrows twitched, he really didn't know about it.

Hermione said with some worry:

"But he is very good at Quidditch, and this time he is the goalkeeper for the election. I am afraid it will be difficult to have him in Ron."

Just as he was talking, the selection of Quidditch goalkeepers for the Gryffindor school team finally began.

Harry frowned and loudly ordered Cormack to return to his place, and it could be seen that he didn't have a good impression of this Cormack either.

It's just that the other party obviously didn't care. He made an emergency stop and floated in front of the three circular door frames, which caused a burst of cheers from the girls in the stands.

Cormack shook his bangs proudly, and hooked his fingers at Harry and the others below.

The official players couldn't bear it anymore, they all took off and came to the opposite side of Cormac, the Quaffle was constantly being turned upside down in their hands.

Suddenly, the official team members moved.

They interspersed quickly in the air, doing complex tactical moves, and the Quaffle was also passing quickly between them. The passing speed was so fast that the Quaffle almost turned into an afterimage.

These official players obviously showed their real skills, but it was not difficult for Cormack, his eyes were locked on the Quaffle, and his hands wearing heavy gloves were raised, always vigilant.

Finally, with a loud shout, the Quaffle was beaten out by a boy.

But Cormack, who was in front of the door frame, moved and accurately held the Quaffle in his arms.

It doesn't mean anything, there was a burst of cheers from the stands again.

And Mike nodded slightly, this Cormic is still a bit strong.

After some fan interaction, the Quaffle is back in the hands of the batsmen. The goalkeeper's test is simple. These batsmen will shoot ten balls. The one who refuses the most will be the new Gryffindor. official goalkeeper.

And Cormack has already blocked the ball!

Hermione's brows were tightly furrowed together. If Cormack was allowed to continue, then Ron would basically not be able to enter the Gryffindor school team, because Ron's best result in training was to reject five. Just a shot.

Thinking so, Hermione quietly took out her wand.

The test on the field is still in full swing. In a short period of time, Cormic has blocked a full three Quaffles, but only one has been scored.

The other goalkeepers waiting off the field were desperate, especially Ron, who lowered his head and had tears in his red eyes.

But the next moment, there were boos from the stands.

Ron raised his head sharply, and saw Cormack floating in the air with a big mouth and a dull face, while the batters opposite him cheered.

For a moment Ron didn't understand what was going on, but soon he understood why.

Because the next round of Quaffles is here again.

I saw that Cormac seemed to be drunk, and stumbled towards the opposite direction of the incoming ball!


The ball is in again!

Ron's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and at this moment, he felt that he could do it again!

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